Two decades after its unprecedented television broadcast, the cast, crew and fans of the notorious BBC 'Halloween Hoax' Ghostwatch look back at the show's unique production and legendary aftermath in this brand-new retrospective documentary. Includes never-before-seen material and interviews!
Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman, wakes up in his bed to find himself transformed into a large insect. After the metamorphosis, he becomes confined to his room and neglected by his family.
Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman, wakes up in his bed to find himself transformed into a large insect. After the metamorphosis, he becomes confined to his room and neglected by his family.
Narra en directo la investigación de un grupo de reporteros en una zona residencial de Londres, donde, según testigos, una presencia fantasmagórica provoca toda serie de extraños sucesos en los alrededores del área. Los reporteros entrevistaban a los vecinos de la comunidad y descubren que una malvada entidad, el espíritu de un asesino de niños llamado "Pipe", vaga perdido entre el mundo de los vivos y los muertos.