Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
Cornelius Hackl, dependiente de una tienda de alimentación de Yonkers, marcha a Nueva York con su mejor amigo para pasar un buen rato. Allí no pueden evitar cruzarse con su jefe Horace, que les promete darles una reprimenda si los ve en un restaurante de moda en lugar de estar atendiendo la tienda. A través de Horace, comerciante viudo, conocemos a Dolly Levi, una casamentera de mediana edad -también viuda- que está intentando buscarle una nueva mujer.
Townsman (uncredited)
Esta es la historia de una gran familia que sueña en convertirse en una gran banda familiar y participar en la congregación política de los demócratas. Pero ante la llegada del prometido de la hija mayor, sus vidas dan un giro y van a vivir a Dakota. Las ideas políticas son el eje central de disputas entre los ciudadanos republicanos y demócratas... ¿Podrá más el amor de Alice y Joe que las opuestas ideas políticas? ¿Qué partido político ganará las elecciones?
Conventioneer (uncredited)
Después de haber dado un golpe muy lucrativo, un hombre es traicionado por su esposa y por su mejor amigo. Ambos lo abandonan, dándolo por muerto, en una celda de la abandonada prisión de Alcatraz. Años después, intentará vengarse y recobrar su parte del botín.
Re-edited, feature film version of the 1933 serial, Tarzan the Fearless, sold to television in the mid-1960's.
Politician (uncredited)
En un mundo cambiante en el que la televisión se ha convertido en la principal fuente de información, Adam Caulfield, un joven periodista deportivo, es testigo de cómo su tío, Frank Skeffington, un veterano y honesto político, alcalde de una ciudad de Nueva Inglaterra, intenta ser reelegido mientras banqueros y empresarios conspiran en la sombra para colocar en el ayuntamiento a un candidato débil y manejable.
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)
El abogado Thomas Farrell presta sus servicios a Rico Angelo, el gángster más poderoso de Chicago. Un día, se enamora de Vicki Gaye, una bailarina que acude a todas las fiestas de la mafia. Aunque Farrell intenta dejar de trabajar para Rico Angelo, éste se lo impide amenazando a Vicki.
Tour Group Member (uncredited)
James Gannon (Clark Gable), un maduro editor de prensa se enamora de Erica Stone (Doris Day), una joven que ejerce como profesora en una escuela de periodismo. Con el fin de conquistarla, el editor no duda en matricularse, como un novato más, para que ella le dé clases.
Un tejano que luchó en la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865) llega a Sundown acompañado de un amigo. Su intención es vengarse de un hombre que resulta ser el terrateniente más rico de la comarca y que está a punto de casarse. (FILMAFFINITY)
Scavenger Hunter (uncredited)
Irene Bullock (June Allyson) necesita un nuevo mayordomo, y su hija Irene encuentra a un camarero en el puerto llamado Godfrey Godfrey (David Niven). Empieza a trabajar al servicio de la excéntrica familia Bullock, resultando un hombre tan eficiente como elegante, pero muy reservado para hablar de sí mismo.
Party Guest (uncredited)
Tracy va a contraer matrimonio por segunda vez. Sin embargo, su primer marido se da cuenta de que sigue locamente enamorado de ella e intenta conseguir que vuelva a su lado. Remake de la mítica 'Historias de Filadelfia', adornada con un espléndido reparto y las canciones de Bing Crosby
Fight Spectator (uncredited)
Biopic sobre el boxeador Rocky Graziano, un joven italoamericano que, después de su paso por distintos reformatorios, se convirtió en campeón de boxeo de los pesos medios. Acostumbrado a la violencia del East Side neoyorquino, Rocky encontró el éxito en el ring gracias a una combinación de talento, ambición y tenacidad.
Townsman (uncredited)
El alguacil Coleen Wave (Randolph Scott) es un abogado que recorre el territorio de Colorado para acabar con los criminales. Su dedicación al trabajo es tan excesiva que su esposa (Angela Lansbury) lo abandona y le asegura que no volverá con él mientras no deje definitivamente las armas. Pero él está decidido a imponer la ley y el orden en una última ciudad, que está dominada por una banda de pistoleros, dispuestos a todo con tal de que el territorio no se convierta en un estado de la Unión.
Observer at Accident Scene (uncredited)
Remake del film "High Sierra" de Raoul Walsh. Un hombre que acaba de salir de la cárcel planea un gran golpe que le permitiría retirarse para siempre del mundo de la delincuencia. Sin embargo, no había contado con ciertas circunstancias que dificultarán su proyecto.
Deputy Sheriff (uncredited)
Un granjero californiano tiene dos hijos, Cal y Aron, de caracteres muy diferentes, pero ambos compiten por el cariño de su padre. La situación de Cal se complica cuando averigua que, en realidad, su madre no sólo no está muerta, sino que además regenta un local de alterne.
Good-Doer Club Member (uncredited)
Do-gooder Joe McDoakes is the guest on the "Know Your Relatives" TV show where, to his chagrin, many of his black sheep relations reveal the skeletons in the family closet.
Academy Awards Attendee (uncredited)
Norman Maine, un famoso actor adicto al alcohol, descubre a Esther, una joven con un gran talento para la canción y decide impulsar su carrera cinematográfica. Ella consigue la fama y, a los pocos meses, la pareja contrae matrimonio. Pero, a medida que el éxito de Esther aumenta, decae el de Norman, y esta situación lo empuja a la autodestrucción.
