Mandy Hoffman


The Young Vote
Follow a diverse group of students and activists during the 2020 election to understand young people's perceptions of voting and civic engagement.
Honesty Weekend
Original Music Composer
An ensemble relationship comedy about a young couple whose marriage is in crisis. Their therapist prescribes a weekend of total honesty - the same weekend they're going to the country with close friends for a blowout good time.
Original Music Composer
Hala (Geraldine Viswanathan) es una joven estadounidense de origen pakistaní que lucha por encontrar el equilibrio entre sus deseos, la tradición y la religión. En el proceso, Hala descubre un secreto que podría arruinar a su familia.
The Lovers
Original Music Composer
Mary y Michael forman un matrimonio de mediana edad que tras años de rutina ambos tienen un amante, y parecen aceptarlo en silencio. Pero un día todo cambia y se vuelven a enamorar.
Original Music Composer
Narra la relación entre Terri, un adolescente inadaptado con sobrepeso, y el director de su colegio (John C. Reilly), un tipo locuaz y altruista que se interesa por él.
Momma's Man
In Momma's Man an adult decides to escape the pressures of life and return to his old bedroom at his parents' house. An odd premise, but executed with skill and tenderness.
The GoodTimesKid
Hoping to improve his life, the temperamental Rodolfo Cano enlists in the Army. But when another Rodolfo Cano receives his sign-up orders, the two Rodolfos' lives collide -- with the first Rodolfo's girlfriend adding to the confusion.
A headstrong, unconventional teacher and single mother takes on every kind of authority - as well as her family - in a messy and unfiltered way.