Vincent de Boüard

Vincent de Boüard


Vincent de Boüard


El oficial y el espía
En 1894, el capitán francés Alfred Dreyfus, un joven oficial judío, es acusado de traición por espiar para Alemania y condenado a cadena perpetua en la Isla del Diablo, en la Guayana Francesa. Entre los testigos que hicieron posible esta humillación se encuentra el coronel Georges Picquart, encargado de liderar la unidad de contrainteligencia que descubrió al espía. Pero cuando Picquart se entera de que se siguen pasando secretos militares a los alemanes, se adentrará en un peligroso laberinto de mentiras y corrupción, poniendo en peligro su honor y su vida.
All About Yves
Jerem decide instalarse en casa de su abuela para componer su primer álbum. Allí conoce a So, un misterioso investigador que trabaja en nombre de la startup Digital Cool. Ella convencerá a Jerem para que pruebe Yves, un nuevo tipo de refrigerador inteligente dotado de IA.
La princesa encantada
Octave (voice FR)
Ruslan, un artista errante que sueña con convertirse en un caballero, conoció a la bella Mila y se enamoró de ella; él ni siquiera sospechaba que ella era la hija del Rey. Sin embargo, la felicidad de los amantes no estaba destinada a durar demasiado tiempo. Chernomor, el malvado hechicero, apareció en un vórtice mágico y robó a Mila justo ante los ojos de Ruslan para transformar su poder de amor en su propio poder mágico. Sin más preámbulos, Ruslan se lanza en persecución de la princesa robada para superar todos los obstáculos y demostrar que el amor real es más fuerte que la magia.
El hombre que ríe
Le magistrat
Nueva adaptación de la novela de Víctor Hugo del mismo título. (FILMAFFINITY)
Yann Piat: A Chronicle of Murder
Jean-Pierre Stirbois
February 25, 1994, Yann Piat is executed at point blank range by two gunmen on a motorcycle. Its first victories for the FN in 1986 to his ambition in 1994 to take the town hall of Hyères under the banner of the UDF, Yann Piat methods and a speech that upset both policies, businessmen, and middle.
Irène is a beautiful girl working in Paris, she soon meets a manager and hopes a love story with him. But he tells a lie, so she falls in love with a house painter.
Unpredictable Nature of the River
Le Chevalier de Marcera
Nobleman Jean-Francois de la Plaine is exiled to serve as governor of a West African colony.
La fortune de Gaspard
Gaspard is a brilliant pupil who makes a clean sweep of all the prizes every year. He despises his family, and do not want to remain a crude peasant like them. Two businessmen, Mister Fereor and Mister Frolichein, want him to work in their factories. The former wins the contest. Gaspard is a young Turk who wants to make his way of life at any cost. He steals ideas from other young men and becomes an occasional informer. He wins his boss over and, as this tycoon has no son, he is adopted by him even though his biological parents are still alive. But unfair competition threatens Fereor's business and Gaspard is forced to marry Frolichein's daughter, Mina.
Fortune Express
Chiffre barman
Following a climbing accident in the mountains, Pascal loses the use of his legs and is confined to a wheelchair. The film follows his gradual acceptance of this during his stay in a rehabilitation centre and, with the support of fellow residents, the return of his will to live.
Le niaias
In a water world, two men fight for their childhood love.
Directed by Philippe de Broca, the film recounts a bloody episode of the French Revolution. 1793, the Terror . In Vendée and in Bretagne, the chouans are revolting against the young Republic and fight for the monarchy restauration. The civil war divides also the family of the Count Savinien de Kerfadec, a liberal and generous noble and a flying machines inventor.