Rancher (as Philo McCollough)
Cuando el pistolero Brett Wade descubre que tiene tuberculosis decide cambiar de vida; pero, al mismo tiempo, intenta ayudar a una joven.
Barfly (uncredited)
Jane, una dura mujer que cabalga y dispara igual que un hombre, llega a la ciudad de Deadwood, en Dakota, donde es bien recibida por Will Bill Hickok y otras personas, que escuchan con entusiasmo sus historias sobre los indios. Esa misma tarde, el público del salón Golden Garter expresa su descontento cuando en lugar de una hermosa actriz de Nueva York aparece en el escenario un artista llamado Francis Fryer. Para calmar a la audiencia, Jane promete volver con Adelaid Adman, una estrella de Chicago adorada por los hombres.
Spectator / Man Entering Music Hall (uncredited)
El escultor de un museo de cera tiene una fuerte discusión con su socio, porque éste pretende incendiar el local para cobrar el seguro. Años después, mientras el profesor Jarrod intenta reconstruir el museo, se producen extrañas desapariciones.
Party Guest
Rick Livingston, un rico neoyorquino, es arrestado por exceso de velocidad al cruzar la pequeña población de Duck Creek. Este hecho va a provocar un gran revuelo en la vida del tranquilo lugar. Rick no tarda en conocer a Cindy, hija del juez local. Pero surgen problemas cuando un periódico de Nueva York publica las fotos de Rick y Cindy, y una antigua amiga del joven llega hasta la localidad para reconquistarlo a él y a su dinero. (Filmaffinit)
Mr. Benson (uncredited)
Un anciano millonario sin familia, que pretende dejar toda su fortuna a los descendientes de una novia suya que lo rechazó, se traslada a la localidad donde residen para comprobar cómo viven sus futuros herederos.
Attorney (uncredited)
El joven abogado Maxwell Webster, casado y con tres niños, empieza su carrera en un pueblecito perdido de Montana. Como la vida allí no es nada sencilla, la familia no tiene más remedio que trasladarse a Los Ángeles, donde tendrán que afrontar problemas de toda índole, especialmente económicos. Por si fuera poco, Maxwell se verá involucrado en un proceso judicial.
Audience Member (uncredited)
Antes de conocer a la aspirante a actriz Cathy Seldon, el ídolo del cine mudo Don Lockwood pensaba que lo tenía todo; fama, fortuna y éxito. Pero, tras conocerla, se da cuenta de que ella es lo que realmente faltaba en su vida. Con el nacimiento del cine sonoro, Don quiere filmar los musicales con Kathy, pero entre ambos se interpone la reina del cine mudo Lina Lamont.
Miner (uncredited)
El doctor Brown recoge a un chico de un orfanato para ponerle bajo su protección. Pero su altruismo cambia cuando el chico descubre un tesoro.
Man Seated at Bar (uncredited)
El Sindicato del Crimen controla la ciudad. Su jefe es alguien cuya identidad se desconoce y a quien llaman "el Anciano". La corrupción se ha adueñado de las instituciones e incluso de las fuerzas del orden. Thomas McQuigg, un honrado capitán de policía, ha sido trasladado por sus superiores a una comisaría de barrio para mantenerlo al margen. Pero él no se rinde: con la ayuda de Johnson, un policía tan íntegro y valiente como él, emprende una implacable cruzada contra uno de los gánsteres más influyentes de la ciudad.
Townsman (uncredited)
El principal enemigo de Dardo (Lancaster) es el Duque Urbis, alias "El Halcón", por haber secuestrado a su mujer y a su hijo. Este noble, en nombre del emperador, ejerce una auténtica tiranía sobre los habitantes de los pueblos de Lombardía. Un día Dardo, buscando venganza, secuestra a la sobrina del Duque.
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Un padre se enfrenta a uno de los momentos más naturales y temidos de su vida: la boda de su hija. Y los problemas no son sólo de índole sentimental: el abandono del hogar por parte de la chica; sino también de carácter económico: la organización de una costosa boda que lo traerá de cabeza.
Bailiff (uncredited)
Gary Cooper es un arquitecto vanguardista en desigual lucha con el mundo. Su deseo de demostrar tanto su talento como el valor del individuo frente a la masa se mezcla con una tórrida y compleja historia de amor en este atípico melodrama, ejemplarmente rodado por Vidor con toda la pasión y el pulso narrativo que le caracterizan. Impresionante banda sonora de Max Steiner y magníficas interpretaciones para una obra maestra del género, de interés especial para los amantes de la arquitectura -los proyectos de Cooper se parecen sospechosamente a los de Frank Lloyd Wright-.
A bleak mansion sits ominously on a cliff above the sea somewhere on Florida's east coast. In its shadows, two people meet: a scientist haunted by incurable illness and a beautiful woman haunted by the voice of her dead husband. Ronald Reagan and Hollywood-debuting Viveca Lindfors star in an eerie drama steeped in religious faith and supernatural fear, in the destructive power of sexual jealousy and the redemptive power of love. In one of his earliest directorial efforts, Don Siegel (Dirty Harry, The Shootist) displays his command of pacing and camerawork, building the action to a climactic hurricane that parallels the tumultuous emotions of characters precariously balanced between now and the hereafter.
Hotel Tenant
Michael Landers, a police lieutenant, sets out to investigate an intricate murder case. But, the case is closed after the only witness is found dead. Will Michael be able to fathom the mystery?
