François Hollande

François Hollande

Nacimiento : 1954-08-12, Rouen, France


François Hollande


Cent jours
From the first minutes after his inauguration, the newly elected president wants to translate his promises and his campaign project into action. "Change is now", "Change life", "Together everything becomes possible": all campaign slogans promising a break with the past, a change. The first few months were decisive: it was a matter of making a mark, asserting one's style, imposing one's authority and taking the first measures, those that would make a mark on public opinion and set the first lines of the political narrative in history. From 1959 to 2017, the eight successive presidents have acted without delay. Thanks to the many witnesses and actors of these first hundred days, the film retraces the stakes and decisive moments that marked the beginning of each mandate.
De Charles de Gaulle à Emmanuel Macron, les gardiens de l'empire
Self - President of the Republic
Maastricht, 30 ans après
The Baudis affair, the murderous rumor
In 2002, serial killer Patrice Alègre was sentenced to life imprisonment for five murders. Gendarme Roussel, the main investigator of this case, believes that he will make him confess to other unsolved crimes in Toulouse. Two ex-prostitutes give a series of names of presumed accomplices of the killer, among them Dominique Baudis, then president of the CSA. He decides to face the case alone. Around him, it is silence: not an official support of his political family. Almost twenty years later, we return to the Baudis affair to try to understand it, with the testimonies of Pierre and Benjamin Baudis, his sons, François Hollande, Camille Pascal and the main protagonists.
10 mai 1981 : Changer la vie ?
Fourty years ago, in May 1981, with François Mitterrand's election, some people were letting themselves dream about a better life while others were predicting the coming of soviet tanks upon the Champs-Élysées. If we gladly remember the turning point of austerity in 83, there were also the wage rises, the fifth week of paid leave, the abolition of death penalty, the decriminalisation of homosexuality, or the advent of independent radio stations. Rare archives and accounts by those who were at the heart of this story give an overview of it and shed light on lesser-known aspects.
Anelka : El incomprendido
¿Indescifrable, incomparable o ambas cosas? Este documental analiza en profundidad el polémico legado del famoso futbolista francés Nicolás Anelka.
Entretien politique : Histoire et mode d'emploi
Self (archive footage)
Laboratory Greece
Self (archive footage)
A journey through Greece and Europe’s past and recent history: from the Second World War to the current crisis. It is a historical documentary, a look into many stories. «If Democracy can be destroyed in Greece, it can be destroyed throughout Europe» Paul Craig Roberts
Un peu, beaucoup, passionnément... Les Présidents et les Français
Self (archive footage)
Mon Chirac
At the close of Jacques Chirac's life, politician Jean-Louis Debré has wished to make a film to celebrate his friend, to tell the story of their friendship and professional understanding, and to make an intimate portrait of the former President of France through the accounts of a few very close friends. Thanks to Jean-Louis Debré's presence, Claude Chirac and some of Jacques Chirac's closest friends, famous or unknown, agreed to talk to the camera, sometimes for the first time, to evoke their untold-before memories and tell about the moments that bonded the two men for a lifetime.
L'Adieu à Solférino
François Hollande, le mal-aimé
Self (archive footage)
Una verdad muy incómoda: Ahora o nunca
Documental sobre la lucha del ex vicepresidente de Estados Unidos Al Gore contra el cambio climático. En esta ocasión, el largometraje se centra en los avances realizados en los últimos años para abordar el problema y en los esfuerzos de Gore en persuadir a diferentes líderes para que inviertan en energías renovables. El documental culmina con la firma del Acuerdo de París en 2016.
Moi, candidat
The Blues: Another Story of France
This documentary charts 20 years of the French national soccer team, Les Bleus, whose ups and downs have mirrored those of French society.
Rio 2016 Olympic Opening Ceremony
With fireworks forming the word “Rio” in the sky and supermodel Gisele Bundchen shimmering to the tune of “The Girl from Ipanema,” Rio de Janiero welcomed the world to the first Olympic Games in South America with a serious message underlying the celebration: Let’s take care of our planet.
À l'Élysée, un temps de président
As himself
Liberté, égalité, improvisez !
Les jours heureux
Les Ambitieux
Being President
Président de la République
For the very first time and in complete exclusivity, Patrick Rotman films the daily work of french President François Hollande. Through an essential mise-en-scène, the film penetrates and reveals the core of the Elysée Palace.
Hollande, DSK, etc ...
Candidats pour du beur ?
The New Watchdogs
In 1932, the writer Paul Nizan published "The New Watchdogs" to denounce the philosophers and writers of his time who, sheltering behind intellectual neutrality, imposed themselves as true watchdogs of the established order. Today the watchdogs are journalists, editors, and media experts who've openly become market evangelists and guardians of the social order. In a sardonic manner, "The New Watchdogs" denounces this press that, claiming to be independent, objective and pluralist, makes out it is a democratic force of opposition. With forcefulness and precision, the film puts its finger on the increasing danger of information produced by the major industrial groups of the Paris Stock Exchange and perverted into merchandise.
It's Hard Being Loved by Jerks
The murder of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh by an Islamic extremist in 2004, followed by the publishing of twelve satirical cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed that was commissioned for the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, provides the incendiary framework for Daniel Leconte's provocative documentary, It's Hard Being Loved by Jerks.
Ségo et Sarko sont dans un bateau...
Self (archive footage)
En la piel de Jacques Chirac
Self (archive footage)
Since 1967, Jacques Chirac has appeared everyday on television : millions of hours of automatic gestures, jerky speeches and feverish cavalcades. This mockumentary is based on archival footage and told at the first person (the voice of the French president is provided by imitator Didier Gustin). The main comic effect comes from the contradictions between the various speeches of the French President. The title comes from the title of the French-language version of Being John Malkovich.