Dorothy Bernard

Dorothy Bernard

Nacimiento : , Port Elizabeth, South Africa


Dorothy Bernard


The Wild Goose
Mrs. Hastings
While visiting New York, Ogden Fenn finds himself charmed with Diana Manners, wife of Frank Manners, an architect who is away on business in San Francisco, and they become involved. The husband returns unexpectedly and learns that his wife loves Fenn. When Diana and Fenn go to the latter's cabin near New York, Mrs. Hastings, who though married loves Frank, persuades him not to interfere because of the effects on his child. Mr. Hastings, learning of his wife's own infidelity, motors to the cabin, forces Fenn into his car, and drives the vehicle over a steep embankment.
The Great Shadow
Elsie Alexander
Jim McDonald, the foreman of a shipbuilding plant and head of the labor union, strives to combat the anarchistic propaganda being put forth by Klimoff, the leader of a Bolshevik gang whose goal is to disrupt the country with strikes and anarchy.
Little Women
Jo March
Jo March and her sisters Meg, Beth, and Amy live in a happy family in Concord, Massachusetts. Jo yearns to be a writer, and through the course of the years, finds much within her own family.
Les Misérables
Jean Valjean, a good and decent man who has committed a minor crime, is imprisoned but escapes. He is pursued thereafter for years by Javert, the cruel and implacable arm of the law.
Sporting Blood
Mary Ballard
Silent film about horse racing.
The Bondman
The narrative hinges on Jason's vow to wreak vengeance on his father for abandoning his mother. But his father dies, and Jason turns his desire for revenge against Sunlocks, his father's son of another wife. Both Sunlocks and Jason are in love with Greeba, daughter of the governor of the Isle of Man. Sunlocks and Jason go to Iceland, and are confined in prison. Jason not knowing Sunlocks, saves his half-brother from death in the mines. Jason is freed, but Sunlocks is condemned to death. Greeba pleads for Sunlocks' life, and Jason sacrifices himself by taking Sunlocks' place and dying for him. -- Wikipedia
Gambier's Advocate
Gene Vane
Hazel Dawn starred as Clarissa, who upon graduating from a private girl's school learns that her widowed father has remarried. At first resentful of her new stepmother (Dorothy Bernard), Clarissa slowly warms up to the woman. Later on, the heroine falls in love with a handsome attorney named Gambier (James Kirkwood), only to be disillusioned when she catches the attorney and the stepmother in a warm embrace.
The Song of Hate
An adaptation of Sardou's play "La Tosca."
A Cure for Suffragettes
Caroline Spankhurst and her suffragette brigade conclude to stop at nothing, so in their dauntless enthusiasm they forget their babies peacefully reposing on the sidewalk. The babies fall into the hands of the traffic squad, ordered to keep clear streets. A small-sized riot is taking place, but every mother's a suffragette so why cry "Help?"
The Little Tease
The supposition was that she was born a tease, for from her first teeth to the time she was almost grown, she vented her witcheries on her unsuspecting parents and the wild things of her mountain home. But that was before the man from the valley lost his way and later found it back again, bearing away the little tease to the valley. While she suffered the qualms of broken faith, her father passed through a like struggle, for he felt the precepts of the "beloved book" had failed him. He closed the door of his cabin upon the world and the light from his window, lighting the wayfarer over the mountain path, disappeared. The struggle over, it came hack in its place in time to beckon the little tease as she left the valley behind.
Near To Earth
This is the story of Gato, an Italian immigrant, who lives with his wife, Marie, and his younger brother, Giuseppe, on a small truck farm in the west. Gato becomes so intent on his work that he neglects to show his wife the little attentions she demands. A foppish wandering Italian, Sandro, sees in this an opportunity to work his ends, but is prevented by the timely interference of Giuseppe.
