Jiří Menzel

Jiří Menzel

Nacimiento : 1938-02-23, Prague, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republic]

Muerte : 2020-09-05


Jiří Menzel es un director de cine checo. Ganó un Óscar a la mejor película extranjera por Trenes rigurosamente vigilados, de 1966, basada en una novela homónima del escritor Bohumil Hrabal. Hijo del conocido escritor y periodista Joseph Menzel, el joven Menzel pensó inicialmente en seguir los pasos de su padre y estudiar periodismo, pero finalmente ingresó en la Academia de Cine de Praga, de la que fue expulsado. No obstante, gracias a la intervención de uno de sus profesores, pudo continuar sus estudios. Su ópera prima en el largometraje profesional, Trenes rigurosamente vigilados, supuso una grata sorpresa en el panorama del nuevo cine checo, al lograr el Óscar a la mejor película de habla no inglesa. La película está considerada una de las obras cumbres de la cinematografía europea y se adscribe a la Nueva Ola checa. Las altas cualidades de Menzel quedaron patentes en su segunda obra, Capricho de verano donde interpretó un papel como actor. A pesar de todo, Alondras en el alambre, su siguiente filme, fue prohibido por el régimen checo. Esta película está basada en un libro de cuentos de Bohumil Hrabal titulado Anuncio de una casa donde ya no quiero vivir. Tras el rodaje se prohibió la proyección de la película y hasta 1974 Menzel no volvió a dirigir. En los ochenta Menzel rodó otras películas basadas en relatos de su escritor favorito, Bohumil Hrabal, como Tijerazos, La fiesta de las campanillas verdes y Mi dulce pueblecito, que fue nominada al Óscar a la mejor película de habla no inglesa.


Jiří Menzel
Jiří Menzel
Jiří Menzel
Jiří Menzel
Jiří Menzel


Brouk v hlavě
Stage Director
CzechMate: In Search of Jiří Menzel
An epic exploration of the Czechoslovak New Wave cinema of the 1960s and 70s, structured around a series of conversations with one of its most acclaimed exponents - Closely Observed Trains director Jiří Menzel.
Sin olvido
Ali Ungár
Ali Ungar es un anciano, de 80 años, que descubre un libro escrito por un oficial de las SS durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El libro cuenta cómo el soldado acabó con la vida de los padres de Ungar en Eslovaquia. El hombre decide vengarse pero, cuando llega a la casa del soldado, este ha muerto. En su lugar se encuentra Georg, su hijo, un profesor retirado. Georg siempre ha querido huir del legado de su padre pero desea saber más de él. El ex profesor se ofrece a ser el intérprete de Ungar y los dos emprenden un viaje juntos en el que deberán dejar a un lado los prejuicios.
More Than Words
TV miniseries "More than words explores the possibilities and ways of behavior in non-verbal communication, primarily movements, gestures and ways of expression, but also the causes and roots of their origin. The series also explores the most interesting changes in the development of different cultures, including tattooing, scarring and body painting. Series also deal with the language of deaf and blind people, different universal languages, laughter, whistling and other peripheral phenomena associated with non-verbal communication. It also answers the questions does politicians think what they say, do suspects lie to the police or the court and how their body language reveals them..
To Make a Comedy Is No Fun
Documentary feature about Czech director Jiří Menzel, featuring Menzel himself as well as Miloš Forman, Emir Kusturica, István Szabó and others.
The Wolf from Royal Vineyard Street
The film tells the life story of its director, Jan Nemec, one of the most known and important filmmakers of Czech New Wave.
Bohumil Hrabal „Takže se stalo, že...“
The Don Juans
An opera troupe in a small town decides to perform Mozart's Don Giovanni. The view behind the scenes uncovers the world of opera without the glitter. A tale of love and disappointment, about music and passionate love-making and about people that live their lives in spite of the opera.
The Don Juans
An opera troupe in a small town decides to perform Mozart's Don Giovanni. The view behind the scenes uncovers the world of opera without the glitter. A tale of love and disappointment, about music and passionate love-making and about people that live their lives in spite of the opera.
Two young technicians, Filos and Kája, come to a small village that is a bit cut off from the rest of the world in order to find the best place to install a new station for the reception of a cell phone signal. Their arrival understandably arouses a feeling of expectation among the locals, especially when they learn of the interesting financial reward for the owner of the land on which the transmitter will stand. A fight flares up in the village over this reward, and all weapons, those permitted and those not, are put into use. Of course, there is also the question of whether Filos and Kája will be able to live up to the expectations that have been placed on them. Maybe they aren't even who they claim to be...
