Armando Cortez

Armando Cortez

Nacimiento : 1928-01-23, Lisbon, Portugal

Muerte : 2002-04-11


Armando Cortez


Daisy and Mona
The difficult reunion between a tough young mother and her neglected daughter provide impetus this gritty, but upbeat French drama. Daisy, a typical young woman of the X-generation, seems to have no ambition in her life; she lives for the moment and the moment is often self-destructive. Abused as a child, she affects toughness and bravado to disguise her inner fears. Mona, Daisy's seven-year old daughter, is the result of the sexual abuse Daisy suffered while she was a child. Mona was raised by her father, but after he went to prison and his girlfriend rejected her, Mona must return to her mother. The reunion is not joyful and the two must lower plenty of mutual barriers if they are to bond. When Mona's lover Sami is arrested for a shooting, Daisy and Mona go on the lam. To survive they become con-artists and petty thieves. Just as things start to improve, finds out that her new boss has been having her deliver kiddie-porn.
Passagem por Lisboa
Lisbon, early 1940s. The neutral port town is an open door to freedom, for those who are escaping the Nazi occupied France and eastern European countries, and a war field for spies of every description. Lisbon became a cosmopolitan town, where the Duke of Windsor, Primo de Rivera, Pola Negri, Leslie Howard, Walter Schellenberg and Juan Garcia are often together in the luxury hotels and night-clubs. Espionage and crime go hand in hand, despite of, or encouraged by, the Portuguese secret police.
Passagem por Lisboa
Lisbon, early 1940s. The neutral port town is an open door to freedom, for those who are escaping the Nazi occupied France and eastern European countries, and a war field for spies of every description. Lisbon became a cosmopolitan town, where the Duke of Windsor, Primo de Rivera, Pola Negri, Leslie Howard, Walter Schellenberg and Juan Garcia are often together in the luxury hotels and night-clubs. Espionage and crime go hand in hand, despite of, or encouraged by, the Portuguese secret police.
Twin Flames
Fire Brigade Commandant
Redheaded twins Armando and Beatriz always dreamed of being firefighters but during a rainy, uneventful winter they find themselves spending less time putting out infernos than they do helping neighbors who’ve locked themselves out of their apartments. This is how Armando meets a pretty young woman with whom he begins a tentative courtship. But soon a rift grows between the siblings and, spurred by Armando’s exaggerated stories about his nascent relationship, Beatriz begins experiencing aural hallucinations that can only be remedied through music and, finally, the love of a stranger. Pinto made this impassioned fairy tale as part of a series of films about the four elements. - FilmLinc
Acoso a una mujer
Claire, una turista francesa, es arrestada en una isla mediterránea por Kasta, el puritano jefe de policía local, que la acusa de inmoralidad en público. El juez la libera por falta de pruebas, pero Kasta, obsesionado con castigarla, la vuelve a detener de inmediato, esta vez acusándola de posesión de drogas. Mientras espera el juicio, Claire es enviada a una prisión de mujeres.
The Mountains of the Moon
This visually striking drama is taken from the classic Japanese novel Tales Of Genji by Marasaki Shikibu. Set in modern Portugal, Joao (Luis Miguel Cintra) is a left-wing political leader and ladies man with a bright future. His ex-wife Isabel (Manuela de Freitas) both loves and hates him as Joao plays on her wavering emotional state. He is sent to Italy to retrieve wayward family member Antonia (Caroline Chaniolleau), the beautiful young woman with a terrorist boyfriend. Joao is forced to recognize his feelings as the political and amorous climate changes around him.
No Trace of Sin
Tenente Sanches
A young man from a high-bourgeois family, Henrique receives mysterious phone calls from a woman at the barracks where he is serving in the military, which attracts him to meetings without consequences.
Espião Nacionalizado Nosso
A telefilm that satirizes the Portuguese espionage.
The Circle
Eng. Machado, the customer
Una mirada a la sociedad urbana de los años setenta. La historia de Marta, una chica joven y bonita, que deja a su marido para buscar su verdadera identidad. Ella no sabe muy bien lo que quiere, pero al menos sabe de lo que está escapando. Pronto se encuentra con dificultades financieras e involucrada con personajes oscuros.
O Diabo Era Outro
Construction coordinator
Rui, a young musician, is writing poems for the vaudeville company.
The Inspector
On the verge of being expelled from his home for not paying his debts, a government employee is mistaken for an inspector and decides to use that as an advantage.
O Homem do Dia
Agostinho, o Padre
Tó and Pedro are cyclists from rival clubs, sponsored by small, highly competitive local companies: Famel (bicycles) and Caves (wines). Their competition extends to girls. Clara, the school teacher, ends up by marrying Tó, after he suffers a nasty accident which Pedro was involved - or that may have been Pedro's fault. 1 year later, it's again competition day when Clara gives birth to a son, and a similar head-to-head race finish...
O Dinheiro dos Pobres
The Legal Prosecutor
Manuel and Pedro have different approaches to love. Manuel suffers a disgust that makes him sullen, and enters the priesthood. Pedro keeps on in his carefree ways, and commits a robbery. Manuel knows the robber is Pedro, but he learned it in Catholic confession. To keep his vows as a priest, he is prepared to be arrested.
O Cerro dos Enforcados
15th century. D. Afonso, an old jealous nobleman, demands that all stay away when his wife, D. Leonor, goes to church to pray to Our Lady of Mercês. Another nobleman, D. Rui, sees her and fells under the spell or he beauty. D. Afonso orders his wife to retreat to Quinta do Cabril, and decides, one night, to stab his rival to death. It is then that a hanged man decides to intervene. - MOTELx