When Kings Were the Law
The King's Favorite
Over the Kingdom of Romanda there reigned a King who was greatly influenced by his favorite, whom he devotedly loved. He presents her with a necklace of fabulous worth and enjoins that she never part with it, which command she swears by the stars to keep. About this time an impecunious cousin of the King calls to beg the loan of money, which is refused. The favorite promises to intercede for him. The cardinal and the favorite are bitter enemies because of her thwarting many of his pet schemes, and he plans a revenge by inciting jealousy in the King. The scheme he devises is to have the necklace missing and found in the cousin's pocket. The plan succeeds so well that the King condemns the seemingly guilty pair to an air-tight chamber, where they would have suffocated to death had not the lady-in-waiting, who helped in the plot, become horror-stricken and confessed.
One Is Business, the Other Crime
Poor Wife
Griffith intercuts between the lives of two couples married on the same day. One couple is rich, the other poor. Time passes, and in desperation over joblessness, the poor husband attempts to burgle a home, only to be captured at gunpoint by the mistress of the house. It is the home of the rich couple. While holding the poor intruder at gunpoint, the rich wife accidentally discovers evidence implicating her own husband in a bribery scheme.
The Female of the Species
The Other Woman
A man and three women leave an abandoned mining town and travel across the desert. After the man's death, his wife plans revenge against her companion, whom the wife suspects had an affair with her deceased husband.
A Siren of Impulse
The Girl and Her Trust
A train-station telegraphist warns the next station of approaching bandits.
The Goddess of Sagebrush Gulch
The Goddess's Sister
The Goddess, the prettiest and best natured girl that ever graced that little mining town, meets the tenderfoot prospector and leaves him another worshiper of her. His chances, however, are slim for Blue-grass Pete has won her affections, he having at an opportune moment saved her from the fangs of a snake which was about to attack her.
Iola's Promise
Jack's Sweetheart
Iola, the little Indian girl, is held captive by a gang of cutthroats but is soon rescued by Jack Harper, a prospector. She is truly grateful to Jack, and regards him as something different from other white people. Jack's sweetheart and her father are travellers in a wagon-train headed for this place, and, not having much luck so far, he is somewhat gloomy. Iola learns the reason, and promises to help him find gold. "Will you?" he says, "Yes." "Cross your heart?" This cross-your-heart action mystifies Iola. She thinks it is a sort of tribe insignia and tells her people that "Crossheart" people are all right. Iola surely pays her debt of gratitude, not only in finding gold, but in giving her life to protect Jack's sweetheart from her own people.
For His Son
The Secretary
A father, anxious for his son's financial well being, develops a special soda pop called Dopokoke which is laced with cocaine. Dopokoke is advertised as relief "for that tired feeling." The drink is a success, but the son becomes addicted to it, much to his father's regret. Loosely based on the allegations that the Coca-Cola company and other soft drink manufacturers laced their soda with dope.
The Failure
The Woman
A man loses his business and his fiancée, and drifts into the saloons. There he meets a similarly-downtrodden young woman. She works behind the scenes to help him recover his life, and eventually he realizes how steadfast she is.
Fate's Turning
Mary, a Waitress
A young girl working as a waitress at a resort for the wealthy is swept off her feet by a rich young gentleman who's there for the summer. However, his impending nuptials with another woman complicate the matter.
The Two Paths
Two sisters, Nellie and Florence, support themselves and their mother by sewing. A man accompanying a wealthy client tempts first Nellie and then Florence to leave with him. Nellie rejects him, but Florence goes to his decadent apartment and becomes his mistress. Nellie marries a diligent carpenter and raises a growing family. Eventually the Tempter tosses Florence out, and she dies alone and impoverished.
The Usurer
A wealthy, callous moneylender finds a terrifying way to learn about money's limitations.
A Flash of Light
An experiment goes wrong and blinds a newly married chemist. The chemist's wife does not want to take on the burden of caring for the blind chemist, and her younger sister take her place.
Ramona, a young girl growing up on her adoptive mother's rancho in California, falls in love with the Indian lad Alessandro. When Ramona is denied permission to marry Alessandro, the two lovers elope, only to find a life of great hardship and unhappiness amidst the bigotry and greed of the white landowners.