Moving Man (uncredited)
An old millionaire, who believes he's dying, bequeaths his fortune to a young woman with a fanatical obsession with movie stars. But then the elderly tycoon recovers from his illness and decides he wants his money back. Comedy most notable for its numerous unbilled cameos by Warner Bros. actors.
Party Guest
Chris Hunter (Ann Sheridan) mata a un intruso que merodeaba por su casa, pero le oculta a su marido y también a su abogado que el hombre era un escultor que fue su amante mientras su marido estaba en la guerra. Para complicar más las cosas, la viuda del escultor conserva una estatua, para la cual Chris Hunter había posado desnuda.
Duke Fergus es un cowboy que pierde todo su dinero en la casa de juegos de Tito Morell en San Francisco. Allí, se enamora de Flaxen Tarry, la cantante del local y novia de Tito. Sin dinero, se ve obligado a volver a su tierra, Montana, con la decisión de volver pronto a San Francisco para estar cerca de su amada. En casa, aprende todos los trucos del juego gracias al jugador profesional Wolf Wylie. Cuando vuelve a San Francisco, consigue hacer una gran fortuna. Abre su propio cabaret y consigue que Flaxen sea la estrella del espectáculo. El día de la inauguración, un terremoto destruye la casi totalidad de la ciudad y con ella, el negocio de Duke.
Grand Juror (uncredited)
A crime reporter writes book to expose names and methods of the criminal leaders. He is held on a charge after refusing to explain how he got his information, but is released and helps to expose the syndicate.
Martin Richter, alemán que trabaja para los aliados, consigue escapar por los pelos de la Gestapo. Se refugia en un hotel, en espera de que la II Guerra Mundial llegue a su fin.
Stock Broker (uncredited)
Nueva York, 1914. Para salvar a su hermano, que ha cometido un desfalco, Fanny Trellis (Bette Davis), una mujer egoísta que sólo se preocupa por su belleza, se ve obligada a casarse con Job Skeffington Claude Rains), el director del banco, un hombre poco atractivo y mucho mayor que ella, pero paciente y bondadoso. El matrimonio, concertado y sin amor, pasará por varias etapas en las que ambos verán pasar dos guerra mundiales, varios amantes, una cruel enfermedad, persecuciones nazis, la ceguera y el pánico al envejecimiento.
Board Member (uncredited)
Joe Pendleton (Robert Montgomery) es un boxeador que iba a luchar por el campeonato mundial antes de morir en un accidente de avión. Por desgracia para Joe, él no estaba destinado a morir en el accidente, pero sube al cielo antes de tiempo por culpa de un ángel demasiado eficiente (Edward Everett Horton). Ahora es cosa del jefe del ángel, Mr. Jordan (Claude Rains), encontrar un nuevo cuerpo para Joe y darle otra oportunidad de luchar por el título. Mientras le buscan un nuevo hogar, Joe conoce a una joven idealista (Evelyn Keyes) de la que se enamora locamente, y lo que le da una razón para vivir, aparte de para poder pelear por el título. Adaptación de la obra "El cielo puede esperar", que en 1978 también fue adaptada por Warren Beatty.
Cleveland Private Investigator (uncredited)
Steve y Susan Ireland van a cumplir su cuarto aniversario de boda, pero su relación es bastante problemática. Cuando Susan descubre a Steve con su antigua novia, piensa que tienen una aventura y decide pedir el divorcio. Pero Steve ama a su mujer y está dispuesto a todo con tal de recuperarla...
Second Photographer
Durante la huida que emprende un grupo de personas tras la invasión de las tropas alemanas, el príncipe austriaco Kurt von Rotenberg se enamora de Marta Keller. Al ser descubiertos por los nazis en Checoslovaquia, Von Rotenberg decide entregarse a cambio de que liberen a cuatro detenidos, entre ellos el novio de Marta. (FILMAFFINITY)
Juror #3 (uncredited)
Railroad agents frame a landowner who wont sell out to them.
Milton - Chief Plant Guard
Second serial featuring The Green Hornet and Kato.
Trial Spectator (uncredited)
La fría y calculadora esposa del propietario de una plantación de caucho en Malasia asesina a un hombre, supuestamente en defensa propia. Pero, de repente, aparece una comprometedora carta cuyo contenido echa por tierra la versión de los hechos de la protagonista.
Ralph Bellamy and Margaret Lindsay, stars of Columbia's "Ellery Queen" series, let their hair down and went "screwball" in the Universal comedy-mystery Meet the Wildcat. Bellamy plays a New York gumshoe on the trail of an art thief. His investigation is confounded by the presence of snoopy girl reporter Lindsay.
Henry Mason
El Dr. Bernard Adrian es un científico amable que busca curar la polio de una mujer joven. Necesita líquido cefalorraquídeo humano para completar la fórmula de su suero experimental. Mientras tanto, un simio de circo vicioso ha escapado de su jaula y está aterrorizando a la gente del pueblo. ¿Puede haber una conexión?
Dos vaqueros van en ayuda de una ciudad que se encuentra bajo el control de un cacique malvado.
Western Player (uncredited)
In a U.S. town that could be anywhere, 18-year-old Alice Purdee wins a free trip to Hollywood. With the assistance of a cheerful porter, she takes the night train and dreams about her arrival. Instead of instant success, she meets disappointment after disappointment, and she needs the unexpected encouragement of her grandmother and an aging, former star whom she meets at a talent night. Finally, she gets a call to be an extra, and she's so hopeful that the regulars decide to make a fool of her. Is this the end of Alice's dream? Not if the porter has anything to say about it.
