Igor Porublyov


22 minutos
Un grupo de elite ruso comandados por el mariscal Shaposhnikov tiene que liberar un metanero ruso que ha sido secuestrado por un grupo de piratas somalíes. Uno de los marineros, Alex Ezhov, en plena reyerta de asalto queda atrapado en una cisterna.
The Translator
WWII mini-series
A young seismologist, who lives in Amsterdam, along with a popular journalist, accidentally become the participants of a deadly game, lead by an international syndicate that plans to take over the power (with the help of a seismological weapon) in the republics of the former Soviet Union. Russian Secret Services, that provide security for the heads of the summit of the region of the Kaspiiskoe Sea, intervene in this case...
A veteran of the Chechen War is helped by the ghosts of his two fallen comrades to leave the war behind.