Jiří Menzel: 7 Questions
An idiosyncratic reflection on the film Larks on a String and its history, shot by it's director Jiri Menzel.
Jiří Menzel: 7 Questions
An idiosyncratic reflection on the film Larks on a String and its history, shot by it's director Jiri Menzel.
Operation Dunaj
Supervising Art Director
Operation Danube was the cover name for the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact armies in August 1968. The fleet of Polish tanks which arrive to liberate their neighbor, ostensibly threatened by a counter-revolution, includes the old tank nicknamed Ladybird, which is the last to leave the barracks.
Operation Dunaj
Operation Danube was the cover name for the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact armies in August 1968. The fleet of Polish tanks which arrive to liberate their neighbor, ostensibly threatened by a counter-revolution, includes the old tank nicknamed Ladybird, which is the last to leave the barracks.
Setkání v Praze, s vraždou
Teddy Bear
Romanuv otec
Jirka, Roman, and Ivan have been friends since school. Today they are about 35 and, although they went into different fields, their friendship has lasted. Each of the three friends hides a secret, and their lives change radically when the secrets come out. How will the three friends stand up to the tests they are forced to face? Will their friendship survive?
Yo serví al rey de Inglaterra
Praga, Checoeslovaquia, durante el período de entreguerras. Jan Dítě, un joven y avispado camarero que quiere hacerse millonario, llega a la conclusión de que para alcanzar su ambicioso objetivo debe ser diligente, escuchar y observar todo lo que pueda, ser siempe discreto y usar lo aprendido en su propio beneficio; pero las turbulentas mareas de la historia se interpondrán continuamente en su camino.
Yo serví al rey de Inglaterra
Praga, Checoeslovaquia, durante el período de entreguerras. Jan Dítě, un joven y avispado camarero que quiere hacerse millonario, llega a la conclusión de que para alcanzar su ambicioso objetivo debe ser diligente, escuchar y observar todo lo que pueda, ser siempe discreto y usar lo aprendido en su propio beneficio; pero las turbulentas mareas de la historia se interpondrán continuamente en su camino.
This film is a documentary-style look at the life of the beloved Czech actor, Zdeněk Svěrák.
The Sunken Cemetery
Doktor Javorski
Ivan, in his early forties, returns, after many years of absence to his native town - a typical Middle - European small town in Northern of Croatia. His roaming through Europe left him in a rather distraught state and he is now in search for his identity and peace of mind. As a child of five, he was, literary taken from his birth-place and now - bereft of his parents and family, he will try to solve the puzzling event of his childhood. Thus, in this place where so many unusual things have happened which may have had an influence on the dramatic destiny his family has suffered, he turns attention to himself by to his personal investigation. The town is, however, threatened by the river which already has sunk a good part of the cemetery. Along this threat an unexpected plot, in the genre of a film noir, thriller and horror - a certain «fantasy of soul», develops.
Útěk do Budína
Ten Minutes Older: The Cello
Consta de varios episodios, cada uno de ellos realizado por un director. El tema es el tiempo. Es el complemento de "Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet".
Ten Minutes Older: The Cello
Consta de varios episodios, cada uno de ellos realizado por un director. El tema es el tiempo. Es el complemento de "Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet".
Zimní víla
Too Loud A Solitude
An elderly paper-crusher branded a fool in Prague secretly stashes condemned books, preserving their contents and extrapolating from them eccentric scenarios of wit.
How to Deserve a Princess
dvorní malíř
A fairy tale of three brothers who try to save a princess kidnapped by an evil wizard.
Joint Venture
Prof. Adamec
Prague 1994, hotbed of international profiteers. Here you can still find buyers for discarded everyday objects, here you can still buy cheap houses - provided you can find a Czech straw man. Joint venture, a rogue comedy in which everyone believes they are smarter than the other and everyone hopes to win their dirty game at the other's expense.
Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin
Set in a small Ukrainian village during the outbreak of war with Germany in 1941 Private Chonkin, not overly endowed with intelligence, is left to guard a downed military aircraft. The authorities appear to have forgotten about him so this leaves him free to work his chams on the village postmistress, Njura, untill the local militia are tipped off.
Everything I Like
A film about the uncertainties faced by a man in post-Communist Slovakia, his relationship with a teenage son and English teacher girlfriend who's soon to return home to England.