Bartender (uncredited)
Tom Destry, hijo de un legendario pacificador de la frontera, es un joven pacífico que rechaza todo tipo de violencia, por lo que es objeto de toda clase de burlas cuando recorre a caballo la ciudad de Bottleneck, el feudo personal de Kent. Las burlas aumentan cuando Destry nombra sheriff al borracho Wash Dimsdale. Esta actitud cambia cuando resulta que Destry, a pesar de odiar las armas, es un buen tirador. Mientras tanto, Frenchy, la cantante del saloon y novia de Kent, que se siente ofendida ante la indiferencia que Destry muestra hacia ella, jura poner en ridículo al nuevo sheriff.
Senator Albert (uncredited)
Jefferson Smith, un joven ingenuo e idealista, que parece fácilmente manipulable, es nombrado senador. Ignora que en Washington tendrá que vérselas con políticos y empresarios sin escrúpulos que le harán perder la fe. Sin embargo, gracias a su secretaria, una joven que conoce muy bien los entresijos de la política, protagoniza en el Senado una espectacular y maratoniana intervención en la que, además de defender apasionadamente la democracia, pone en evidencia una importante trama de corrupción.
En la bulliciosa ciudad minera de Tombstone, Ben Carter, el dueño de un saloon, intenta deshacerse de un competidor que ha traído hermosas chicas de Chicago, contratando a un pistolero. En vista de que el sheriff se niega a enfrentarse con él, decide hacerlo Wyatt Earp, un antiguo explorador del Ejército, que acaba aceptando el puesto de sheriff y empieza a limpiar la ciudad de maleantes. Mientras tanto, mantiene una peculiar relación de amistad/rivalidad con Doc Holliday, un jugador tísico.
Man in Audience (uncredited)
Andy Hardy se enamora de su profesora de teatro. Cuando eligen su obra para ser interpretada en el instituto, aprovecha la oportunidad para estar el máximo de tiempo posible con ella. Entretanto, el juez Hardy tiene problemas cuando se ve obligado a formar una compañía de aluminio falsa.
An Irish convict sentenced to hard labor in Australia escapes into the outback, and organizes a band of fellow escapees to fight a corrupt landlord.
Gagan's Henchman (uncredited)
A Harvard man fights a railroad baron with a disguise and the power of the press.
Baseball Fan
The City Treasurer stands in for the mayor, throwing out the first pitch on Opening Day.
Henchman Williams
Death stalked Garou's Landing, in the Canadian frozen north, but who was the killer who murdered two men and left them huddled in the snow. Sergeant Renfrew (James Newill, of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, accompanied by his dog, Silver King (Silver King the Dog), and Kay Larkin (Terry Walker) the daughter of the man, Andrew Larkin (Robert Frazer) accused of the crime, sets out to solve the crime and bring the real killer to justice.
Faculty Member at Dance
Julie e Ives Tower se conocen en la universidad y se enamoran. Proyectan casarse cuando terminen sus estudios. Sin embargo, debido a la oposición de los padres de ella, la relación se rompe y Julie acaba casándose con un escritor alcohólico, con el que se traslada a París.
The U.S. Army needs more horses for the Spanish-American War. Hoppy must turn his Bar 20 cowhands into Rough Riders to gather up the horses, and of course bad guys try to sabotage the operation.
Theatre Manager (uncredited)
After John Wilkes Booth assassinated President Abraham Lincoln, he escaped to Maryland and was discovered hiding in a barn. After he refused to surrender, the barn was set afire and Booth died in the blaze. However, in 1903 a Mr. David E. George, while on his deathbed in Enid, Oklahoma, claimed to be John Wilkes Booth. This MGM An Historical Mystery series short presents evidence of the possibility that Mr. George's claim was true.
Philo McCullough
A young singer hopes to become a success on Broadway.
Crewman (uncredited)
Harvey, el hijo arrogante y malcriado de un padre poco cariñoso, cae por la borda de un barco de vapor transatlántico y es rescatado por un barco de pesca en el Gran Banco de Terranova. Harvey trata de convencerles para que lo lleven a tierra alardeando de su riqueza ante la tripulación, aunque nadie le toma en serio. El capitán le ofrece un trabajo mal pagado hasta que regresen a puerto. El duro trabajo como uno más de la tripulación convierte al joven en un hombre maduro y considerado.
Reporter in Senate Chamber
A proud, pro-capital punishment district attorney with a 90% execution rate, finds himself wrongly convicted of murdering his estranged wife and sentenced to die. The woman he loves and his investigator rival for her affections rally to find the real killer, while he is confronted by the misery of life on death row.
Scanlon (uncredited)
A temperamental film star's vacation turns deadly when he uncovers a murder.
Brawling cable layer Steve Reardon doesn't want to marry girlfriend Edith but he also doesn't want her to date other men.
Policeman (Uncredited)
The star of "Song of the Toreador" receives threatening messages that he will not survive the preview screening of the film. The studio publicist works with the Director, the Producer and the police, to discover who is behind the threats.
A San Francisco singer flees Chinatown on murder charges and poses as a missionary in Alaska.
A 12-episode serial in which scholastic sports star Frank Merriwell leaves school to search for his missing father. His adventures involve a mysterious inscription on a ring, buried treasure, kidnaping and Indian raids. He saves his father and returns to school just in time to win a decisive baseball game with his remarkable pitching and hitting.
A police chief and two security agencies work to find out who is behind a recent rash of hijackings.
