On an unusual day, a series of coincidences lead Eduardo to meet Monica at a party. A curiosity is aroused between the two and, despite not being alike, they fall madly in love. In 1980s Brasília, their love needs to mature and learn to overcome differences.
A detailed retrospective of an emblematic moment in Brazilian history, the abolition of slavery, presented from another perspective. Contrary to what was preached by textbooks and other aspects of official history for a long time, it was not merely the signature of Princess Elizabeth in the Golden Law on May 13, 1888, that freed the slaves, and neither was such a gift a gift or a step in the direction of mythological racial democracy.
Executive Producer
En Brasilia, a comienzos de los años 80. Joao do Santo Cristo es un joven marginal que se enamora de Maria Lucia, una estudiante de arquitectura. A su alrededor, la capital de Brasil resulta una ciudad cada vez más convulsa en un conflicto de intereses entre traficantes de droga y la policía mientras el régimen de la dictadura militar vislumbra su final.
Alberto, momentos antes de cumplir 90 años, comienza a revivir las situaciones más sobresalientes de su vida personal y profesional.