Werner Kolf

Werner Kolf


Werner Kolf


Commandos: The Mission
John de Koning
Six Dutch Commandos, commanded by John de Koning and stationed in Mali, are sent to Nigeria under American orders to free the son of a wealthy Nigerian oil family from Boko Haram rebels. When the team finds out that the man is not a hostage but actually working with the terrorists - and unexpectedly find themselves responsible for a group of teenage schoolgirls - the mission gets completely out of hand. Will John be able to keep his team together and to accomplish their mission?
Tom Adelaar
An Amsterdam telemarketer of Surinamese descent suffers an existential crisis of identity when he finds fortune and belonging by using a typically Dutch name to boost his sales.
Pro soccer player Jermaine Slagter is entering his last days at his club. Outside of the field his life is falling apart.
Orlando Marie
Adamo, un joven marroquí-italiano que vive en Bélgica, perdió a sus padres a los 6 años, y su tío Farid, un amigo de su padre, le acogió en su familia. Acompañado de tres amigos inseparables, Badia, Younes y Volt, que también viven en el barrio de 't Kiel' en Amberes, están dispuestos a todo para convertirse en legendarios pandilleros. Los cuatro se sumergen de cabeza en una guerra de bandas, dejándose llevar por un torbellino de delincuencia cuyas repercusiones llegan hasta Colombia
¿Cuánto costó el azúcar?
Una historia sobre la vida de dos medias hermanas en el Suriname del siglo XVIII. Hay Lynda, una colona blanca y propietario de esclavos, y su esclava Mini-Mini. Mientras que Lynda se amarga lentamente por la dura vida en la colonia, Mini-Mini tiene la ocasión de obtener su propia felicidad. La pregunta es, ¿se atreverá a aprovechar esta oportunidad, y alcanzar la felicidad a expensas de su señora y media hermana?
Majid es un boxeador con mucho talento que vive en un duro suburbio holandés. Tras pasar una temporada en la cárcel, Ben, el propietario de un gimnasio, lo toma bajo su protección. Pero cuando el jefe de una banda criminal, Hakan, se interesa por sus habilidades, Majid empieza a no tener claro qué es lo que quiere realmente...
As a child, Amadou flees his native country Guinee to escape from the rebels. He ends up in the Netherlands and spends several years in a centre for asylum seekers, waiting for a decision on his asylum application to be taken. Meanwhile, he learns the language, goes to school and nearly graduates. Before he can actually graduate, however, the authorities decide to send Amadou back to Guinee. Together with four fellow-countrymen he is taken to the airport in a small van. The five foreigners whose asylum application has been rejected decide to put up a resistance against their expulsion. In view of the interests at stake, the authorities go to great lengths to deport the five men. This incident, based on true facts, leads to a night full of violence and intrigue that only produces losers.
Oom Henk
Handsome, clever final year law student Koen avoids being beaten up by street thugs by claiming he's a maternal cousin of crime baron Henk de Koning. The next day, 'uncle' Henk praises Koen's wit and commandeers his 'cousin's' help to retrieve the treasure presumably hidden by disloyal accomplice Sjon de Nooyer, who was released from jail to a retirement home, by volunteering as an orderly, posing as Sjon's distant relative. Dirty police detective Uitenhaage is after the same fortune, and leans independently on innocent Koen to spy on Sjon.
Killer Babes
When three wealthy women hire a hit man to get rid of one of their cheating husbands, everything goes wrong.