A feud between two gangs in Chinatown breaks out into a tong war.
Immigration Officer (uncredited)
A Traveler's Aid worker who delights in solving people's problems gets mixed up with gangsters.
Police search for the killer of a man who misused $700,000 intended for the Chinese Communists.
Abner Sneed
Parker, seeking revenge on Culverson, is bringing in a flood of sheep. Branning signs on at the Culverson ranch to help fight them off. Standing in his way is hired gunman and crooked lawyer Sneed. T
Perrin and his partner get paid a big sum of money at the end of their cattle drive. Shortly thereafter, the partner is found with a knife in his back and Perrin is blamed for the murder.
Sheriff Tom Collier
A cowboy tries to protect a young woman whose father was murdered because he had railroad maps that showed the location of a proposed new line. Now the killers are after her because they think she has the maps.
Lloyd Wilson, trusted employee of an investment firm, is suspected of theft when $20,000 in security bonds is stolen from his office. Tarzan, the Famous Police Dog, has an intuitive dislike of an apparently respectable citizen, and this leads Wilson and the police to the gang headquarters. Tarzan wins a public citation for his leading part in breaking the case against a desperate gang of criminals.
Nicholas Condylos
Two Boy Scouts win an around-the-world trip with a crack aviator, and find themselves crash-landed in the South American jungles after the ace forgets to refuel in Ecuador.
A reporter is frustrated with women after a string of failed relationships. But then he finds himself taking up the cause of a young women he believes is falsely accused of killing her husband.
A railroad employee finds out the identity of "The Wrecker", a criminal who is deliberately causing trains to crash. However, before he can disclose the crook's name, he is shot and killed. A passenger aboard the train volunteers to go after the killer and bring "The Wrecker" to justice.
Dad Brooks is in financial trouble and needs to sell a lot of horses. But they are being rustled and needing help, he sends for Tom. Tom looks for the rustlers but eventually realizes that someone is using a wild horse to do the rustling. He finds the secret entrance used by the rustlers to hide the horses but soon finds himself a prisoner.
Bill, who is about to lead a wagon train to California, has a map to a valuable gold field and Rocky is after the map. When Rocky and his men attack, Ken Manning breaks it up and later identifies Rocky and his men as the attackers. Expelled from the wagon train, they stampede a buffalo herd puting the Indians on the warpath. After the Indians attack the wagon train, Rocky thinks he can get the map.
Sir John Moreland
An accomplished aviator sets out to locate treasure hidden by one of his ancestors. He encounters interference from various adversaries.
Frank Carter
War/Western - A lawman, his dog and his trusty white stallion fight a gang of outlaws.
Reporter (uncredited)
A glamorous film star rebels against the studio, her pushy press agent and a family of hangers-on.
Bellamy / Gang Leader
Un eclipse solar provoca una ola gigante que arrasa con Nueva York y con las principales ciudades del mundo.
Jeff Herbert
Tarzán lucha contra unas tribus de infieles y contra docenas de fieras salvajes en pos de ayudar a una chica y a su padre, que han sido capturados por los adoradores de Zar, el dios de los dedos de esmeralda.
Capt. Valdez
Easter, a soldier of fortune and gunrunner, leaves his family behind escaping from the authorities and an American detective named Mason. His globe hopping escape leads him finally to South America, where he is hired to organize a band of revolutionaries, unaware that they plan to eliminate him when his job is done. Here, also, he encounters his own son, on track to waste his own life in pursuits similar to Easter's.
Masher (uncredited)
Una joven está siendo juzgada por asesinato. Durante la adolescencia, su lucha por salir de la miseria le costó una pena de prisión por robo. La falta de medios y las dificultades para encontrar empleo la llevan a involucrarse en los asuntos de la mafia. En un prostíbulo, conoce a un joven abogado, hijo de una prestigiosa y rica familia, que se enamora de ella.
Man at Gaiety Theatre
A hospital surgeon (James Dunn) protects a mystery woman (Gloria Stuart) who knows too much about a card-game murder.
Rance Judd
Efforts to build a transcontinental railroad are resisted by crooks and Indians on the warpath.
Hotel Guest / Gambler (uncredited)
Las diferentes historias de los huéspedes de un elegante hotel es el argumento de este film de brillante reparto. Obtuvo tan sólo un Oscar, pero fue el de mejor película.
Bar Customer (uncredited)
Los males del alcohol antes y durante la prohibición se hacen evidentes cuando vemos sus efectos en la familia Chilcote.
Sergeant Carlos Olivarez (Buck Jones) becomes entangled in the machinations of an oil baron, havoc-wreaking bandits, and the femme fatale who ruined his brother.
Banker Joe Weller
Jim and Buddy decide to follow their pal Tater-bug who left them for another job. No sooner do they arrive than Tater-bug gets shot in the back. Jim suspects Joe Weller but has no proof.
Sam Jeffries
The three Morgan brothers, Glenn, Jim and Buddy are all air mail pilots. The plane flown by Jim is shot down by Hugh Jeffries for the money it carries. Another flight is made by Buddy followed by Jeffries intending to shoot him down also...
Jackie's Admirer
Jackie is the perpetually adolescent mother of two grown children - daughter Lee and son Jeff - who are in their early 20's. In spite of the fact that fourth husband Robert is a good provider, good step-dad, and all-around good sport about Jackie's rather wild ways, Jackie is intent on divorcing him although she seems to bear the man no resentment. It just seems that her only reason is that it's time for a change, much like an impulse to buy a new hat. Both children are upset about her decision since they have great affection for Robert. However, daughter Lee has just arrived home from school and decides to accompany her mother to Reno to look after her. On the train west, Lee meets a young mining engineer, Tom, who is headed to a job interview in California. The two hit it off and a romance buds.