The Little Apocalypse
In this cynical comedy, an renowned, out-of-work, unpublished “underground” writer from formerly Communist Poland is driven to unusually desperate measures in order to get his work published. Stan has been living in the attic apartment of his ex-wife’s home, which he shares with a journalist friend. One day, he has an accident which convinces his ex-wife and her current husband that he's suicidal, and they hastily contact a media representative to see if some sort of publicity can't be arranged so that Stan’s work can be published and they can benefit, if not from the money, then from their association with him. The organization they contact says that they will be happy to publish his writings, if he will commit suicide live, on television, in St. Peter’s square, while the Pope is delivering an address.
The Beggar's Opera
Unlike any other opera, the so-called Beggar's Opera is not just one composition, but a lineage of adapted compositions, beginning with the original hugely successful 1728 political satire written by Englishman John Gay. Composers and writers have penned variations on it ever since. The most famous of these was A Threepenny Opera by Bertholt Brecht and Kurt Weill. Some things these compositions share in common is their setting among the poor and criminal classes, and the roguish character Macheath. This production is based on an adaptation of Gay's original by Vaclav Havel the freedom-fighter, writer and philosopher who became the first (and only) president of the united post-communist country of Czechoslovakia, and it retains many traces of its theatrical origins. Film reviewers were not too tolerant of what they called "slavish adherence" to the noted Czech writer's stage production, but theater, philosophy and history buffs may feel otherwise.
The Beggar's Opera
Unlike any other opera, the so-called Beggar's Opera is not just one composition, but a lineage of adapted compositions, beginning with the original hugely successful 1728 political satire written by Englishman John Gay. Composers and writers have penned variations on it ever since. The most famous of these was A Threepenny Opera by Bertholt Brecht and Kurt Weill. Some things these compositions share in common is their setting among the poor and criminal classes, and the roguish character Macheath. This production is based on an adaptation of Gay's original by Vaclav Havel the freedom-fighter, writer and philosopher who became the first (and only) president of the united post-communist country of Czechoslovakia, and it retains many traces of its theatrical origins. Film reviewers were not too tolerant of what they called "slavish adherence" to the noted Czech writer's stage production, but theater, philosophy and history buffs may feel otherwise.
Escuela primaria
En 1945, poco después del final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un grupo de escolares asiste a un colegio del extrarradio de Praga. El mal comportamiento de los niños de esta escuela obliga a incorporar un maestro con experiencia militar, un héroe de la resistencia durante la guerra.
Martha and I
Doctor Benda
Emil (Vaclav Chalupa as a teen, Ondrej Vetchy as an adult) has been naughty, and his family is at a loss about what to do with him. He's been dallying with the family maid. They decide to ship him off to spend time with his uncle Ernst Michel Piccoli), who married his family maid. The boy has a good relationship with his uncle, and a touching picture of Czech family life just at the advent of World War II emerges. Since Emil and Ernst are both Jewish, they are eventually carted away by the Nazis.
Martha and I
Emil (Vaclav Chalupa as a teen, Ondrej Vetchy as an adult) has been naughty, and his family is at a loss about what to do with him. He's been dallying with the family maid. They decide to ship him off to spend time with his uncle Ernst Michel Piccoli), who married his family maid. The boy has a good relationship with his uncle, and a touching picture of Czech family life just at the advent of World War II emerges. Since Emil and Ernst are both Jewish, they are eventually carted away by the Nazis.
The Gentle Barbarian
A commemorative and essayistic meditative piece on the Prague quarter Libeň during the 1950s.
Alondras en el alambre
En la ciudad de Kladno, durante los procesos de "rectificación" comunistas de 1950, un peculiar conjunto de personajes represaliados acuden a una fundición para reciclar los restos del antiguo orden y fabricar con ellos nuevos tractores y máquinas.
Alondras en el alambre
En la ciudad de Kladno, durante los procesos de "rectificación" comunistas de 1950, un peculiar conjunto de personajes represaliados acuden a una fundición para reciclar los restos del antiguo orden y fabricar con ellos nuevos tractores y máquinas.
Alondras en el alambre
En la ciudad de Kladno, durante los procesos de "rectificación" comunistas de 1950, un peculiar conjunto de personajes represaliados acuden a una fundición para reciclar los restos del antiguo orden y fabricar con ellos nuevos tractores y máquinas.
A theater play by Václav Havel.