Taming a Husband
Neglected by a husband too engrossed by his activities and social obligations, a woman convinces a girlfriend to dress as a man and make love to her openly in the hope to arouse her spouse’s jealousy. Dressed as a male, her friend causes a commotion among the couple’s acquaintances. When the husband eventually catches the newcomer making overtures to his wife, he challenges his rival to a duel.
His Last Burglary
Mired in poverty and no longer able to endure the hardships that this situation brings upon their baby, a young man chooses, with his wife, to give up the child by abandoning it in a rich household. A burglar who himself has just lost a child, breaks into this house and decides to ease the mourning of his wife by stealing the abandoned baby. Soon after, the young man and his wife receive word of their sudden fortune. They then try to find their child, but their search is in vain. Faced with the desperation of his wife, the young man calls a doctor whose coachman is none other than the burglar, since reformed. When the burglar learns the cause of the young woman’s misery, he realizes the gravity of his crime and convinces his wife that they must return the baby to its parents.
The Final Settlement
Noticing that Jim is partial to a drink, Ruth breaks off her engagement to him and turns to John, who until then had kept his love for her to himself. They get married and move to a cabin in the forest where John works as a woodcutter. In the meantime, Jim, who has become a hoodlum and ignores that his rival has married his former fiancée, runs into John at the lumber camp and challenges him to a duel for the same evening. He then goes to look for money to buy himself alcohol, and breaks into John and Ruth’s cabin. Surprised to find Ruth there, he realizes that she has married John and has given him a child. On leaving the cabin, he looks to the vengeance the duel is going to allow him to wreak. Yet, he eventually thinks better and, ashamed at his own idea and out of the love he still feels for Ruth, decides to spare her husband’s life. He shows up at the duel with a gun loaded with blanks.
What's Your Hurry?
Papa is proud of his new birthday present, a shotgun. Mary's boyfriend arrives for a visit and she is anxious to introduce him to Papa. When Harry sees Papa walk in with a shotgun he misunderstands and departs in terror. Harry continues to encounter Papa everywhere and runs away, baffling the old man. At last Papa hauls Harry back home for an explanation and a reunion with Mary.
The Cricket on the Hearth
After three years at sea, Edward returns home to find his sweetheart forced into an engagement with a much older man.
The Cord of Life
Antonine, a worthless, good-for-nothing scoundrel, demands money of his cousin Galora, an energetic, provident husband and father. His demands are met with a positive rebuff, and when he becomes insistent be is forcibly ejected by Galora. As he leaves the tenement he vows to get even, and lies in wait until Galora has gone out on business. Climbing to the fifth floor, on which the Galoras live, he watches his chance, which comes when Mrs. Galora goes for an instant to visit a neighbor on the same floor. Darting into the apartment and raising the window he perceives the awful result of a drop to the ground, five stories below, and so evolves a plan that is dastardly in the extreme. Taking the infant child from the cradle, and placing it in a basket he lets it out with a short rope, the end of which he secures by letting the sash down on it, so that to raise the window would precipitate the baby to destruction.
An Awful Moment
After a judge (Harry Solter) does his job and sentences a man, a gypsy woman (Marion Leonard) erupts in vehement protests and has to be taken forcefully out of the courtroom. Later the gypsy follows the judge to his home and plots a vicious revenge on his wife (Florence Lawrence).
A Woman's Way
The pretty daughter of a French-Canadian backwoodsman incites the love of a trapper who is so smitten with the beauty of this wood nymph that he purchases her into marriage from her father. The transaction meets with repugnance from the girl. She was entirely contented with conditions, a child of nature, carefree. However, she finds her pleading of no avail, and so pretends to accept the situation. The trapper and Canadian go into the cabin to seal the bargain with a drink, and while inside the girl closes and fastens the door on them and makes her way through the woods to escape.