Ove Christian Owe


The Second Lieutenant
En el lavadero de su casa, Dina causa un accidente y pierde a su madre y el amor de su padre. Abrumado por la pena, el padre de Dina no puede ni mirar a su pequeña, y se separa de ella dejándola al cuidado de sus sirvientes. Pronto la niña se vuelve ingobernable, una criatura salvaje poco dispuesta a hablar e incapaz de leer. Su único amigo es Tomas, un muchacho estable. Viendo el estado de la niña, un amigo de la familia habla con el padre y consigue que éste acepte un tutor. Dina va poco a poco saliendo de su aislamiento gracias a su pasión por el violonchelo, pero sigue tan obstinada e imprevisible como siempre. Los años pasan y Dina se convierte en una joven bastante peculiar. A pesar de la diferencia de edad, y en contra de su padre, se casa con Jacob, el amigo de la familia. Jacob pronto se dará cuenta de que la voracidad de su mujer se extiende a todos los aspectos de la vida. Entusiasmado pero exhausto, comienza a cuestionarse si la pasión por la vida de Dina no acabará con él.
Misterio en el Submarino U-461
Dos hermanos que se encuentran de vacaciones en una isla escandinava, descubren buceando un submarino alemán de la Segunda Guerra mundial. Pronto se dan cuenta de que alguien poderoso está buscando el submarino para investigar un inquietante misterio. En su interior se hayan las pruebas de un experimento para atrapar almas humanas...
Hver søndag hos mor
Julie has left her boyfriend because of an argument. The Family supports her decision when her brother tells them that he really is a criminal. Surprisingly the boyfriend turns up not knowing what to expect him.
En Mann
The movie is about a day in a young man's urban life, with his routines, dreams and nightmares in relation to being a father, husband, friend, parent and love.
Daddy blue
16 year old LP (Håkon Bolstad) has just graduated from junior high school. He lives in Oslo and he's the only-child to a middle-class couple. Wanting to get away from his parents he steals a sailboat, vaguely envisioning to look up some girl he once knew a bit down the Oslofjord. Not knowing how to sail he almost collides into a pier when the stunningly beautiful Line (Benedikte Lindbeck) rescues him. She jumps on board and joins LP on his journey. LP is sullen and introvert, however, the confident and well versed girl thaws him as they continue on their sunny escapade of the Oslofjord archipelago. Then LP's father (played by seasoned Norwegian leading actor Nils Ole Oftebro) appears and demands the end to the adventure. A battle of wills ensues between the equally stubborn father and his offspring. Neither has really learned to know the other, and Line becomes the catalyst which makes both realize new aspects about the other.
Brage Bragesson
A boy paralyzed as a child grows into an athletic man. The colossal strength that allowed him to become a fit man will prove to be his undoing. Convicted of a murder in a fight, he loses the chance to return to his beloved girl.
The Last Lieutenant
Norwegian war drama. The old sea-captain retires, but the next day German WWII occupation of Norway begins. He then kisses his wife good-bye and is off to Army HQ. There he finds a lack of leadership and morale that offends him. They even laugh at him and his out-dated uniform and officer-rank. Secondloitnanten then finds and leads his private troop of volunteers against the German attack. The movie tells the story of a man that refuses to give up, even when everybody else leaves. He will fight for the country he loves and do his duty.
The Perfect Murder
Film director Pierre is making an erotic thriller with his girlfriend Greta. When men start disappearing, parallells between the movie and real life becomes obvious.