András Fekete


Armonías de Werckmeister
Mr. Árgyelán
Un circo llega a un pequeño pueblo en el que todos sus habitantes se conocen. La llegada de este circo, que promete el espectáculo de ver a un Príncipe y una ballena gigante despierta recelos en los habitantes, que comienzan a manifestarse contra los signos de violencia callejera que encuentran y que atribuyen al circo. El protagonista asistirá atónito y perplejo a todos estos acontecimientos que se desencadenan de forma precipitada.
The Gambler
Under pressure from his publisher, Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky gets work on his latest piece, 'Rouletenberg'. In the 27 days it takes for him to complete the novel reality and fiction become blurred; in this feverish atmosphere of excess Dostoyevsky's characters come to life as he struggles to complete his work.
Long Twilight
A tale about an independent-minded university professor who leaves her family to travel across the countryside to visit a friend.
La historia relata gradualmente los problemas de una granja colectiva durante unos pocos días de otoño en los años de la Hungría post-comunista, observada desde la perspectiva de distintos personajes. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Pregnant Papa
TSZ elnök
In the small village of Rátót, every male is called Béla. When a woman gives birth to her child, she names him Józsi...
Valahol Magyarországon
Hülyeség nem akadály
Bencsik Béla, the president of the co-operative of the village of Borsány promises home, jobs and good salaries for newcomer families to convince them to settle down. He wants to prevent the community from being depopulated and the co-operative from going bankrupt.
The Accent
An adult educator arrives in the small-town factory with loads of books, energy and a freshly received diploma. The honest young man with dreamy eyes humanises the life of the plant, in a way distributing himself among people.
American Torso
The film depicts the lives of veterans of the 1848 Hungarian Revolution in the American Civil War, based in part on an Ambrose Bierce story. The whole film was re-edited using his own method called "light editing" in order to make it resemble a damaged silent film from the late 1800s.
Nagy István, the formerly poor peasant boy returns to his native village as a teacher. His conviction is that the abyss between rich and poor can be diminished by good will. The rich Böröcz Horváth Klári returns his love, and also Böröcz Horváth is willing to help the poorest family, the Bakos. Bakos Jóska, who was sent to serve the tough Böröcz Horváth as a payment, dies of an infected wound and the people in the village hold the teacher liable as well. Nagy István realises, that the abyss cannot be ceased, what is more, it is impassable. He breaks up with his fiancée and stands by the side of the poor.