Ib Tardini

Nacimiento : 1948-09-07, Gentofte, Denmark


A Caretaker's Tale
Un relato poético, aunque perturbador y controvertido, que cuenta la historia de Per, un portero amargado y cascarrabias que un día descubre una chica desnuda en un apartamento vacío. Parece feliz, muda y sencilla, como un regalo del cielo. Per la traslada a su propio apartamento y su inocencia despierta algo nuevo en él y sus amigos: ¿el amor quizás? Segunda película de Katrine Wiedemann, prestigiosa directora teatral danesa que debutó en el cine en 2000 con Fruen på Hamre / The Lady of Hamre. (FILMAFFINITY)
In a Copenhagen suburb the 19-year-old Per is found unconscious after having been badly beaten up. He is taken to hospital in a coma. The police have no clues, but the air is thick with suspicion. His mother struggles to maintain her faith in his survival. His younger sister, Mie, begins to pick up rumors. Her boyfriend, Shadi, suspects that his elder brother is behind the assault but he cannot tell anyone. Many well-meaning people find themselves at sea in a fable about emotions leading us astray.
Kick 'n Rush
The story revolves around Jakob, Bo and Mikkel - three friends who spend their days lusting over unattainable women and engaging in a variety of illegal activities (i.e. they'll rent a movie and then break into a house to watch it). After he's assigned to work with Mathilde on a school project, Jakob finds himself falling for the girl - despite the fact that Mikkel has been secretly lusting after her for years...
Italiano para principiantes
Un curso de italiano une a seis daneses que tienen problemas sentimentales y de comunicación. Andreas, un joven sacerdote, es enviado a la parroquia de un pequeño barrio de Copenhague para reemplazar a Wredmann, un cura que vive enfrentado con sus feligreses y que no le pondrá las cosas fáciles. Provisionalmente se aloja en un hotel, donde conoce a Jorgen, un tímido conserje. Para aprovechar las noches, Andreas se apunta a un curso nocturno de italiano. Allí conoce a Olympia, una ayudante de pastelería, y a su amiga Karen, que es peluquera. El ambiente latino de las clases, favorecido por la presencia de la italiana Giulia, empieza a producir sus efectos, y los enredos pasionales se suceden.
El banco
Kaj es un hombre que trabaja en un proyecto de reinserción hecho por el ayuntamiento, ya que tiene problemas con el alcohol y está parado. Al arrabal donde él vive, se muda Liv, una mujer y su hijo Jonas. Huyen de los maltratos que ésta recibe por parte de su marido, que es además el padre de Jonas. Poco a poco las vidas de Liv, Kaj, Jonas y Stig, un amigo de Kaj se entrecruzarán. Sin embargo el pasado común de Kaj y Liv, y los problemas personales de ella aún sin resolver se interpondrán en su relación.
Tøser + Drengerøve
Class 7B from N. Koch's school in Aarhus are the stars of the film, which deals with all the joys and problems experienced by the pupils - on the border of the adult world. The film contains all elements: The boys who enjoy the pictures of the pornographic magazines, the girls practicing in front of the mirror, intrigues, unrequited love, sexuality, and feelings which cannot be controlled.
Mona is a young woman, engaged to a man who never shows up. She relies strongly on her supportive friend, Anne. Mona suspects that Anne's psychologist, Dr. Lark, is acting funny towards her friend, and decides to investigate. Mona and Anne will find themselves embroiled in a strange world of psychiatry and fanaticism, in which both young women's lives will be endangered.
The basic story of a young criminal not quite living up to his won ideals of "not to give a damn" sidesteps out of his criminal career while dragging his younger brother into it, could have been interesting. Unfortunately the implementation is simply not good enough. As so often with Danish movies, there is little appreciation for detail thus leaving us with hoodlums talking like they've done time at a business academy rather than a prison. Dialects completely out of here and idiosyncratic bikers without bikes or even character for that matter. An ever accelerating surrealism towards the end doesn't help to clear the slow pace of this film but it does give a glimpse of what the story could have unfolded to become.
Anton is 10 years old. Anton's father was a jet fighter pilot who died in an accident. Anton's mother told Anton that his father is flying angels around in heaven. Anton is obsessed with aeroplanes (his bedroom is full of models and posters) and is (re-)building a full-size aeroplane in the Garage. He plans to use this aeroplane to fly up to his father. The film is about Anton coming to terms with his father's death and about friends, enemies and first love.
The Kingdom
Set in the neurosurgical ward of Copenhagen's Rigshospitalet, the city and country's main hospital, nicknamed "Riget", a number of characters, staff and patients alike, encounter bizarre phenomena, both human and supernatural.
Pretty Boy
Nick is a handsome 13-year-old runaway whose search for a family leads him into the arms of male prostitution. While Nick's sexual exploits with strange men keep his pockets lined with cash, the experience does nothing to preserve his waning innocence. Soon enough, he's as hardened as a man three times his age.
