Arielle Brachfeld

Arielle Brachfeld


Arielle Brachfeld


Axeman at Cutters Creek 2
Deputy Darlene Whitfield
Dead Zone
Dead Zone: Operación Rescate, La humanidad está a punto de extinguirse. Unos militares deberán infiltrase en una ciudad contaminada por radiación utilizando una tecnología avanzada de armas y armaduras para tratar de dar lograr que la humanidad sobreviva.
Cacería Jurásica
Tras la explosión de una mina, los dinosaurios emergen de los escombros y aterrorizan un pueblo del Lejano Oeste; muchos pistoleros unen fuerzas para defender sus hogares y al resto de los residentes de las bestias hambrientas.
32 Weeks
Después de que un accidente automovilístico deja a una joven con amnesia, se debate entre el nuevo hombre de su vida que no puede recordar y su ex a quien no puede olvidar.
Happy Horror Days
Girl in Woods (Halloween)
Voices...HORRIFIC Content...Right Here In The Holiday Of Horrors.
Battle Scars
Después de que su mejor amigo es reclutado para luchar en Vietnam, un joven debe lidiar con la realidad de la vida antes y después de la guerra.
Dragon Soldiers
En una ciudad suburbana, un monstruo mortal acecha en el bosque circundante, matando a todos los que se acercan demasiado. Desesperados por detener el ataque, un grupo de soldados de élite son llamados para manejar la situación. Los cazadores se convierten rápidamente en cazados mientras luchan por matar a la aterradora bestia que escupe fuego.
Dragon Soldiers
En una ciudad suburbana, un monstruo mortal acecha en el bosque circundante, matando a todos los que se acercan demasiado. Desesperados por detener el ataque, un grupo de soldados de élite son llamados para manejar la situación. Los cazadores se convierten rápidamente en cazados mientras luchan por matar a la aterradora bestia que escupe fuego.
Dragon Soldiers
En una ciudad suburbana, un monstruo mortal acecha en el bosque circundante, matando a todos los que se acercan demasiado. Desesperados por detener el ataque, un grupo de soldados de élite son llamados para manejar la situación. Los cazadores se convierten rápidamente en cazados mientras luchan por matar a la aterradora bestia que escupe fuego.
Jane Macbeth
Una adaptación moderna y aterradora de Shakespeare's Macbeth ambientada en Escocia, CA. Despreciando la mediocridad de sus vidas mundanas, John y Jane Macbeth llevan a cabo un plan horrible para hacer realidad el sueño americano.
Una adaptación moderna y aterradora de Shakespeare's Macbeth ambientada en Escocia, CA. Despreciando la mediocridad de sus vidas mundanas, John y Jane Macbeth llevan a cabo un plan horrible para hacer realidad el sueño americano.
Executive Producer
Una adaptación moderna y aterradora de Shakespeare's Macbeth ambientada en Escocia, CA. Despreciando la mediocridad de sus vidas mundanas, John y Jane Macbeth llevan a cabo un plan horrible para hacer realidad el sueño americano.
The Sunday Night Slaughter
An anthology horror film featuring three stories involving demons, cannibals, psychopaths and demigods all intertwined, taking place in the final 31 days of earth.
Snake Outta Compton
Un grupo de rap a punto de firmar su primer contrato discográfico es la última esperanza de la ciudad en la lucha contra una serpiente gigante mutante.
Snake Outta Compton
Un grupo de rap a punto de firmar su primer contrato discográfico es la última esperanza de la ciudad en la lucha contra una serpiente gigante mutante.
Los Angeles Overnight
Associate Producer
A struggling actress inherits a bevy of colorful villains after desperation (with a touch of femme fatale) drives her and her gullible boyfriend to steal big from the Los Angeles underworld.
Los Angeles Overnight
A struggling actress inherits a bevy of colorful villains after desperation (with a touch of femme fatale) drives her and her gullible boyfriend to steal big from the Los Angeles underworld.
Adam K
Janice Parson
A day in the life of mild-mannered and seemingly good-natured auto insurance claims manager Adam Kraul. He sets out to be a do-gooder and make friends, however ends up with mutilated victims in his wake when his invitations for friendships are rejected.
Live-In Fear
En las montañas nevadas de Utah, un ser antiguo aterroriza a cuatro amigosen su intento de sobrevivir.
Axeman 2: Overkill
Deputy Darlene Whitfield
When a band of crazed evangelicals, bank robbers and vigilantes descend upon Cutter's Creek, there's only one local legend that can separate them. And dismember them.
Unspeakable Horrors: The Plan 9 Conspiracy
Maila Nurmi
An in-depth look at the hidden meanings and blistering truth buried within Ed Wood's PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE, which has long been considered the worst movie ever made.
