Fulvio Palmieri

Nacimiento : 1903-10-19, Rome, Italy

Muerte : 1966-08-16


Altissima pressione
Roberto, joven cantante, convence al padre de su prometida de que financie un club donde actuar. El problema surge cuando se enamora de una mujer que puede abrirle muchas puertas.
Gli eroi del doppio gioco
Benito, son of a fascist mayor, returned from the countryside of Russia, rebels against the family and joins a group of partisans.
Gli eroi del doppio gioco
Benito, son of a fascist mayor, returned from the countryside of Russia, rebels against the family and joins a group of partisans.
Le svedesi
Il campanile d'oro
Dos ciudades imaginarias de Abruzzo, Rocca di sopra y Rocca di sotto, compiten anualmente en una competición que consiste en escalar el campanario. El país ganador tiene derecho a izar y mantener el estandarte de la ciudad de origen durante todo el año.
Una sera di maggio
A man embezzles some money in order to pay his debts and the daughter of his boss, who is in love with his son, asks a rich former suitor of hers for help. When the rich man is found murdered the girl is accused of the crime. Will she be able to clear her name? Written by Salvatore Santangelo (from IMDB)
I milanesi a Napoli
Some Neapolitans help a firm from Milan to establish two factories in Naples: one produces TV dinner pizzas the other manufactures lace. The owner of a pizza joint and a woman who makes lace at home are against the project.
Nero and the Burning of Rome
Pushed by his mother Agrippina, Neron seized power at the expense of Britannicus. His poetry makes him commit numerous crimes. He will die stabbed after having killed his wife, his mother, his advisers, his wife's lovers, and an incredible number of Christians ...
Nerón y Mesalina
Nerón lleva una vida disoluta ajeno a los intereses del imperio. Con la complicidad de su madre, Agripina, celosa de su hijo, asesina a Popea, su mujer, y se casa con Mesalina, pero más tarde se enamora de una esclava...
Serenata amara
Mario and Fabrizio are two boxer friends who fall for the same girl and become enemies because of her. As time goes by things get better between the two men but... tragedy looms behind the corner.
Serenata amara
Mario and Fabrizio are two boxer friends who fall for the same girl and become enemies because of her. As time goes by things get better between the two men but... tragedy looms behind the corner.
Nobody Has Betrayed
A retiring teacher tells a young teacher the story of two old pupils, who once the war begins they will become enemies ...
Gli innocenti pagano
Back from the war, a man discovers that his daughter has died and his wife has left their house. He searches for the girlfriend of a fellow soldier and falls for her.
Enrico Caruso - Leggenda di una voce
This music filled biopic follows the life of the legendary tenor Enrico Caruso from childhood poverty in Naples to the beginning of his rise to fame.
All for love
The Fighting Men
Saverio Luparello is the manager of Sicilian baron Occipinti's estate. The cunning greedy man intentionally lets the land turn into a wasteland, hoping that his employer, discouraged by its low returns, will sell his earth to him for next to nothing. His plans are thwarted by a share cropper, Diego Costa, who farms his lot zealously and to good results.
Vida de perros
Tragicomedia que relata los avatares de los miembros de una revista de variedades. (FILMAFFINITY)
Miss Italia
Miss Italia
Il bacio di una morta
Italy, 1848. Clara, daughter of a rich Milan trader, is in love with Enrico, a political dissident, but she is forced to marry Count Severi.
The Flame that Never Dies
Inspired to the real story of the Carabiniere Salvo D'Acquisto. We see how, to save 22 hostages from dead sentence by Nazi, he decided to sacrifice himself.
1949 movie version of the Rossini opera
Monastero di Santa Chiara
Rudolf a nazi officer falls in love with Ester a jewish singer and tries to save her from deportation hiding her in the Monastery of Santa Chiara.
Le due madonne
Vento d'Africa
Vento d'Africa
L'uomo dal guanto grigio
A famous painting by Antonello da Messina, "the man with a gray glove", has been entrusted to an old restorer. When, subsequently, the painting is withdrawn from the restorer's studio and exposed, the art critic Drago discovers that it is not the original, but a copy.
Tras el fin de la guerra, el romano Giuseppe emigra con su familia a Argentina. Su hija encuentra marido, pero su esposa se muere de nostalgia. Para ganarse el dinero suficiente para el viaje de regreso, se mata a trabajar, pero contará con la solidaridad de sus compañeros y de otros trabajadores argentinos.
Arrivederci, papà!
Un músico no puede hacer que su música sea apreciada, mientras que sus habilidades como cantante, que generalmente no considera, son bien vistas por todos. Es una persona muy sensible pero al mismo tiempo muy temerosa en relacionarse con el otro sexo. Un amigo le anima a no perder la esperanza diciéndole que encontrará a su compañera cuando sus hijos, ya existentes en la mente de Dios, elijan a la que será su madre; de esto surgen una serie de vicisitudes que llevarán al protagonista a encontrarse con su futura esposa.
Nápoles de otros tiempos
No hay una sinopsis en español.
Ma chi te lo fa fare?
Il barone Carlo Mazza
Sperduti nel buio
Naples of the early twentieth century. A thug keeps a girl completely submissive and, having discovered that she is the daughter of a nobleman, tries to blackmail the father.
Professor, My Son
During Fascism and after WWII, a school porter sacrifices himself so his son, who is slightly ashamed of a lowly background, can become a respected professor.The film also takes a few jabs at Italy's rapid governmental reshuffles.
Professor, My Son
During Fascism and after WWII, a school porter sacrifices himself so his son, who is slightly ashamed of a lowly background, can become a respected professor.The film also takes a few jabs at Italy's rapid governmental reshuffles.
Un cattivo soggetto