Ho Man-Lung


P Storm
Un agente de la policía anti-corrupción entra como recluso en una prisión hongkonesa para investigar un caso de corrupción entre los oficiales de la cárcel. Cuarta entrega de la saga Storm.
L Storm
William Luk de Anti-Corrupción y Lau Po-Keung, de Inteligencia Financiera, están investigando cada uno por su lado un mismo caso de lavado de dinero sin llegar a una pista definitiva. Una denuncia que llega a asuntos internos entorpecerá aún más la investigación del caso.
Kung Fu Wing Chun
Losing her mother at a tender age, Yim Wing Chun (Bai Jing) grew up under the wing of Master Ng Mui (Kara Hui), a fugitive in the end of the Qing dynasty. Inspired by Ng Mui's Shaolin kung fu, the boyish Wing Chun develops a kind of martial arts that would one day be named after her, while she strikes up a romance with righteous businessman Liang Baochou (Yu Shaoqun). When the minions of the Qing government draw near, Wing Chun must break out of their ambush to join Ng Mui in the showdown with Kam Ying (Collin Chou), the evil master who helps the Qing empire hunt down its enemies with his formidable Eagle Claws kung fu!
Simply Actors
When undercover cops start losing their lives to drug lords who blame their demise on "poor acting", the Police Force counters by sending Hong Kong's Finest to acting school.
The New Option
Faced with early retirement and difficulty recruiting, Stone is forced to lower his standard of acceptance. When a vicious, military-trained group of criminals commit a chain of big-time robberies, the Flying Tigers are called into action once again.
Un diseñador informático es secuestrado y torturado. Desde entonces, su novia siente que ya no es la misma persona y cree que algo sobrenatural está dominando su alma. El policía encargado del caso también está determinado a llegar hasta el final del caso. Pero la verdad es más aterradora de lo que nadie hubiera imaginado.
Summer Snow
Script Supervisor
Tells the story of the relationship between a widower with Alzheimer's disease and his daughter-in-law, May Sun, who is a housewife in her forties trying cope with the upheavals in her family.
Summer Snow
Assistant Director
Tells the story of the relationship between a widower with Alzheimer's disease and his daughter-in-law, May Sun, who is a housewife in her forties trying cope with the upheavals in her family.