Mac - Fall City Sheriff
A cowboy looking to sell an inherited ranch changes his mind after a female neighbour arrives on the scene.
A mysterious master criminal known as The Voice plots with his gang to sabotage the Milesburg Oil Company, but the rightful heir has a secret army of her own to protect her rights.
A gang of racketeers, with the aid of a high-ranking city official has control of a big-city, and the police plant an undercover cop to gather evidence against the hoodlums - except the police keep telling the wrong person what they are up to.
Royce Macklin
A young man's father is murdered and the man convicted of the crime escapes prison, leaving a note intimating that seven local men know the real killer's true identity. The murdered man's son sets out to locate the seven men and find his father's slayer.
Tom Mardson
Bob Merril, looking for the killer of Buddy's father, has found the secret entrance to Pecos' hideout. There he captures Indian Joe who confesses that Marsdan was the killer, But while Bob is off riding in the rodeo his witness escapes.
A Mexico/United States border patrol officer is aided by his police dog, Rinty.
Walter Paynter
A woman goes to a sideshow fortune-teller to have her fortune told, and is astonished when the man looks into his crystal ball and goes into great detail about events in her past that few people ever knew about. Shaken, she leaves and later tells her girlfriend about the incident. The girlfriend insists that she invite the fortune-teller to a party they're having at her house. What the woman doesn't realize is that the "fortune-teller" is actually the ex-husband she abandoned years ago, when she took their daughter and ran off with her lover. When the "charlatan" is invited to the party, he sees an opportunity to take his revenge on his faithless ex-wife.
Joe French
Bill Holmes rescues Rinty from a car wreck not realizing that there is a stolen $50,000 diamond necklace hidden in the dog's collar.
Mons. Chautard
The Apache (1928)
'Ace' Carney
South of Panama is a 1928 American silent drama film directed by Charles J. Hunt and starring Carmelita Geraghty, Edward Raquello and Lewis Sargent
Robert Blake
El reportero Clem Rogers está ansiando como nunca una primicia que lo saque del anonimato... y ésta le llega cuando se entera de que su novia, Jane Atwill, hija del sonado candidato a la alcaldía de la ciudad, está implicada en un crimen que acaba de cometerse, y que tiene que cubrir al ser el único periodista que estaba en ese momento de guardia.
German Officer (uncredited)
Francia, Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Un grupo de aviadores son alojados en un campo cercano a la granja de la viuda de Berthelot. Su hija Jeannine siente curiosidad por los jóvenes combatientes y sus aeroplanos.
Silk Cardross
A lawman and a rancher fight a gang of horse thieves.
Bert, a pitcher for a baseball team in a small town, is given the opportunity to try out for a team in the big leagues. Unfortunately, he incurs the enmity of McRae, the league's leading home-run hitter. In addition, he falls for the team owner's daughter, who McRae has designs on.
Ben Tuttle
Starring Tom Mix and Natalie Kingston
Bat Mullins
Jimmy Bradley, a fireman on the old locomotive No. 99, loves Kate Murphy, daughter of the proprietress of the local lunch counter. His rival, Bat Mullins, is engineer of the new mail train scheduled to make a competition run. When Mullins overturns the new train, Bradley completes the run and earns the contract for his company by delivering the mail in record time on No. 99. A promotion to engineer helps him win Kate.
'Black Jack' Lundy
Fired for crashing his aeroplane into his employer's ranch, Tom Mix is elected sheriff in a town with, as a title stated, "a high mortality rate among sheriffs." Mix, of course, prevails against almost impossible odds, at one point cornering a gang of cutthroats holding leading lady Dorothy Dwan captive in the crater of a volcano about to erupt.
Harvey Renrod
A hot young salesman at a cosmetics company finds out that, because the company is losing a lot of money, he may soon be out of a job.
Monty Garside
The second of Thomas Meighan's three 1927 vehicles, We're All Gamblers was also the first of two collaborations between Meighan and director James Cruze. Based on Lucky Sam McCarver, a play by Sidney Howard, the story concerns a refugee of the Lower East Side who rises to the uppermost rungs of the nightclub world, all for the sake of a "dame." Boxer Sam McCarver (Meighan) falls in love with society girl Carlotta Asche (Mariette Mische).
Gregory Payne
The daughter of a boarding house keeper, Iris Carroll (Tashman) is subjected to the unwanted advances of her mother's boarders. When mom dies, Iris kicks over the traces, moves out of town, buys a gorgeous wardrobe and sets about to "get even" with the entire male population.
Simeon Van Horne is poisoned by Stewart, his lawyer, who hopes to get a part of the estate to be divided between young Peter Van Horne and Dolores, Peter's cousin. Knowing that Dolores is dead, Stewart, who catches Mary Ryan burglarizing the Van Horne home, induces her to pose as Dolores.
Hotel Clerk
Ann Martin will inherit six-million dollars if she marries a man her two spinster-aunts approve of, but, so far, her aunts haven't approved of any man she knows. Ann tries to get a bashful hotel clerk to marry her in name only, and then get a divorce, but he refuses to because he is in love with her. Her cousin then brings in another clerk and Ann now has two men on her hands. Ann now wants to marry the first clerk, having discovered she also loves him, but the aunts object. She then hires two gigolos to charm her aunts into a compromising situation.
