Juliet Weber


The Falconer
This intimate portrait film follows master falconer Rodney Stotts on his mission to build a bird sanctuary and to provide access to nature for his stressed community. The Falconer weaves his present-day mission with the story of his past, both of which are deeply rooted in issues of social and environmental injustice. Stotts’s worldview in a nutshell: nature heals. In a forgotten corner of our nation’s capital, he takes the time to break through to those too often dismissed as “hard to reach.” This is a story of second chances: for injured birds of prey, for an abandoned plot of land, for a group of teenagers who have dropped out of high school, and for the falconer himself.
A documentary on the former mayor of New York City, Ed Koch.
Monseñor: The Last Journey of Óscar Romero
En El Salvador a Monseñor Oscar Romero se le conocía como "la voz de los sin voz", la voz de los desposeídos, de los campesinos, de todos los que luchaban por los derechos humanos y en contra de la injusticia. Era un hombre de provincia, retraído y de corta estatura. Cuando las autoridades religiosas y laicas lo designaron para el arzobispado de San Salvador, la capital, tenían la plena expectativa de que desempeñaría el papel tradicional de la jerarquía eclesiástica: apoyar al gobierno y sostener el estatus quo. Este desacierto cambiaría la historia de El Salvador. La película relata la historia de los tres años de liderazgo de Monseñor Romero en la iglesia salvadoreña. También fueron los últimos tres años de su vida.
Violación En Un Pueblo Pequeño: La Historia De Florence Holway
On Easter Eve, 1991, the normalcy of 76-year-old Florence Holway's rural life came to a shocking, abrupt end when a 26-year-old intruder broke in to her home and brutally raped her. The horrifying attack marked the beginning of the New Hampshire artist and grandmother's 12-year struggle to bring her rapist to justice--and bring change to a flawed legal system.
Unchained Memories: Readings from the Slave Narratives
When the Civil War ended in 1865, more than four million slaves were set free. Over 70 years later, the memories of some 2,000 slave-era survivors were transcribed and preserved by the Library of Congress. These first-person anecdotes, ranging from the brutal to the bittersweet, have been brought to vivid life in this unique HBO documentary special, featuring the on-camera voices of over a dozen top African-American actors.
Middle School Confessions
Adolescents confront issues of sexual activity, sexual orientation, violence, alcohol abuse and depression.
This look at the world of fastpitch softball details vanishing Americana, the line between hobby and obsession, and a pride in identity that transcends racial or regional affiliation.
Daughter of the Bride
Pearl Randall, a 66-year-old widow, announces that she is planning to remarry, but her three grown children express conflicting emotions. Daughter Terri captures on tape the family's attempts to come to grips with Pearl's new romance. Oscar-nominated documentary short from 1997
Charles Lindbergh lived a life of absolutes, never doubting his own abilities or the altitude of his own moral high ground. His extraordinary character brought him unparalleled accomplishment but also public humiliation and lonely isolation, as his faith in genetic determinism could barely conceal his narrow, naive, and racist social and political views.
Secret Honor
Adaptación de una obra de teatro en la que Philip Baker Hall (único personaje de la película), interpreta a Richard Nixon, haciendo una reflexión sobre su vida y su carrera política. Nixon habla acerca del escándalo del Watergate y su renuncia, al tiempo que opina sobre diversos personajes como Fidel Castro, Kennedy y Henry Kissinger. Algunos críticos americanos calificaron la película de fascinante, alabando especialmente la interpretación de Baker Hall.