Isabelle Madelaine


Memorias de París
Un sábado por la noche, en otoño, Mia queda atrapada en un atentado terrorista en un bistró parisino. Tres meses después, sin poder retomar su vida y recordando sólo fragmentos de aquella noche, Mia decide investigar sus recuerdos para encontrar un camino de vuelta a la felicidad.
When his right-hand man and only mate has to go away for a few weeks, Georges - an ageing film star - is given a substitute, Aïssa. The disillusioned actor and the young female security guard forge a special relationship.
The Nights Alone
Graziella is employed as a housekeeper for a reclusive and wealthy bourgeois family who live in a town house. A monstrous thing is locked up inside it, a very old man who has desperately been waiting to die for years. When Graziella and the monster meet, something is awakened in them.
Sarah es una astronauta francesa que se entrena en la Agencia Espacial Europea en Colonia. Es la única mujer dentro del exigente programa. Vive sola con Stella, su hija de siete años. Sarah se siente culpable por no poder pasar más tiempo con la niña. Su amor es abrumador, inquietante. Cuando Sarah es elegida para formar parte de la tripulación de una misión espacial de un año de duración llamada Proxima, se produce el caos en la relación entre madre e hija.
Georgie and Stan are two friends living in Lens. Georgie dreams of the stage and Stan of cinema. When Georgie learns that his idol will be present at the "Monsieur Pas-de-Calais" competition, he asks Stan, who is shooting the video of the event, to help him to enter the competition. But the rush of events will bring to light the underlying tensions of their relationship.
El verdadero amor
Desde que su mujer se fue, Mario se ocupa solo de su hogar y cuida de sus dos hijas, en plena crisis de adolescencia. Frida, de 14 años, lo culpa de que su madre se haya marchado. Nilki, de 17, solo sueña con marcharse de casa. Mario, por su parte, espera que un día su mujer regrese a casa.
Disorder (El Protector)
Executive Producer
Un veterano soldado, que sufre un síndrome de estrés postraumático, se encuentra con la carga de proteger a la mujer y el hijo de un rico hombre de negocios libanés mientras éste está fuera de la ciudad.
Young Tiger
Bébé Tigre is Many, a 17-year-old Indian boy who has been living in France for two years. A teenager like any other, he divides his time between school, friends, and his girlfriend. But the pressures placed on him by his parents in India force him to put his own life at risk...
Set in Belle Époque France, the story follows nineteen-year-old "hysteria" patient Augustine, the star of Professor Charcot's experiments in hypnosis, as she transitions from object of study to object of desire.
Alexis Ivanovitch, You're My Hero
Alex and Cerise love each other with a happy love. One afternoon, Alex is attacked in front of Cerise and fear prevents him from reacting. While Cerise makes this story a simple anecdote, Alex saw it as a real humiliation.
Nobody Else But You
The ambiguous suicide of a local beauty, weathergirl, cheese model, and Marilyn Monroe look-a-like finds an eager sleuth in David Rousseau, best-selling crime novelist. When Rousseau visits a remote Alps village for the reading of his friend's will he unwittingly, but irresistibly, gets caught in the tangled web of murder and small town politics in this off-beat mystery.
Pina Colada
Romantic comedy
Un pueblo de algún lugar de Argelia. Mounir, altanero y fanfarrón, quiere que todos le admiren, pero se lo impide su hermana Rym, que sufre de narcolepsia y se queda dormida en cualquier sitio, además de su fama por acostarse con el primero que pasa. Un día, al volver de la ciudad con varias copas de más, anuncia a todo el pueblo que un riquísimo hombre de negocios le ha prometido casarse a su hermana. De la noche a la mañana, todo el mundo le admira y envidia. Encerrado en su propia mentira, Mounir acabará cambiando, sin querer, el destino de los suyos… (FILMAFFINITY)
Magic Paris
Kate comes alone to Paris for the week-end. In this city she doesn't know, she is going to meet a man and his dog.
April in Love
Avril is a novice in a convent of "Baptistine" sisters, a monastic order which was officially dissolved by the end of the nineteenth century but that is kept alive by Mère Marie Joseph, the sadistic superior. While Avril is on retreat, locked in for a fortnight in a chapel prior to taking her vows, Soeur Bernadette, a sympathetic sister, discloses a secret to her: she has a twin brother...
Driss, an Algerian emigrant who has settled down in France, is back to Algiers for his month's holiday. What joy it is to hug his relatives and friends, to get to know Nedjma, his cousin Amrane's promised wife and to rediscover the white beauty of his childhood town ! But, a dramatic news suddenly interferes. A fourteen-year-old girl has just been killed for refusing to wear the "hidjab". A spontaneous demonstration is organized, to which the women of the house decide to go. With one exception though : that of Nedjma banned from going by her future husband.
An isolated farmer's daughter dreams of becoming a cow.