Paul Singlton
Doris Poole, whose parents were theatrical people, was orphaned as a child, and four members of the troupe adopted and raised her. When grown, she has become the leading lady in a San Francisco stock-company. She meets and falls in love with Ted, the millionaire son of a rich widow, but she thinks he is only a tax-cab driver. His mother objects to the romance and looks into Doris' past. She learns that her father had murdered, in a fit of jealousy, her mother, and tells Doris what she has found out. The four actors who had raised her had never told her how she happened to become an orphan. They persuade Ted's mother to send him on a voyage to the Orient in order to get him away from Doris. But they neglected to tell the mother they had also booked passage for Doris on the same ship.
Jim Winslow
"Mismates" is the story of a wealthy youth who, against his mother's wishes, marries a poor girl and is disowned. At first determined to support himself and his wife, he soon craves the accustomed luxury and deserts his wife and child. On false information provided by the boy's mother and substantiated by himself the wife is sent to jail and the child kidnapped by the husband. This is where the drama kicks in.
Howard Kipp
Rivalry between two behavioral scientists gets out of hand...
Duncan Whittaker
A remake of a 1915 Tom Mix/Selig Western, this film was yet another silent oater (loosely) based on a story by popular pulp fiction writer Peter B. Kyne. Chip Bennett, a Flying U ranch hand-turned-cartoonist, despite being a confirmed misogynist falls in love with Della Whitmore, a lady doctor and sister of his employer.
Jonathan Carey
Arizona cowboy Coot Cadigan travels to San Francisco and runs into Stuffy McGee, a small-time crook who stages phony "fights" to amuse the tourists. During one of those frights a man is killed and Coot gets blamed for it. Stuffy hides him out, but when he gets arrested Coot hightails it back to Arizona. with Stuffy's three children. To earn some money, he enters the Arizona Sweepstakes, a horse race with a large purse and one on which Col. Savery--the father of the girl Coot loves--depends on to save his ranch.
Percy Horton
Blue Blood is an extant 1925 American silent comedy drama film
Real life rodeo champion Hoot Gibson plays Dan Molloy, an expert rider who wins the big one, the Calgary Stampede. When the father of his new French-Canadian girlfriend turns up dead, Molloy is the only suspect!
A ship carrying a touring circus troupe sinks at sea, and Lorraine, a young girl, is washed up on a deserted island. Her only companion is a gorilla from the circus, Bimi, who raises her as its own. Several years later Lorraine's wealthy grandfather, who has hired a psychic to help find her, is led by the psychic to Lorraine's island, and she and Bimi are taken back to "civiliation" in San Francisco, but things don't work out exactly as planned.
Count Courteau
A love triangle set against the turn-of-the-century gold rush.
Richmiel's lover
After a stormy six year marriage, Barnaby Powers divorces his wife Richmiel. She returns home, taking their young son Oliver with her. Barnaby follows her, to ask for custody of the boy, but meets and falls in love with Richmiel's pretty and sensitive cousin Ledda. Complications ensue.
Lord Churlton
In eighteenth century England, gentleman highwayman Dick Turpin overcomes many difficulties to rescue his sweetheart from a terrible marriage.
Harry Todd
Jeffrey Dwyer is a writer and a poet who wrestles with the conflicts between his idealism and his passion. The two sides of his nature are personified in the women he loves: the sweetly innocent Joan Converse, and the sexy, charismatic Inez Martin.
Dick Crawford
When her latest show closes, Pat O'Brien returns home. The stable owned by her fiancé, Dan Mallory, catches fire, and Pat helps save his prize horse, Lady Belle, who is blinded. Because of the fire, Pat and Dan have to put their wedding plans on hold, and Pat returns to the stage.
Carl Grant
Jack Grant agrees to drive in the big race in order to save his brother Carl from being charged with embezzlement.
Evan Carmichael
While traveling through the prarie, an elderly and cantankerous lady loses control of her car. One of the locals, Tom Faxton (Mix), comes to her rescue. He receives the full impact of the woman's gratitude a few years later when she dies and bequeaths him a rest home for elderly ladies.
Gus Henshaw
Cowboy Ace Cooper, to avoid arrest, becomes a fireman, falls in love with the chief's daughter, Sally Drennan, and wins her in spite of the efforts of a crooked politician to separate them.
Martin Freeland
famed for being written by an amateur
Will Bass
Sam Bass receives a summons to testify before a grand jury, and not realizing that the matter concerns sheep-stealing he assumes it to concern the murder of his brother, Will.
In managing the shipyard inherited from her father, Derith Keogh has considerable labor problems and accedes to the unreasonable demands of John Trevelyan, an anarchist labor agitator. Derith's brother John is off in pursuit of an adventuress, and Angus Campbell, her superintendent, resigns in exasperation. Angus returns, however, to help Derith persuade Trevelyan to settle a strike, which Trevelyan accomplishes in spite of being shot by one of his own men.
When a smart-alec street kid's father, a policeman, is killed in the line of duty, the boy turns over a new leaf and goes to work to support his mother, brothers, and sisters. He gets a job as an usher in a theater but really wants to become a policeman to avenge the death of his father. He soon finds himself involved in a fake kidnapping, real gangsters and a tip on the identity of the man who killed his dad.
