Ricardo Gross


Cómo Fernando Pessoa salvó Portugal
Father Marinheiro Bicha da Horta
Lisboa, Portugal, 1927. El escritor y periodista Fernando Pessoa acepta de su jefe el encargo de crear un eslogan publicitario para la bebida Coca-Louca; pero las conservadoras autoridades del Gobierno consideran la nueva bebida tan revolucionaria como diabólica.
Executive Producer
On a Sunday an older actress (Isabel Ruth) decides to use her mobile phone to take photos of a sleeping young actor (Joaozinho Costa)
On a Sunday an older actress (Isabel Ruth) decides to use her mobile phone to take photos of a sleeping young actor (Joaozinho Costa)
The Face You Deserve
Francisco, behave! I Know it's your birthday, you are thirty now, it's carnival, you've dressed as a cowboy for the school party and you are surrounded by kids you hate. But that's no reason to be so annoying... Francisco, repeat after me: "Up to your 30s you have the face God has given you. After that, you get the face you deserve".
A 20 year old young man asks some kids if he can play football with them. They think it’s weird and ask him how old is he. When he answers «I’m ten» he is laughed at. But he is going to find another group of kids who are different, just like him…
Sem Movimento
Three people in a car, who will stay there the longest, wins the car.