Vladimir Bolshov

Vladimir Bolshov

Nacimiento : 1958-01-22, Moscow, USSR, [now Russia]


Vladimir Bolshov


Gavriil Dmitrievich Kachalin
A los veinte años, Eduard Streltsov tiene todo lo que uno puede soñar: talento, fama y amor. Es la estrella en ascenso del fútbol soviético. Todo el país, con la respiración contenida, espera la victoria de la selección nacional en el próximo Mundial donde Streltsov se enfrentará al gran futbolista brasileño Pelé. Sin embargo, dos días antes de la salida del equipo, los enemigos del deportista logran destrozar su carrera. Cuando la puerta al gran deporte parece estar cerrada para siempre, Streltsov tiene que volver a entrar en el campo y demostrar que es un verdadero campeón que merece el amor de todos.
Iran Conference
Representatives of the Danish and world intellectual elite, the best minds of our time are going to a conference in Copenhagen to discuss the urgent "Iranian problem" — violation of rights and freedoms, daily executions, torture and military conflicts in the middle East. An orientalist, theologian, political scientist, military journalist, the wife of the Prime Minister (formerly a well-known TV presenter), writer, priest, famous conductor and Iranian poet — winner of the Nobel prize in literature take turns on the stage.
Здрасьте, я ваш папа!
Vysotsky. Four Hours of Real Life
Russian poet, singer and actor Vladimir Vysotsky was an idol of the 1970s and '80s. In 1980, at the age of 42, he passed away during the Moscow Olympic Games. This is the story of his last great love as handed down to his son from a family friend. Written by nitorch.
Вадим Лагоза, майор госбезопасности, нач. особого отд. полка
Bear Hunting
Остросюжетный боевик, где переплетаються большие деньги и большая политика, любовь и предательство, жизнь и смерть. Олег Гринев по прозвищу Медведь (Валерий Николаев) работает на фондовой бирже. Безошибочное финансовое чутье и многолетний опыт брокера позволяют ему задумать большую игру. Начиная ее, он не просто хочет заработать много денег. Главная цель - создать условия для возрождения экономики новой России, но есть и ещё одна, личная - отомстить за смерть отца. Олег даже не подозревает, насколько круто ""большая игра"" изменит его жизнь, и что в финале будет раскрыта тайна, хранимая несколько десятилетий...
Two friends, Al and Max, decide to spend the weekend fishing, during which, amid an incomprehensible noise, a briefcase full of dollars suddenly appears at the end of Al's fishing line. A boss who has lost a million dollars can't calm down, and his two bodyguards have to find a case within 48 hours. In the pursuit of money, the bandits work out various scenarios, forcing Al and Max to participate in this whole nightmare – an attempt to rob a bank, participation in a drug deal.
And in the Morning They Woke Up
Eight men, eight stories about the morning after party...
Львиная доля
An Essay on Victory Day
On the eve of the Victory Day celebrations, three old wartime friends reunite in Moscow. But they don’t get a chance to sit and recall their long-forgotten exploits. Chairman of the Veterans Foundation Kilovatov (O. Yefremov) is accused of dealings with the criminal world and put behind the bars. Former dissident Morgulis (V. Tikhonov), now residing abroad, and participant of protest rallies Dyakov (M. Ulyanov) organize the release of their friend from prison. Confronted with the cruelty of their enemies who masterminded the arrest of their wartime buddy, our heroes involve mafia and security service in the release operation, and then decide to hijack a plane.
Новейшие приключения Буратино
Летние люди
Павел Рюмин
Russian Ragtime
Chelovek v shtatskom
In Soviet Union young Misha is dreaming to see USA, but it seems highly unlikely...
Fanat 2
After the final fight, Malish - karate fan in late Soviets still try hard to beat his way to the top.
Мир дому твоему