A man is convicted of raping and murdering a child and sent to prison. He is shortly afterwards beaten to death by other inmates. His daughter blames the jurors who convicted him for his death, and she hatches a scheme to murder each of the jury members, often seducing them herself first
Director of Photography
Un joven deportista es asesinado impúnemente. Luego de un macabro ritual es resucitado como un zombie que se dedica a perseguir y acabar con sus asesinos. Un detective de la policía se ve involucrado y tendrá una invitación al infierno.
Director of Photography
Tras la muerte del anterior director del instituto, el nuevo director, al ver el bajo rendimiento de los alumnos, crea un nuevo plan de estudios que consiste en que cada alumno elija las asignaturas, así, motivados, rendirán más. No solo no rinden, sino que las asignaturas más concurridas son la de educación sexual y tiro con arco, quedando las demás clases vacías. Esto provoca que los pasillos del instituto se conviertan en una “ciudad sin ley".
Director of Photography
A girl starts her own investigation after the police fail to catch a local serial killer.
Camera Operator
A 1964 documentary portrait of Cohen in his pre-musician days as a poet and stand-up comedian.
At the microphone with Max Ferguson, radio satirist, as he creates his weekday-morning program. Filmed inside his CBC broadcasting booth, this film watches and records as Max ad-libs his way through zany interpretations of news events. His only script is the morning paper and with it he tilts at humbug with a flair that has made him a national figure.
Director of Photography
A little girl wittness the death of her mother- expressly killed through negligence by the woman supposedly nursing the invalid mother back to health. The coniving nurse in turn marries the child's father thereby taking the dead woman's place and becoming the little girl's stepmother. After unwisely revealing to the stepmother that she knows the reason for her mother's death; Arore is abused by her stepmother who hopes that in torturing the child she can keep her silent. The father, who is absent during the day farming the land, closes his eyes or refuses to believe his new wife is abusive when confronted by the sight of his miserable burnt and beaten child.
This short film showcases the city of Montreal on a summer's night. What was once a small Indian village is presented as a pot-pourri of contrasting sights and sounds. It is North America's second largest port and, after Paris, the world's largest French-speaking city. With its warehouses, offices, homes, clubs and amusement parks, the city serves as a bright backdrop for a happy couple out on the town.