Gyula Mesterházy

Gyula Mesterházy

Nacimiento : 1971-01-13, Szombathely, Hungary


Gyula Mesterházy


El espía que me plantó
Canadian Ambassador
Audrey y Morgan son dos amigas que se ven involucradas en una conspiración internacional cuando una de ellas descubre que su ex-novio era en realidad un espía.
Sinister Shadow
Szavaló színész
The hidden messages in a famed, mysterious painting by Hans Holbein the Younger are slowly revealed to an art restorer hired to reproduce it.
Born Again
Mark Miller
Mark Miller's life seems perfect. He has a great job, huge house, and an amazing wife. What some only dream about is his reality. But from one second to the next something happens that changes everything. One day his boss tells him that his company is on the brink of bankruptcy, so they fire him. Mark's enviable life crumbles like a house of cards. He cannot pay his bills anymore, so he loses his cars, his house and due to his frustration, his relationship with his wife also goes bust. He does his best to stop this from happening but he has to realize that he cannot fix his life on his own. He loses everything that was ever important to him, but in the meantime he finds God. After this point he changes something and he has experiences he would have never expected.
La redada
Otto Günsche
En la noche del 16 de julio de 1942, 4.500 gendarmes del gobierno colaboracionista del Mariscal Pétain, que había firmado un pacto con Hitler y aceptado la ocupación de Francia por el ejército alemán, procedieron en París a una gigantesca redada, en la que 13.152 judíos fueron arrestados y posteriormente encerrados, en condiciones infrahumanas, en el Velódromo de invierno. Estaba previsto detener a 27.391 judíos, pero, aunque la mayoría de los franceses fueron colaboracionistas, una minoría participó en la Resistencia, tanto pasiva como activa, frente al invasor. La desobediencia civil de muchos ciudadanos y de algunos funcionarios permitió escapar a buena parte de los que habían sido previamente fichados y marcados con la estrella amarilla.
Nazi Official
Adolf Eichmann se convirtió en figura clave del holocausto nazi al ser el encargado de coordinar el transporte de los judíos a los campos de concentración. Al caer el régimen, este criminal de guerra huyó a Argentina donde llevó una vida normal en el anonimato, durante 15 años, hasta el momento de su detención. La película narra las confesiones finales que Eichmann realizó al Capitan Avner Less, durante el largo juicio al que fue sometido antes de su ejecución en Israel.
El príncipe y el mendigo
Prince servant
An adaptation of the classic, "The Prince and the Pauper" is the retelling of Edward Tudor and young Thomas Canty, two amazing look-alikes caught up in imperial intrigue and scandal. In fleeing from his violent father, Tom stumbles into the palace courtyard, and is seen by young Prince Edward, who takes him in. Each desiring to see what the other's life is like, the boys impulsively switch identities... little knowing what disaster lies ahead at this fault of thought. And soon Thomas becomes a pawn in the hands of Edward's malicious and greedy uncle, who would have the kingdom for himself.