En una noche oscura y sombría, un grupo secreto de matamonstruos surge de las sombras y se reúne en el siniestro templo de los Bloodstone tras la muerte de su líder. Tras una extraña y macabra ceremonia en su memoria, los participantes se ven arrastrados a una misteriosa y mortal competición por una poderosa reliquia, una cacería que acabará enfrentándolos a un peligroso monstruo.
Russ Harvey of Dungeons of Harrow plays Corporal Jerry Little in this Korean War picture. He meets an Oriental girl walking her dog and marries her after killing a sniper.
In this very low budget regional sexploitation comedy, a couple of modeling agency publicists enlist the aid of a beauty queen in a plan to detain a malevolent alien named "Astronik".
In this very low budget regional sexploitation comedy, a couple of modeling agency publicists enlist the aid of a beauty queen in a plan to detain a malevolent alien named "Astronik".
In this very low budget regional sexploitation comedy, a couple of modeling agency publicists enlist the aid of a beauty queen in a plan to detain a malevolent alien named "Astronik".