The End of Old Times
Czechoslovakia 1918. The newly formed National Assembly has made Stoklasa the administrator of the Kratochvile Castle. Although with no aristocratic background, he is a man of fortune and is trying to buy the castle. To impress his neighbors and the local politicians he invites them to a great hunting party. Uninvited comes a man who claims to be Duke Alexej. Stoklasa believes him to be a hustler. This hustler, however, manages to charm all the women before he leaves.
The End of Old Times
Czechoslovakia 1918. The newly formed National Assembly has made Stoklasa the administrator of the Kratochvile Castle. Although with no aristocratic background, he is a man of fortune and is trying to buy the castle. To impress his neighbors and the local politicians he invites them to a great hunting party. Uninvited comes a man who claims to be Duke Alexej. Stoklasa believes him to be a hustler. This hustler, however, manages to charm all the women before he leaves.
Dámská jízda
Die Schokoladenschnüffler
A crime comedy directed by Jirí Menzel, based on a story by Edgar Wallace.
Mi dulce pueblecito
Los habitantes de Krekovice, un pueblo cercano a Praga, viven en régimen de cooperativa, siguiendo el modelo soviético impuesto en Checoslovaquia después de la II Guerra Mundial. Por este motivo, todos son responsables de Otik, un joven retrasado que vive solo. La cooperativa decide que Otik trabaje como ayudante de Pávek, un camionero. Pero, tras una larga temporada, Pávek decide prescindir de él, pues es demasiado despistado y sólo le crea problemas. Así que otro vecino del pueblo tendrá que admitir al joven como ayudante. Pero surge un problema nuevo: alguien está intentado apropiarse de la casa de Otik sin que éste se dé cuenta. La cooperativa deberá encontrar una solución.
Story of an extraordinary musician, violinist, who was famous, but his alcoholism led him to poverty. Now he is playing time from time to rich people. Then Albert meets count Delesov, who tries to change Albert's life. Two different characters, two ways of life confront... Will Albert change? Should he?
The Snowdrop Festival
This movie is based on texts of Bohumil Hrabal, world-known Czech prosaic. It's a story (in a form of a mosaic of short episodes and pictures) about the sadness and happiness of inhabitants of Kersko (Kersko is a small woody area full of cottages and roods). These people are both simple and sensitive, they have their own pleasures (e.g. Leli is a collector of cheap, but inutile things) and the greatest delight of all of them is a hunting. Crude poetics of amateur hunting is screened by dreamy pictures of this area. Menzel mixes sentimental lyricism and rough (but not vulgar!) humor and the outcome is the never-ending landscape of continuous life in the proximate nearness of nature. The performances of actors are brilliant. Both Rudolf Hrusinsky as a Franz and Jaromír Hanzlik as a Leli have nonrecurring charm bottomed on a pain and inebriation. Only the music is not perfect: Jiri Sust usually assembled his film music from his older works and in this movie there is many quotations.
The Snowdrop Festival
This movie is based on texts of Bohumil Hrabal, world-known Czech prosaic. It's a story (in a form of a mosaic of short episodes and pictures) about the sadness and happiness of inhabitants of Kersko (Kersko is a small woody area full of cottages and roods). These people are both simple and sensitive, they have their own pleasures (e.g. Leli is a collector of cheap, but inutile things) and the greatest delight of all of them is a hunting. Crude poetics of amateur hunting is screened by dreamy pictures of this area. Menzel mixes sentimental lyricism and rough (but not vulgar!) humor and the outcome is the never-ending landscape of continuous life in the proximate nearness of nature. The performances of actors are brilliant. Both Rudolf Hrusinsky as a Franz and Jaromír Hanzlik as a Leli have nonrecurring charm bottomed on a pain and inebriation. Only the music is not perfect: Jiri Sust usually assembled his film music from his older works and in this movie there is many quotations.
Hearty Greetings from the Globe
Dr. Jánský
​Two aliens stir up trouble on Earth in order to study humans. Misunderstandings ensue.
Švédská zápalka
Passing Fancy
The main character of the story which takes place in the twenties in Budapest is the poet Dr. Rácz György, who returns after ten years of absence. In a café he meets his former friend Lajos, who has just broken up with his lover, Márta, because of the wife of professor Büchler. The transiently formed, rootless Rácz gets entangled into the sophisticated, complicated love affairs of bored or tired ladies.
