Roland Schreglmann

Nacimiento : 1988-05-09, München, Germany


Zu jung zu sterben
Xaver Mayr
Dad Got Grounded
Paul is living the dream. He’s a pilot who gets to fly across the globe, and at home, his beautiful younger wife Susan waits for him. The only catch: he promised to retire early and take care of their 4-year-old son Franz. But when he breaks his word, Susan leaves him… alone with Franz. On top of that, the kids from his two previous marriages appear on his doorstep: lovesick, morbidly shy 22-year-old Jonas, and Tabea, a teenager in trouble. His kids make him face the dire truth: he’s a bad dad. Now, Paul has one week to show he’s capable of being a father, or Susan won’t come back. When Paul reluctantly shows his kids how much he loves them, they finally bond! But is that enough to win Susan back? - BetaFilm
What Matters Most
Emil Gruber
The lawyer Ella Wolf and her childhood friend Florian come from the same place but live in different worlds. He stayed in idyllic Bad Friedlingen and continues to run the organic farm of his deceased parents. For him, the modern milking machine means maximum change. Ella, on the other hand, is about to take the next step in her career in a renowned Munich law firm: one more test and she will become the youngest junior partner of all time! At her best friend's hilarious wedding party, the two meet and get closer than ever! When Ella returns to her home village six weeks later, she has two serious issues in her luggage: Firstly, she is pregnant by "Flo", which nobody but her knows yet, and secondly, she is supposed to push through a destructive construction project for an important client, which of all things is fought by Florian as the leader of a citizens' initiative.
Born at the same place, on the same day, Hannes and Moritz grow up to be inseparable friends. But one day a tragic motorcycle accident will change their lives forever, leaving Hannes in a coma with a slim chance of recovery. Moritz refuses to give up on his friend and puts his own life aside to ensure Hannes is always loved and surrounded by life and laughter. Trying to stand his ground, Moritz will then embark on an inspiring and life-changing journey, realizing that every day is worth celebrating and proving their friendship is stronger than ever.
Luna's Revenge
When Luna’s family is killed in cold blood on a mountain vacation, she barely escapes, and has to discover she’s been living a lie: her dad was a Russian secret agent, and her family was just a front. Luna has the opportunity to flee the country. But first she wants revenge.
Crazy for Fixi
Tom is a nice guy, and that's his problem: Real women don't like nice guys. No surprise that he has never gotten laid. On graduation day and amidst laughter, he is presented with Fixi, a lifesize sex doll. How embarassing! But the next morning, Tom awakes next to a real woman - Fixi came to life.
1864 es una serie dramático-histórica danesa. Cuenta la historia de dos hermanos, Peter y Laust Jensen, de origen humilde que se enamoran de la misma mujer, Inge, una joven adinerada de la misma zona. La trama está ambientada durante la guerra entre Dinamarca y la Confederación Germánica, formada por Prusia y Austria, en el siglo XIX. Peter y Laust se ven obligados a luchar en una de las guerras más cruentas de la historia de Europa, la Guerra de los Ducados.
Rockabilly Requiem
BRD 1982: Hubertus and Sebastian never want to become like their fathers. The music and their shared love for punk princess Debbie are the only ways to escape the stink of floor wax and stinginess. When a cool rockabilly band is looking for an opening band for their tour, it's clear: this is the chance to escape all constraints! But Hubertus' father tries everything to prevent the musical attempts of his son. When they are invited to audition, the situation escalates.
The Golden Goose
Simpleton is a poor carpenter's apprentice. Everyone makes fun of his naivete. His greatest wish is to make the sad Princess happy. When he gets a Golden Goose as a gift, he resolves to give it to the Princess...
Mona‘s Friendzone
The film is a dramedy about unrequited love, friendship, the uncertainty of the future, and of letting go. The story is narrated by Philipp, a young, luckless musician, who has been in love with his best friend, the equally unsuccessful actress Mona. As he finally sees the chance to confess his feelings, good-looking rising football star Felix König beats him to it. Philipp has to finally decide whether to keep dreaming of the love of his life, or if the time has come, to find another way…
Klarer Fall für Bär
Der Froschkönig
A king has many beautiful daughters, but the most beautiful is the youngest, princess Sophie, who likes to go to a forest nearby her father’s castle and play with her favorite toy, a golden orb. One day the young princess loses her golden orb in the water and a frog offers to retrieve it for her, but in return she must make many promises to him.
La nube
En Alemania, una fuga en una central nuclear provoca una catástrofe, matando a 38.000 personas. Los jóvenes amantes Hannah y Elmar consiguen un refugio y evitan la muerte, pero no se libran de ser contaminados por la nube radioactiva.