The whole country wants an end of the drought. Maren has even more reason to wish for rain, her austere father,the rich hay farmer Iven, will approve her marriage with her beloved Andrees only if the rain falls before the next sunset.
A nine-year-old girl who has just moved with her parents to Hamburg, Germany, is desperate for finding a best friend. The daughter of a Brazilian father and German mother, Lola is a little girl who dreams she's a rock star, but mostly dreams of having a best friend.
Actually, the young Berlin doctor Jan Büchner wanted to go directly to the Baltic Sea for a week. But a detour forces him to drive over land. And then his car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, just behind a small town called Marienhagen. The residents of Marienhagen take care of Jans Wohl and make the stay as pleasant as possible. A comedy about rural doctors and people who fight for their pride and self-respect and take their destiny in their own hands in their own hands.