Ferat Vampire
Dr. Marek
A doctor is shocked when his beloved colleague Mima signs a contract with foreign car manufacturer Ferat, in order to work for them as a rally-driver. A scientist convinces him that human blood is being used as fuel for Mima's ever winning car, but does that really work?
Babička se zbláznila
Bulldogs and Cherries
The dreaded Italian mafioso, Marian Labuda, will also be convinced. Mafioso Carmello was guilty of the principles of his organization when he tried to fool the boss and earned a death sentence. The convict runs away from the killer through Vienna to Prague, which his Austrian colleague in crime recommended as a safe hiding place. None of them knows that the Czechs learned so much tricks under real socialism that a seasoned Italian professional is not enough to watch.
Heart Tremors
The general practitioner Balla and his wife abandoning her higher education begin their common life in the small mountain village in the hope of quick enrichment and return to the capital. Despite Éva and Emma, the two school mistresses longing for love and Demeter, the dove-keeper obsessed with a desire for flight life is boring in the country.
Cutting It Short
Francin, manager of a small-town brewery, has a charming wife whose abundant blonde locks are an adornment to the town. Maryska looks ethereal but loves meat and beer, while Francin is an ascetic. The strict members of the brewery board of directors come to audit the accounts, but are diverted from concentrating on Francin's detailed reports by Maryska, who has organized a pig-killing feast and is ably assisting the butcher. When she invites the old curmudgeons on the board to enjoy the fresh pork, they are too happy to agree. Francin doesn't know whether he is going to get a permanent contract. To make things worse his brother Pepin - eccentric, noisy and garrulous - turns up on an indefinite visit.
Cutting It Short
Francin, manager of a small-town brewery, has a charming wife whose abundant blonde locks are an adornment to the town. Maryska looks ethereal but loves meat and beer, while Francin is an ascetic. The strict members of the brewery board of directors come to audit the accounts, but are diverted from concentrating on Francin's detailed reports by Maryska, who has organized a pig-killing feast and is ably assisting the butcher. When she invites the old curmudgeons on the board to enjoy the fresh pork, they are too happy to agree. Francin doesn't know whether he is going to get a permanent contract. To make things worse his brother Pepin - eccentric, noisy and garrulous - turns up on an indefinite visit.
Povídka Malostranská
Dr. Krumlovský
Blue Planet
Štěpán Pavlík
A young engineer, Štěpán Pavlík, dreams of becoming a cosmonaut.
Those Wonderful Movie Cranks
Returning home to Prague, the magician Pasparte, an owner of a circus caravan, meets his dying colleague who entrusts his beautiful daughter Aloisie to his care. In Prague they all take up their lodgings at the house At Blue Fish in which they intend to arrange the programs. The firm is owned by widow Evzenie with whom Pasparte shares flat and bed. Evzenie is jealous of Aloisie therefore Pasparte sends Aloisie as a housewife to the single man Jakub Kolenatý who earns his living by photographing and wants to record the revived pictures of Prague. Pasparte wants to found in Prague the first permanent Czech movie theatre in which there would be projected also the original Czech films.
Those Wonderful Movie Cranks
Returning home to Prague, the magician Pasparte, an owner of a circus caravan, meets his dying colleague who entrusts his beautiful daughter Aloisie to his care. In Prague they all take up their lodgings at the house At Blue Fish in which they intend to arrange the programs. The firm is owned by widow Evzenie with whom Pasparte shares flat and bed. Evzenie is jealous of Aloisie therefore Pasparte sends Aloisie as a housewife to the single man Jakub Kolenatý who earns his living by photographing and wants to record the revived pictures of Prague. Pasparte wants to found in Prague the first permanent Czech movie theatre in which there would be projected also the original Czech films.
Those Wonderful Movie Cranks
Returning home to Prague, the magician Pasparte, an owner of a circus caravan, meets his dying colleague who entrusts his beautiful daughter Aloisie to his care. In Prague they all take up their lodgings at the house At Blue Fish in which they intend to arrange the programs. The firm is owned by widow Evzenie with whom Pasparte shares flat and bed. Evzenie is jealous of Aloisie therefore Pasparte sends Aloisie as a housewife to the single man Jakub Kolenatý who earns his living by photographing and wants to record the revived pictures of Prague. Pasparte wants to found in Prague the first permanent Czech movie theatre in which there would be projected also the original Czech films.
A pap
Balog Mihály, the Gypsy man from Szabolcs works in Budapest. That is where he is notified that his young wife died. Again he behaves differently from his fellow-men in the Koportos Gypsy settlement: he wants to give a beautiful, rich burial ceremony to his wife.
