Werner Hansch

Nacimiento : 1938-08-16, Recklinghausen, Germany


Rock My Heart
Track Announcer
Una adolescente presenta una falla cardíaca, impidiéndole realizar ciertas actividades que para muchos son cotidianas, pero para ella representan todo un desafío. Sin embargo, consigue entablar un vinculo con un caballo rebelde, el cual es sumamente rápido pero no deja que nadie se le acerque, a excepción de ella. Por tanto, encontrará un nuevo pasatiempo que vincula a estos dos personajes en el mundo de las carreras, aunque esto represente un verdadero riesgo para la chica.
100 Pro
Two boys (Ken Duken and Luca Verhoeven) try to get into the Munich Disco "Spy", but Dennis, the chief of Disco doesn't allow them to enter the club. This is the whole story - believe it or not, but director and writer Simon Verhoeven made a movie with a runtime of 88 Minutes based on this story. Low budget, but great fun. Nice pictures of Munich, good and intelligent ideas (Floh and Marcel are playing football, while Werner Hansch, a famous german TV-Sport-Presenter, reports their game to the audience)make the movie worth to be seen. Not a revolution, but, as said, it's fun.
Little Sharks
When dishwasher Ingo, whose girl-friend has just left him, returns a borrowed bar stool to the Folkwang Acting School in Essen, he stumbles into the audition for next year's new students. He lets Johannes, the broke and unsuccessful applicant, stay with him. Ingo decides to go to Munich with Johannes, where he wants to try his luck once again. Hitchhiking, they get rides with very different drivers on the autobahn. They meet up with the smooth-talking Ali in the wayside dinner "Raststätte Spessart". Arriving in Munich, the trio tries to find cheap sleeping accommodation. They enter Ingo into the audition at Munich acting school. Moreover, Johannes falls in love with street artist Herta from Berlin. Written by emkarpf
The Heartbreakers
Four teenagers in the German Ruhr region try to succeed as a rock band in 1966. A girl tries to join them as a singer but is rejected by them.