The film is based on a novel by Anna Gavalda, and adapted for the small screen by M. Langlois and Veronique Lecharpy. The idea that a formal academic school program is traditionally seen as the way for young minds to be formed and molded, yet how many children that are deemed failures by the same system go on to make names for themselves as they discover fields and subjects not taught by the educational establishment world-wide.
Cansados de las constantes travesuras de los indisciplinados niños que no aceptan ninguna autoridad, los adultos de Timpelbach deciden abandonar la ciudad para darles una lección. ¡Una ciudad sin padres! No es una mala noticia para todo el mundo. Una vez solos, sin adultos, las dos bandas intentarán hacerse con el control de la aldea, pero se darán cuenta de que no todo es tan fácil como creían, y que cuidarse a sí mismos es más duro de lo que pensaban.
Paul Pagnol à 8 ans
The story takes us from the dear Garrigue to the secondary school where Marcel is first ill at ease because he is a scholarship holder and because he went to the grade school (the other bourgeois pupils had probably a private tutor). A fight against a rich kid ,that augurs badly for what is to follow. (to be followed in "Le Temps des Amours" )