The Apple Game
MUDr. Josef John
Sarcastic comedy about the Czechoslovakia of the seventies. A young gynaecologist can't figure out whether to get serious with a young nurse or to stay casual with his married lover. Things get complicated when both women don't want to play his game anymore.
30 Maidens and Pythagoras
profesor matematiky Ludolf
A musical starring Jiří Menzel (whose part is sung by Achilles Michailidis) as a math and physics teacher employing innovative teaching methods.
Aislados en el bosque
Los Lavicka, una familia checa de la ciudad, alquilan una casa en el campo con opción a compra. Sin embargo, el anciano Sr. Komarek parece reacio a vender la casa como acordaron.
Who Looks for Gold?
Scenario Writer
When he returns to Prague from a stint in the Army, Lada does not seem to fit in anywhere, and he cannot get the hang of the system of deliberately underperforming on the job. His girlfriend tries to keep him in the city with a variety of stratagems, but he eventually takes a job as a truck driver on a dam-building project. He uses the truck to visit his girl on weekends. Ingenuous, he is unaware that the truck is being used for black-market smuggling, and that his girlfriend two-times on him when he cannot arrange to leave on time for his weekend.
Who Looks for Gold?
When he returns to Prague from a stint in the Army, Lada does not seem to fit in anywhere, and he cannot get the hang of the system of deliberately underperforming on the job. His girlfriend tries to keep him in the city with a variety of stratagems, but he eventually takes a job as a truck driver on a dam-building project. He uses the truck to visit his girl on weekends. Ingenuous, he is unaware that the truck is being used for black-market smuggling, and that his girlfriend two-times on him when he cannot arrange to leave on time for his weekend.
Sechse kommen durch die Welt
The King of Malabunt has won another war, after decorating himself and his three wooden marshals, he dismisses his army with a low wages. One of his soldiers protest this and is thrown into jail, but he swears to someday return and take all the wealth of the king.
Straw Hat
Slacker Maurice Fadinar wasted his whole inheritance and the only way out of this situation, as it seems, to marry Helen Nonankur - daughter of a wealthy farmer. At the last meeting with his mistress in a nearby forest Fadinar's horse eats straw hat which belongs to a married lady, spending time in the company of young and hot Lieutenant Emil. Emil literally puts a knife to Maurice throat - or the lady will get back the exact same hat immediately, or he will arrange such a scandal that no wedding will not happen ...
The female employees of the poultry-processing factory find relief from their monotonous work in chatting about weddings and marriages. The very young Zdena (Marta Vancurová), too, dreams about a white veil and an entourage of bridesmaids. On her return home from work, she runs into a peculiar man on an abandoned road who pertinaciously offers to read her palm for a few crowns to buy soup. His augury is rather usual - wealth and poverty, suffering and happiness. Then however, he declares that Zdena must marry exactly on 3 November of that year otherwise she will be unhappy.
El incinerador de cadáveres
El señor Karel domina a sus familiares, amigos y empleados. Sólo está preocupado porque el tránsito de los difuntos hacia el más allá sea lo más limpio y rápido posible, todo mediante la incineración de cadáveres en el cementerio que regenta. (FILMAFFINITY)
Crime in the Night Club
A black comedy set in a Prague cabaret.
Crime in the Night Club
A black comedy set in a Prague cabaret.
Crime in the Night Club
A black comedy set in a Prague cabaret.
Un verano caprichoso
Tres personajes ociosos pasan los días a la orilla de un lago, sin más ocupación que charlar o bañarse. Pero el día en que llega al pueblo un funambulista con su guapa ayudante, su vida se verá alterada.
Un verano caprichoso
Tres personajes ociosos pasan los días a la orilla de un lago, sin más ocupación que charlar o bañarse. Pero el día en que llega al pueblo un funambulista con su guapa ayudante, su vida se verá alterada.
Un verano caprichoso
Tres personajes ociosos pasan los días a la orilla de un lago, sin más ocupación que charlar o bañarse. Pero el día en que llega al pueblo un funambulista con su guapa ayudante, su vida se verá alterada.
Dita Saxová
Herbert Lagus
A beautiful, underachieving, 18-year-old orphan considers various suitors, ponders philosophy, and takes a young girl under her wing.
Private Torment
A worker steals bits and pieces of building materials from work to construct a new home for himself and his girlfriend. When he discovers that she’s having an affair with his boss, he devises one elaborate plot after another to murder the rival, each time with pathetic results.
