Kristin Hansen

Kristin Hansen


Kristin Hansen


La venganza de Jane
Woman #1
La joven Jane está casada con uno de los tipos más peligrosos del Oeste. Un día su marido regresa a casa con 8 heridas de bala. La banda del cruel Bishop lo ha acribillado. Sobrevive, pero sabe que es cuestión de tiempo que Bishop y sus chicos vengan a rematar la faena. Jane decidirá no esperar a que venga e ir directamente a por ellos. Con la ayuda de un enemigo acérrimo de su marido, un hombre enamorado de ella, Jane irá a enfrentarse la banda de delincuentes.
Love of Mass Destruction
Law Specialist
A series of blunders lead Doug to believe he has murdered his fiancé Betty. Now he has to avoid jail, lie to relatives about his engagement and escape alive from Betty's revenge.
Gimme Skelter
Kelly Sandford
Gimme Skelter is the story of Charles Manson's illegitimate son who has decided to start a family of his own. Like his father, this family will thrive on murder and sex, culminating in one night of complete chaos.
The Stink of Flesh
Nathan and Dexy struggle to maintain an open marriage after a zombie plague has killed the majority of the population. It's up to Nathan to find survivors to pleasure his wife and hot zombies to satisfy his own lust.