Pretty Boy
Nick is a handsome 13-year-old runaway whose search for a family leads him into the arms of male prostitution. While Nick's sexual exploits with strange men keep his pockets lined with cash, the experience does nothing to preserve his waning innocence. Soon enough, he's as hardened as a man three times his age.
Pain of Love
Line Producer
A young woman who falls in love with her teacher is hit by heartache and challenges she is not prepared for and struggles to escape her dark frame of mind.
The Birthday Trip
Assistant Director
When the hot-dog vendor Kaj from the small town of Skælskør in Denmark turns 40, his friends take him on a trip to Poland, to a long party with cheap liquor and emigration eager polish ladies. It will go merrily, but it gets serious for Kaj as he meets a girl who mistakes him for a wealthy Toyota dealer she has exchanged letters with.
Aarhus by Night
A biographical drama from writer and director Nils Malmros in which reality is mixed with childhood memories.
Mi pequeña Emma
Production Manager
La historia se basa en una niña de 12 años perteneciente a una familia de reconocida reputación afincada en Copenhague desde 1930. La niña se llama Emma, es una jovencita mimada por los padres, pero que a menudo se siente desplazada por su familia debido a las numerosas salidas y fiestas sociales que celebran. Emma pasa mucho tiempo a cargo de sus criados, tiempo suficiente como para que la niña viva intentando captar la atención de sus padres, aunque para ello deba recurrir a sistemas que aterrorizarán a la familia. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Boy Who Disappeared
Production Manager
Fed up with his quarreling middle class parents, thirteen-year-old Jonas runs away from home. He seeks his freedom in the woods, where he befriends a girl his own age and a drunken ex-pilot, who offers him some warmth and understanding.
La bella y la bestia
Production Manager
Cuando Mette y su padre se quedan solos durante las vacaciones de navidad para pintar el nuevo cuarto de niños, el padre termina solo la mayor parte del tiempo. Mette es una joven de 16 años de edad que siempre está con sus amigos en la discoteca o patinando, y a su padre no le preocupa hasta que descubre que Jonne ha tomado algunas fotos de Mette semidesnuda y claramente tiene la intención de ir más allá en la relación que mantiene con su hija.
La bella y la bestia
Man outside bar
Cuando Mette y su padre se quedan solos durante las vacaciones de navidad para pintar el nuevo cuarto de niños, el padre termina solo la mayor parte del tiempo. Mette es una joven de 16 años de edad que siempre está con sus amigos en la discoteca o patinando, y a su padre no le preocupa hasta que descubre que Jonne ha tomado algunas fotos de Mette semidesnuda y claramente tiene la intención de ir más allá en la relación que mantiene con su hija.
El árbol de la ciencia
Production Manager
A medida que un grupo de niños daneses pasa a la adolescencia, gradualmente la niña más popular se convierte en una marginada, por razones triviales que nunca comprende.
Rubber Tarzan
Production Manager
Ivan is a very lonely 8 year boy who is bullied almost every day in school. Even his father taunts him because Ivan litteraly is a weakling (That should explain the title Rubber Tarzan). As a result of this Ivan spends a lot of his time on daydreaming until he meets a kind of kindred spirit - the friendly and lonely crane driver Ole.
Christmas by Your Friends
Production Manager
Mads' father’s company is too small for a proper Christmas tree party, so Mads decides to arrange his own for himself and his best friend. But arranging such a party is easier said than done. It involves theft, intrigue and deception. Can Mads overcome the difficulties, or will there be no Christmas tree party?
The terrorism from a juvenile gang culminate when the gang leader kills a gang member who want to leave the gang.
A boy, as seen through three ages and episodes of his life: as a small boy having a boy cousin as his house guest, as a high-school boy in abject love, and as a young stud trying to bed down a nurse.
"Evening Land muestra acontecimientos "ficticios" en la Europa de aquel momento comenzando con una huelga en un astillero de Copenhague causada por la construcción de cuatro submarinos para el ejército francés no sólo porque la dirección ha propuesto una congelación salarial para asegurar el contrato, sino porque se descubre que los submarinos han de ser equipados con misiles nucleares. Al mismo tiempo, tiene lugar una cumbre de ministros de la Comunidad Económica Europea en Copenhague, y un grupo de manifestantes radicales secuestran al ministro danés en protesta por la producción de submarinos nucleares en Dinamarca, y en apoyo de las demandas de los huelguistas. La policía danesa no sólo los ataca brutalmente durante una manifestación, también localizan y rescatan al ministro secuestrado y capturan o matan a los "terroristas"." (FILMAFFINITY)
Quizá podríamos
Kim es un quinceañero que vive con su madre. Su relación con ella no es muy buena por lo que trata por todos los medios de estar lo menos posible en casa. Después de ir a la escuela se pasa gran parte del día con su amigo Ole, con el que va a la ciudad y se divierte. Un día, cuando va al banco por encargo de su madre, este es asaltado por unos ladrones que le secuestran a él y a una chica llamada Marianne. Ambos permanecerán encerrados en una cabaña en el campo, pero lograrán escaparse y vivir durante unos días la vida a su manera, fuera de la sociedad y de los convencionalismos.