Nurse Sandra
An unstable mental patient goes on an overnight rampage to terrorize an ex-rock star and his friends, only to discover she is linked to him in mysterious ways.
Less Than a Whisper
Kerry Hudson
Robert and Taylor Usher expect to be happy in their new house in Northridge, California where years ago, murder and mutilations destroyed the former residents. It doesn't matter to the Ushers, until those who caused the deaths come back, those that live in the earth, those that need, those that are not human. The Ushers new house stands between them and what they must have.
Chemical Peel
A weekend trip to the woods for a bachelorette party turns deadly when a nearby train accident causes a chemical reaction that overtakes the secluded valley. But waiting out the disaster inside could prove to be just as dangerous as being outdoors.
The 50 Best Horror Movies You've Never Seen
Fifty lesser-known horror flicks hailed by critics and genre fans as "absolute must-sees" are given the spotlight with fun, engaging commentary from journalists, directors, actors and critics in a countdown like no other. Stalkers, monsters, slashers, evil dolls, terrorized babysitters, holiday maniacs, mannequins, eerie motels, even giant rats... they're ALL featured in "The 50 Best Horror Movies You've Never Seen!"
InSpectres takes place in a world where ghost, ghouls, and goblins are commonplace. The InSpectres are the only exterminators capable of eliminating these supernatural pests! After a brief run-in with a homeless zombie, Lucas joins the InSpectres as an Agent-in-Training. He, his mentor Tracey, and the rest of the InSpectres team embark on an eerily funny adventure aimed at recapturing entities freed from a government holding facility by a corporate saboteur.
Blood Effects
"Blood Effects" a mockumentary by film maker Kris Black, is a cross between "Paranormal Activity" and Christopher Guest's "Best in Show". Presented as a "movie-within-a-movie", veteran Bruce Reisman produced Black's scathing satire of Hollywood horror movies, where reality ties itself up with fantasy, and the results are both humorous and horrifying.
Axeman at Cutter's Creek
Deputy Darlene Whitfield
Nine vacationing twenty-somethings are hunted by an axe-wielding local legend.
LOVE: As You Like It
LOVE: AS YOU LIKE IT is a no-budget, feature-length film adaptation of William Shakespeare's romantic comedy AS YOU LIKE IT set in modern-day San Francisco's hip Mission District. The film, which features an unique overall vision incorporating both super 8mm film and digital video, follows a group of dynamic characters as they struggle with what it means to love, and to be loved. Unapologetic and unforgettably wild in its approach to combining Shakespeare and cinema, LOVE: AS YOU LIKE IT is simply not to be missed. This is not Shakespeare at its finest; this is Shakespeare the way its meant to be - bold, brave and brassy.
La Maldicion de la Casa Whaley
Vanessa Dane
Penny es una chica escéptica a pesar de que trabaja como guía turística en la Casa Whaley, considerada la casa más embrujada de América. Una noche, sus amigos pretenden convencerla de que les deje pasar la noche en el famoso museo para ver si es tan frecuentado como todo el mundo dice... y se encontrarán mucho más de lo que esperaban.
Love, Gloria
Director's Assistant
Washed up child star Gloria Green thinks her life can't get any worse when she finds herself kidnapped by a deranged stalker and held captive with her biggest fan, Dawnee, who seems intent on making Gloria relive the past she's tried to forget. As the two hostages butt heads, Gloria's hapless assistant, Cheryl, tries to track down her missing boss, enlisting the help of the incompetent and dismissive police force.
American Nudist
Europa the Siren
A young woman invites a filmmaker to follow her through the modern world of nudism.
Still Screaming: The Ultimate Scary Movie Retrospective
A year in the making, Still Screaming is the definitive documentary on the making of the iconic Scream movies. Dive into the fascinating success story of the classic trilogy with on-set footage and photos, and dozens of brand new interviews with cast and crew from all the films including Wes Craven, Neve Campbell, Liev Schreiber, Henry Winkler, Matthew Lillard, Jamie Kennedy, Laurie Metcalf, Parker Posey, Scott Foley and many others. Written and Directed by Ryan Turek and Produced by Anthony Masi.
Return of the Ghostbusters
April Hunter
The mile high city is rocked when an ancient Egyptian menace comes to town, and the Denver Ghostbusters must return to save the universe once more.