Peter Scherer

Peter Scherer

Nacimiento : , Zürich, Switzerland


Peter Scherer


Where there are humans, are also ravens and crows. No animal knows us better.
Paul Nizon: Der Nagel im Kopf
The film tells of the radical life-search by the Swiss writer Paul Nizon, born 1929 in Bern, Switzerland, who became what “he was meant to be” in Paris. Now 90-year-old, Paul Nizon grants insights into his life and work in a self-ironic, direct manner. The intimate portrait of a great literary outsider emerges, for whom the risk of life and the risk of writing merge into one and the same work of art.
The Fox & the Bird
A solitary fox finds itself improvising fatherhood for a freshly hatched baby bird. Two paths cross and a family is formed, until fate reminds each of the life it is meant to lead. (IMDb)
The Inner Light
Dementia, a diagnosis that changes everything for those who are affected and for their relatives. Accepting the disease can seem just as difficult as finding an appropriate approach. But perhaps it is much more about compassion than about understanding? In an observational way, The Inner Light explores the everyday lives of people with dementia and focuses mainly on positive situations and encounters. The film tries to offer a poetic interpretation of this special state of being and aims at reducing fears in dealing with people with dementia and at accepting each person's humanity.
#Placer femenino
La sexualidad femenina es uno de los temas más importantes en la Historia. Para algunos, el trato de la misma ha evolucionado favorablemente, pero la realidad no es esa en algunas partes del mundo. Este documental se embarca en un viaje para tratar de analizar las diferentes situaciones a las que se enfrentan las mujeres en sus países de nacimiento: mujeres que ven como son cosificadas por la cultura pop, mujeres arrestadas por hacer algo que, de ser un hombre el autor, no tendría ningún castigo o, incluso, de mujeres que viven en lugares en los que no parece haber cabida para la idea del amor.
Original Music Composer
Drawing inspiration from his personal encounter with the Italian refugee child Giovanna during World War II, Markus Imhoof tells how refugees and migrants are treated today: on the Mediterranean Sea, in Lebanon, in Italy, in Germany and in Switzerland.
Cahier Africain
It all started with a small exercise book. Its page were checkered with the courageous testimonies of 300 Central African women, girls and men. They reveal what Congolese mercenaries did to them. On their own initiative, they gathered together their testimonies in this book.
Dora or The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents
Original Music Composer
Cuando su madre decide dejar de medicar a su hija con discapacidad psíquica, Dora, de 18 años de edad, se despierta como de un profundo sueño. Dora descubre su cuerpo, su sensualidad y finalmente, también el sexo. A sus padres les asombra las repentinas ganas de vivir de Dora, y cuando empieza a quedar con un hombre que conoce en su trabajo de vendedora en el mercado, se enfurecen. Pero sus esfuerzos no dan resultado, y cuando la aventura de Dora lleva a una situación más seria, todo el mundo debe repensar los límites de sus relaciones con los demás, y reconsiderar temas tales como la autodeterminación, la confianza y la envidia.
Dark Star: el universo de H. R. Giger
Original Music Composer
Un relato de la vida y la obra del pintor, escultor, arquitecto y diseñador suizo H. R. Giger (1940-2014), padre atormentado de criaturas tan temibles como fascinantes, habitantes de mundos biomecánicos de pesadilla.
Mucho más que miel
Original Music Composer
Una mirada en profundidad a las colonias de abejas de California, Suiza, China o Australia. Markus Imhoof, cineasta veterano y nieto de apicultores, dirige este documental en el que nos muestra las distintas formas de interacción entre hombres y abejas, analizando tanto la labor de apicultores y agricultores como el funcionamiento de las colmenas, una enigmática e inteligente sociedad animal donde cada miembro desempeña su labor a la perfección.
Daniel Schmid - Le chat qui pense
When director Daniel Schmid grew up, his parents ran a hotel in the Alps, and this singular setting was to influence his film. Rather by coincidence he came to Berlin in the early 1960s and became part of the new German wave. Schmid worked with, among others, Wenders and Fassbinder, for example as an actor in Wender’s The American Friend. He met Ingrid Caven, who was to play a diva in several of his films. This is a documentation of a part of modern European film history and a good analysis of artistry and how it corresponds to the individual behind the camera. A wealth of archival footage brings us close to many directors and actors in Schmid’s circle. If you’ve never seen a Daniel Schmid film, you are sure to want to after watching this portrait of his life.
Sechs Tage Angst
Original Music Composer
Vadkörték - A tihanyi kincsvadászat
Dead Flowers
Alex (Thierry Van Werveke), a pest exterminator who lives with his grandmother, picks up a stranded woman (Kate Valk) who claims to be the American daughter of a spy.
Death By Unnatural Causes
A visceral homage to those living and dying under the shadow of AIDS in a world run amok.
Life Under Water
Original Music Composer
Young man, who can't get along with the rest of the world, especially his mother, decides to try to take his life in his own hands. A TV movie directed by Jay Holman.
An entertaining documentary look at dinosaurs with Emmy Award-winning special effects, feature film clips and stills, commentary by leading paleontologists of the time, and an on camera as well as voice-over narrative by Christopher Reeve. Shot on location in Los Angeles and New York at the American Museum of Natural History
Beyond Paper
At a critical moment in the history of the written word, as humanity’s archives migrate to the cloud, one filmmaker goes on a journey around the globe to better understand how she can preserve her own Romanian and Armenian heritage, as well as our collective memory. Blending the intellectual with the poetic, she embarks on a personal quest with universal resonance, navigating the continuum between paper and digital—and reminding us that human knowledge is above all an affair of the soul and the spirit.