Michele De Virgilio

Michele De Virgilio


Michele De Virgilio


Los despiadados
Avvocato Giovanni Bova
En unos pocos años se transformará en un pequeño líder delincuente de una pandilla concida. Sus tiendas son sucias, sanguinolentas y muy rentables. Se trata de hurto, tráfico de drogas, secuestro, lavado de dinero y asesinatos por contrato. El Santurrón desea riqueza y reconocimiento social. Él desea familia y pasión. Su esposa es sumisa, Su amante es muy elegante. ¿Va a decidir el Beato o bien se sostendrá desgarrado?
Basta un paio di baffi
Il Direttore di Banca
A broke mechanic turns a bank loan denial into an impromptu robbery that puts him on the run with his best friend and a starlet they hold hostage.
Renata Fonte - Una Donna Contro Tutti
Non c'è campo
Prevented from using mobile phones due to the non-existent reception of the location, a school trip to a rural town becomes a life-changing experience of friendship and love for a group of Italian kids and their teacher.
¡Mi bonita familia italiana!
Santo Pitagora
El italiano Paolo Sanseviero lleva 20 años viviendo en Alemania, donde su trabajo como profesor en la universidad le tiene absorbido hasta tal punto que su esposa Martina está a punto de dejarle. Entonces, recibe una llamada de su hermano Antonio pidiéndole que regrese a casa: su madre se está muriendo. Por primera vez desde que se marchara, Paolo vuelve a su tierra natal acompañado de Martina para descubrir que 'la mamma' está perfectamente. Todo ha sido un engaño de Antonio, que necesita que Paolo firme los papeles de venta del olivar de la familia para hacer frente a una grave crisis económica. Paolo se niega e intenta salvar la propiedad. En medio de las discusiones económicas, Martina se da cuenta de que, en realidad, no conoce a su marido. A medida que los secretos del pasado salen a la luz, la alemana se siente engañada y decide volver a Alemania sin Paolo. Él hará todo lo posible para demostrarle que quiere un nuevo comienzo con ella.
Non me lo dire
Padre di Sandro
In a hot summer, the lives of the children are about to be changed forever when two girls are found raped and murdered. The children know who the suspect is but knowing that the adults will never believe them, they decide to keep quiet. When one of their friends sister disappear, they know they have to take the matter into their own hands.
padre di Sandro
In a hot summer, the lives of the children are about to be changed forever when two girls are found raped and murdered. The children know who the suspect is but knowing that the adults will never believe them, they decide to keep quiet. When one of their friends sister disappear, they know they have to take the matter into their own hands.
We Can Do That
The film follows Nello, the recently hired director of a newly developed work cooperative of former mental patients. After the closure of state psychiatric hospitals and asylums in Italy under the Basaglia Law many former patients were left with few resources and little hope of reintegrating into society. With the intention of actually improving the lives of his pupils, rather than just sedating them, Nello encourages them to expand their individual abilities and explore the wider world around them although, regardless of intention, there is sometimes a price to pushing boundaries too quickly.
La canarina assassinata
An italian transposition of the S. S.. Van Dine novel.
Miracle at St. Anna
Ambientada en Italia durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Durante la contienda, cuatro soldados estadounidenses negros se ven atrapados en una villa toscana.
4-4-2 - Il gioco più bello del mondo
Maraschi ("Il terzo portiere")
Fortezza Bastiani
Five young men wait for something at the end of their teenage towards maturity.
Il viaggio della sposa
Antuono's soldier #1
17th-century noblewoman Porzia leaves the cloister she was raised in to marry, but an ambush leaves her alone with humble coachman Bartolo. While venturing into dangerous and unknown lands, the two grow increasingly close despite their opposite backgrounds.
Uomo d'acqua dolce
commesso scimmione
Antonio takes a hit on his head when he's out to buy a jar of mushrooms for his wife, and loses his memory. He reappears five years later unaware that time has passed.
Al centro dell'area di rigore
Il pirata
1942: A group of Roma fans, Carletto, Renato, Tina and Mozzicone, organize a trip to Turin to support their team in the decisive match for the Scudetto. They are joined by Roberto, Renato's brother-in-law, and Biagio, Renato's friend from Lazio. One of them has to acquire a precious document in the hands of an anti-fascist teacher.