Hotel for Strangers
A gifted poet checks into a Gothic hotel in hopes of meeting the woman with whom he has long been enamored. He is surrounded by a variety of offbeat characters like the hefty homosexual cook, shadowy clerks, snooty waiters, and valets prone to violence. He finally meets the woman of his dreams only to lose her and ultimately meet with tragedy.
The Return of the Prodigal Son
Engineer Jan Sebek (Jan Kacer) is undergoing treatment in a mental home after his unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide. His therapist, via discussions both with the patient and with people who know him, tries to find out what made the young and seemingly satisfied man decide to end his own life. Jan's pretty wife Jana (Jana Brejchová) claims not to know about anything but she is conducting an affair with a family friend, almost publicly and with the blessing of her parents.
Las margaritas
Jan (voice)
Dos chicas jóvenes concluyen, mientras toman el sol en bikini, que "si en este mundo todo está corrompido, estaremos corrompidas nosotras también". Así se activa el mecanismo que pone en marcha la película: una tras otra, se irán produciendo escenas inconexas en las cuáles las dos protagonistas juegan a ser malas con su entorno. Engañan a hombres maduros para comer gratuitamente, escriben y dibujan en las paredes de su casa, improvisan un baile en un cabaret para boicotear el número que está en escena, engullen y despedazan los manjares de un banquete preparado para otros. Rompiendo toda linealidad narrativa y empleando la técnica collage tanto a nivel visual como auditivo.
Trenes rigurosamente vigilados
Dr. Brabec
Ambientada durante la ocupación Nazi de Checoslovaquia, relata la vida de Milos, un joven funcionario de los ferrocarriles checos que carga con el karma de una genealogía de perdedores y desgraciados que han escapado heroicamente al modelo de vida de un hombre responsable a base de trampas y otras artimañas. El colaboracionista director de los ferrocarriles del pueblo les encarga la misión de proteger ciertos trenes estratégicos, indispensables para los planes de dominación del Führer en Europa central. Milos verá ahí la oportunidad de escapar a la maldición de los varones de su familia que no han sido nunca verdaderos hombres. Pero nuestro protagonista tiene un gran problema: no puede satisfacer los deseos de su novia Masa. De este modo, no se puede concentrar en la misión que le han encargado, ni podrá convencer al mundo de un valor desconocido hasta el momento en su familia.
Trenes rigurosamente vigilados
Ambientada durante la ocupación Nazi de Checoslovaquia, relata la vida de Milos, un joven funcionario de los ferrocarriles checos que carga con el karma de una genealogía de perdedores y desgraciados que han escapado heroicamente al modelo de vida de un hombre responsable a base de trampas y otras artimañas. El colaboracionista director de los ferrocarriles del pueblo les encarga la misión de proteger ciertos trenes estratégicos, indispensables para los planes de dominación del Führer en Europa central. Milos verá ahí la oportunidad de escapar a la maldición de los varones de su familia que no han sido nunca verdaderos hombres. Pero nuestro protagonista tiene un gran problema: no puede satisfacer los deseos de su novia Masa. De este modo, no se puede concentrar en la misión que le han encargado, ni podrá convencer al mundo de un valor desconocido hasta el momento en su familia.
Trenes rigurosamente vigilados
Ambientada durante la ocupación Nazi de Checoslovaquia, relata la vida de Milos, un joven funcionario de los ferrocarriles checos que carga con el karma de una genealogía de perdedores y desgraciados que han escapado heroicamente al modelo de vida de un hombre responsable a base de trampas y otras artimañas. El colaboracionista director de los ferrocarriles del pueblo les encarga la misión de proteger ciertos trenes estratégicos, indispensables para los planes de dominación del Führer en Europa central. Milos verá ahí la oportunidad de escapar a la maldición de los varones de su familia que no han sido nunca verdaderos hombres. Pero nuestro protagonista tiene un gran problema: no puede satisfacer los deseos de su novia Masa. De este modo, no se puede concentrar en la misión que le han encargado, ni podrá convencer al mundo de un valor desconocido hasta el momento en su familia.
An Occasion to Speak
Documentary about the film academy in Prague and the Czech Film in 1965.
