Gro Swantje Kohlhof

Gro Swantje Kohlhof

Nacimiento : 1994-09-02, Hamburg, Germany


German-born actress, known for Wir sind die Flut (2016), Tore tanzt (2013) and Endzeit (2018).


Gro Swantje Kohlhof
Gro Swantje Kohlhof


When his grandmother Ella becomes increasingly confused and his grandfather Sönke simply doesn't want to part with his pub, the Dorfkrug, 47-year-old Ingwer Feddersen sees the time has come to return to his home village Brinkebüll. The village tavern isn't what it used to be - but that's also true for the whole village. Ingwer wonders when exactly was the point in time when the village of Brinkebüll went downhill? Was it in the 1970s when the hedges disappeared after the land consolidation and then the birds too? When larger and larger farms were built so that smaller ones had to give way? Is it perhaps his fault because he left his grandfather alone with gastronomy to study in Kiel? Based on Dörte Hansen's 2018 novel of the same name.
Mona’s days are filled with concern for her mother, a woman broken by her belief that her nightmares are real. In search of answers, Mona arrives in a village where she encounters an old family curse in a strange hotel.
Johanna’s dangerous talent is showing early – after a traumatizing loss of control she is forced to keep her powers in check. As she gets older, it’s getting harder and harder to do, so she contacts a secret group. The members want to unleash Johanna’s powers and tempt her to more drastic steps.
Ever After
Una pandemia viral de muertos vivientes ha arrasado toda Alemania salvo dos ciudades. Dos supervivientes, Vivi (Gro Swantje Kohlhof) y Maja (Maja Lehrer) consiguen subir al tren que les ha de llevar al refugio en el que supuestamente podrán rehacer sus vidas. Sin embargo, el tren se detiene a medio camino dejándolas expuestas en el denominado "corazón verde" de Alemania, Thuringia, por lo que no les queda otro remedio avanzar a pie. Por el camino forjan un vínculo entre ambas que se convierte en su mejor herramienta para intentar sobrevivir al caos en el que se ven inmersas.
Familie ist kein Wunschkonzert
Life is not a pony farm - even if it started there. The experience of three unequal sisters in the young comedy : They learn shortly before the silver wedding of their parents that there is a dark chapter in their picture book marriage. On their trip to the family celebration, this provides additional explosives in the already exciting girl's triangle. Gro Swantje Kohlhof, winner of the Günter-Strack-Fernsehpreis, and Claudia Eisinger and Karin Hanczewski play the leading roles in the tragicomic road movie.
Das singende, klingende Bäumchen
The beautiful, cold-hearted and arrogant Princess is supposed to marry. But she rejects all her suitors with their generous presents, for she only wants one thing: The Singing, Ringing Tree, which only sings for true love.
We Are The Tide
15 years ago the sea at the coast of Windholm just vanished. Now two young physicists try to find out, why it happened...
mageres Mädchen
Tres detectives que siguen la pista a un terrorífico asesino en serie son atrapados en un laberinto donde se enfrentarán a sus mayores miedos.
Der Hafenpastor und das graue Kind
Paloma Würl
Somos jóvenes. Somos fuertes
En agosto de 1992,en el barrio de Lichtenhagen de la ciudad alemana de Rostock, fue incendiado un refugio para asilados vietnamitas. El director alemán de origen afgano Burhan Qurbani revisa los hechos en esta película.
Schönefeld Boulevard
A tragic comedy about an 18-year old girl growing up near the new Berlin airport's construction site
Still Got Lives
Lisa Brenner
Marco and Lisa are in love. Online, they fight together against dreadful monsters. Sometimes they die on their mission, but there’s always one life to spare. Yet, Lisa refuses to meet Marco for real. One day she stops showing up for the game, Marco decides to go searching for her.
Nothing Bad Can Happen
El joven Tore busca en Hamburgo una nueva vida entre el grupo religioso “The Jesus Freaks”. Cuando por casualidad conoce a una familia y les ayuda a reparar su coche, cree que un milagro celestial le ha ayudado. Él comienza una amistad con el padre de la familia, Benno. Pronto se va a vivir con ellos en su parcela, sin saber la crueldad está por venir. Inspirada en hechos reales.
The Sky Has Four Corners
Paula Ehlers
A dead girl at the Elbe beach gives riddle to Chief Commissioner Jan Fabel. However, it does not stop at this one murder. Alluding to the literary models of Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella, a bloody trail soon runs through Hamburg. In his new novel, writer Gerhard Weiss argues that the bloody fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm were based on authentic models. Is the Hamburg fairy tale murderer inspired by Weiss's novel?