A young gangster in 1920's New York quickly rises through the ranks of the mob, then sets up his own murder-for-hire organization. When he starts kidnapping other mobsters for ransom, the New York gangs band together for revenge.
Case Britton, gunslinger and wanted man, comes to town to meet his bride-to-be, stop a stagecoach robbery, and get even with the man who killed his brother.
Temple Houston (Sam Houston's son) who is the DA with a sense of Justice. He is located in Fort Smith, Ark and works with Judge Parker in 1872. His area includes the Oklahoma Territory which was the Indian territory at that time. Chief Buffalo Horn who is falsely accused of murder.
A young orphan rejects his foster parents and instead turns to a German shepherd whose master was recently murdered. Stumbling on some evidence, the boy is rescued from the killer by his dog.
En 1940 el Coronel Dufort llega con su esposa a Tombuctú para ponerse al frente de una guarnición francesa, que se ve amenazada por un levantamiento tuareg presuntamente organizado por Mohamed Adjani, una especie de santón. Cuando el matrimonio Dufort y un traficante de armas llamado Conway, llegan a Bou Djebeha, averiguan que Adjani ha sido secuestrado por un despótico emir, que es el auténtico artífice del levantamiento.
Una muchacha accede a unos códigos secretos tras el asesinato de su hermano. Un agente doble logra ingresarla en un psiquiátrico antes de que los entregue a las autoridades.
Marty es un carnicero solterón que todavía vive con su madre. Suele salir con frecuencia con sus amigos por la noche, intentando encontrar a alguna chica con la que compartir su vida y hacer planes para el futuro.