Martin Speaking
The second installment of children's stories investigator Dr. Martin. The film has two stories:
Volejte Martina
Michal's father and his friends are stigmatized by their war experience and the post-war social deformations in which they took part either directly, or watched them cowardly and in silence. They are trying to repress their feelings of guilt and justify their behavior to the young generation with memories of their heroic war feats. Michal, however, does not want to have anything to do with their problems. He subconsciously perceives the unpleasant atmosphere in the family as well as his father's hypocrisy. After one of many quarrels with his father, he runs away from home, determined to go his own way.
Crime at the Girls School
Three short story omnibus. The main hero and connecting link is Lieutenant Boruvka, created by Lubomír Lipsky. He deals with the murder case between climbers, the death of the dancer in the music theater and the strange disappearance of the mathematics professor.
Crime at the Girls School
Three short story omnibus. The main hero and connecting link is Lieutenant Boruvka, created by Lubomír Lipsky. He deals with the murder case between climbers, the death of the dancer in the music theater and the strange disappearance of the mathematics professor.
Nobody Will Laugh
A successful art historian who has trouble telling people difficult truths, finds himself in an inescapable situation when a small lie quickly gets out of hand.
Pearls of the Deep
Cyclist (segment "Smrt pana Baltazara")
A manifesto of sorts for the Czech New Wave, this five-part anthology shows off the breadth of expression and the versatility of the movement’s directors. Based on stories by the legendary writer Bohumil Hrabal, the shorts range from the surreally chilling to the caustically observant to the casually romantic, but all have a cutting, wily view of the world.
Pearls of the Deep
A manifesto of sorts for the Czech New Wave, this five-part anthology shows off the breadth of expression and the versatility of the movement’s directors. Based on stories by the legendary writer Bohumil Hrabal, the shorts range from the surreally chilling to the caustically observant to the casually romantic, but all have a cutting, wily view of the world.
Pearls of the Deep
A manifesto of sorts for the Czech New Wave, this five-part anthology shows off the breadth of expression and the versatility of the movement’s directors. Based on stories by the legendary writer Bohumil Hrabal, the shorts range from the surreally chilling to the caustically observant to the casually romantic, but all have a cutting, wily view of the world.
Pension pro svobodné pány
If a Thousand Clarinets
A military base. An awkward soldier. A statue of Bach. And suddenly all guns in the area change into music instruments. Great mystery is immediately found by TV station. And soon the military base becomes a stage for huge TV show.
Courage for Every Day
Jarduv kolega
A passionate communist worker is discouraged by the changing political climate and the failure of his peers to live up to his ideals.
Hory hory
A Place in the Crowd
(segment "Jak se kalí ocel")
A film in five episodes, all based on an attempt to show the life of young people today, their feelings and relationships, their behaviour in public and private life.
obhájce Frantisek Horácek
Managers at the construction of a big hydro plant are accused of having embezzled money.
Dobrá rada je nad zlato
Something Different
First Assistant Director
Věra, una ama de casa aburrida con un hijo desafiante y un esposo que no la valora, busca un escape en una relación extramatrimonial. A la vez, la testaruda gimnasta Eva Bosáková entrena para el Campeonato del Mundo de 1962 en Praga. Su falta de motivación lleva a su entrenador a presionarla.
Our Mr. Foerster Died
On a sunny afternoon an old man speaks to a laundress about his love for Provence, then a black flag is unfurled outside the town monument: news has arrived over the radio that the famous composer Foerster, born in the town, has just died.
Our Mr. Foerster Died
On a sunny afternoon an old man speaks to a laundress about his love for Provence, then a black flag is unfurled outside the town monument: news has arrived over the radio that the famous composer Foerster, born in the town, has just died.
The young Marta has made a break in her medical education to fully invest in her career as a model. We follow her for a day in her life, almost completely without hearing her voice. It is seldom that Marta gets the space to speak, instead she is mostly subject to the voice of others.
Prefabricated Houses
A student work by Jiří Menzel, filmed during his second year at the FAMU film school. Views of old Prague and its tenement buildings, symbolizing the obsolete past, alternate with shots of construction sites for new prefabricated apartment buildings. In spite of certain unavoidable propagandistic overtones added by the director, it is notable as the beginning of his search for a “dramaturgy of colors.”
Prefabricated Houses
A student work by Jiří Menzel, filmed during his second year at the FAMU film school. Views of old Prague and its tenement buildings, symbolizing the obsolete past, alternate with shots of construction sites for new prefabricated apartment buildings. In spite of certain unavoidable propagandistic overtones added by the director, it is notable as the beginning of his search for a “dramaturgy of colors.”