Grace Darmond, who had made quite a splash in the 1921 (and still extant) serial The Hope Diamond Mystery, returned to the Saturday matinees as Marjorie Stanton, the treasure-hunting damsel-in-distress of A Dangerous Adventure, produced in 15 chapters and directed by two of the Warner Brothers, Sam and Jack L. Warner. Marjorie and her sister Edith (Derelys Perdue) accompany their uncle (Jack Richardson) on a treasure hunt to Darkest Africa, where the latter fiendishly attempts to sell Marjorie to Ubanga (Rex de Roselli), the local High Priest. Happily, also along for the ride is handsome MacDonald Hayden (Philo McCullough), a wild game hunter who rescues both girls from several fates worse than death.
John Hampton
West of Chicago is a 1922 American silent western film directed by Scott R. Dunlap and starring Buck Jones, Renée Adorée and Philo McCullough.
The Right That Failed
silent cowboy western starring Dustin Farnum as a rancher whose partner is killed by rustlers. He takes in his partner's young son, and begins to sell his ranch, but the boy finds oil on the land.
Arthur Cathewe
Karl Breitman, obsessed with the notion that he is a descendant of Napoleon, is driven to restore the monarchy in France. To accomplish this, he courts Hedda Gobert, who, he has learned, possesses Napoleon's papers. Upon winning Hedda, Breitman steals the documents, which lead him to America and the home of Admiral Killigrew where, the papers allege, the emperor's hidden wealth resides.
Dr. Arthur Richards
Dr. Stannard Wayne -- like all "good" men of the times -- is a God-fearing soul. He marries the former mistress of his friend, Dr. Arthur Richards, without knowing her past. Richards, an abortionist, resumes his affair with the woman and runs off with her. But before he leaves, he frames Wayne for one of the illegal operations he has done, and the innocent man is sent to prison for five years. When he gets out, Wayne has become angry and cynical.
Lee Haines (as P.M. McCullough)
A cowpuncher by the name of Whistling Dan is adopted by a rancher, Joe Cumberland (James O. Barrows). His daughter, Kate is immediately attracted to Dan, but Cumberland discourages the union since he thinks the young man is too wild for her.
Captain Bastling
Having followed the road of romance through many countries, Lord Quex finally falls in love with Muriel Eden. After resisting Lord Quex because of his reputation, Muriel finally capitulates to his charms and agrees to marry him. In her heart, however, Muriel still treasures an affection for Caption Bastling, a fortune hunting womanizer, and when Muriel is told of Lord Quex's continuing contact with the Duchess of Dowager, a situation brought about through the scheming of the Duchess, Muriel turns to Bastling and agrees to meet him at her friend Sophie Fullgarney's manicurist shop.
Lord and Lady Algy separate amicably after he breaks his promise not to gamble again on the horses. When the wife of soap magnate Brabazon Tudway, is courted by Algy's philandering elder brother, Algy tries to help his brother escape Tudway's wrath by hiding Mrs. Tudway in his apartments. Tudway discovers her there ....
Julian Lawrence
Stage actors Della and Julian, while playing a series of one-night-stands, miss their train and the troupe on it. They move into a hotel. A fight breaks out.
Bob Fortney
Mary Brenton, daughter of wealthy Anthony Brenton, marries a man her father doesn't approve of, and they become estranged. When she tries to return home, her father refuses to let her in. Her daughter, Angele, disguises herself as a Belgian war refugee and her grandfather--not knowing who she really is--takes her into his house and, eventually, into his heart.
After receiving an inheritance from an uncle, a woman starts a fortune telling business designed to make her dreams come true.
Upon seeing millionaire Lee Brooks's picture in the paper, Julie Le Fabrier, a romantic young model in Madame Swan's dress shop, immediately falls in love with him. Soon afterwards, Julie is sent to the Grand Tides Hotel to deliver a dress to Madame Ricardo, an attractive young woman whose bills are paid by Lee's lovestruck father, Mason Brooks. Having seen her husband, whom she believed to be in South America, on the grounds, Madame Ricardo deserts the hotel, so Julie dons the gown and masquerades as Mason's mistress.
Jack Laird
Marie and her friend Billy are playing pirates and Marie is the pirate and Billy is her assistant. Marie's widowed mother becomes engaged to Mr. Cross , whom Marie doesn't like -- she much prefers Jack Laird, a secret service man. Laird's investigation of opium smugglers leads him to suspect that Cross is involved, but Marie's mother refuses to let him be searched.
Frank Norwood
A 1917 movie serial
An English nobleman is banished from home because of his attachment to a girl "not of his class." He marries the girl, comes to America with her, and a child, John Burton, subsequently the hero of each chapter of this serial, is born to them.
The Red Circle is a birthmark, on the hand of the heroine, noticeable only in times of stress and excitement, which forces her to steal, leading to no end of complications and intrigue.
Who Pays? was a series of twelve three-reel dramas, released between March and July 1915. Henry King and Ruth Roland starred in each episode, playing different roles each time, with a variety of supporting players who varied from one episode to another. Each episode told a complete and individual story, but they were all inter-related by a uniform theme. Although there were no cliff-hanger endings, each episode did, in fact, end with a challenge to the audience: Who was responsible for the misfortune of the principal characters? The titles of the twelve episodes were: #1: The Price of Fame; #2: The Pursuit of Pleasure; #3: When Justice Sleeps; #4: The Love Liar; #5: Unto Herself Alone; #6: Houses of Glass; #7: Blue Blood and Yellow; #8: Today and Tomorrow; #9: For the Commonwealth; #10: Pomp of Earth; #11: The Fruit of Folly; #12: Toil and Tyranny.