Kao Li Chiu
An update of the 1960s Chinese martial arts story, Buddha's Palm, friends Charles and Chi (Andy Lau, Pak-Cheung Chan) visit Mainland China and discover an ancient cave that houses what is supposed to be the makeshift tomb of the legendary martial artist Lung Gim-Fei. The friends find an old spell book and practice some magic, which unintentionally breaks open a wall and releases a dormant princess (Joey Wang) and her handmaiden (Siu-Wai Mui). Charles and Chi take the Princess and her Handmaiden back to Hong Kong with them, unaware that they were followed by the just-awaken evil warlord, Tien Chien (Wah Yuen).
Rascal at Restaurant
Ted, un entregado agente de policía de Hong Kong que sueña con casarse con su novia y convertirse en marinero para navegar alrededor del mundo. Sin embargo, tiene que dejar de lado sus sueños para hacerse cargo de su hermano Danny, un retrasado mental que se está metiendo constantemente en líos. Las cosas se complican cuando Danny roba accidentalmente a un hombre mientras juega a policías y ladrones con sus amigos. Cuando comienza a ser perseguido por la policía como sospechoso de robo, Ted jura limpiar el nombre de su hermano y llevar a los verdaderos criminales ante la justicia aunque para ello deba actuar al margen de la ley.
Diamond thief
Lucky Diamond is a Hong Kong Comedy directed by Yuen Cheung-Yan and starring Alex Man and Anita Mui.
Prisoner 5734
Ricky y su compañero, apodado 'Músculos', son dos policías que viajan hasta Tokio para coger a un peligroso criminal. Pero cuando llegan les tienden una trampa y se llevan a Ricky secuestrado, por lo que Músculos recibe la ayuda de la inspectora Barbara Woo y del gordinflón Fastbuck para llevar el caso. Los tres, gracias a su audacia y su conocimiento en artes marciales, lucharán para liberar a Ricky y cazar a los delincuentes.
Gang Member
Dos ladrones retirados son chantajeados por Chung, un expolicía, para que den clases sobre respeto en un centro de menores. Sin embargo, su pasado como maleantes no tardará en resurgir.
Imagine an old-school martial arts melodrama about competing fighting schools dropped into the grungy sci-fi world of Blade Runner, and you have an idea of the curious mix of styles in Flash Future Kung Fu. Eddy Ko is the maverick star pupil of an honorable school who secretly engages in underground "Black Boxing" bouts, a black market sport off limits to the school. The ambitious X-Gang, a bloodthirsty neo-Nazi-like organization, plots to take care of Ko and his friends and take over the city with their army of mind-controlled zombie soldiers. In true Hong Kong fashion, it boils down to a showdown of champions, and this one takes place in a boxing ring in an eerily empty warehouse with video coverage broadcasting the event all over.
Gangster in hotel room
A hot-head cop, a by-the-books cop, and a hitman all vie to take down a drug boss. Meanwhile, a gang of criminals plan to rob an armored truck.
Chan Chiu's Bald Bodyguard
Tras cumplir condena, cinco delincuentes de baja estofa, unidos por su afición común a perseguir mujeres atractivas y ponerse en situaciones embarazosas, hacen todo lo posible por reformarse. De esta manera, deciden que la mejor manera de limpiar su reputación es poner en marcha una empresa de limpieza completamente legal. Por desgracia para ellos, uno de sus primeros clientes es un señor del crimen organizado y al realizar un servicio en su edificio se llevan con ellos por equivocación unas valiosas planchas de impresión. Casi sin darse cuenta se verán atrapados en una guerra entre bandas mafiosas rivales por el control del negocio del dinero falsificado en Hong Kong. Para equilibrar un poco las cosas, contarán con la ayuda de un joven agente de policía.
Shantung Yellow Tiger [cameo]
La historia de "Fok Yun Gap" también conocida como "Hou Yuan Chia", uno de los artistas maritales más grandes de China.
Iron Swallow
Mousy, the laundry guy, is attacked several times by an angry theatre troupe member. Although he survives, his friend doesn't. So, he overcomes his cowardice and decides to avenge his friend's death.
Chai Lo's assistant
Bruce Lee esta muerto y las primeras personas en saberlo es el servicio secreto británico, el profesor Lencor es el único hombre capaz de extraer células vivas del cerebro de Bruce, se dirige al hospital para extraerlas y crear 3 clónicos de Bruce en acuerdo con los servicios secretos británicos, los clónicos son creados y aprenden rápidamente artes marciales, de inmediato se les manda a diferentes misiones para combatir el mal, una vez terminadas sus misiones el profesor Lencor decide una lucha fraticida y ordena que los 3 clones luchen entre si para que sobreviva solo uno de ellos.
Hunchback, Liu Chow Mu
Barbero aspirante y con experiencia en kung-fu luchador Shang se entera de que su amiga de la infancia, Siu Ming, se le ha acusado de asesinato por un villano desconocido. Cuando Shang comienza a buscar en el crimen, pronto se encuentra en el blanco de un intento de asesinato. ¿Quién está detrás de todos estos crímenes, y puede dejar de Shang ellos?
El agente 999 y un ladrón viajan a una isla remota en busca de un bandido llamado Rolex. A su llegada, se encuentran con el jefe de policía y pronto comienzan a notar que los habitantes del pueblo son todos unos despiadados caníbales.
Wang Wan-Wu
2 million taels in gold has been stolen from a vault within the Forbidden City. The Empress wants the money returned within 10 days. Chief Constable Leng Tian-Ying is hired to bring back the gold robbers, dead or alive- and Leng's earned a reputation of never bringing anyone back alive.
A young kung fu fantatic learns the Mngoose style from a drunken master in order for him to send a bunch of mericelss fighters running form the town
Beggar So is trying to keep his two star students, brother and sister team Cheong and Gam Fa, in line and well-trained. But So's old enemy Grasshopper Bill Chan and his brother Cougar cause trouble. Bill helps young Kai to be pledged in marriage to Gam Fa against her wishes, but actually plans to have her for himself.
Two mischievous kung fu students enter a kung fu tournament not realizing how much trouble winning the competition will bring them. When one emerges victorious, he must accomplish three robberies to prove his worth and claim his prize! Featuring yoga master Dunpar Singh from planet 90.
Defeated in a match at Shaolin, Wu Kung wanders China till he finds his own temple and style of fighting: Tang Sao Do Karate. Years later, student and ninth successor, Hsi Man Kwong challenges and crumbles all the Chinese kung fu schools in the area.
Martial arts teacher Ah Wei (Bruce Li) discovers a hidden stash of Vietnamese gold while scuba diving with his friends and divides it up between them. The gang who stole and stashed the gold track Wei and his friends down one by one, in order to get back what they believe to be their property. Wei must use his Kung Fu skills to defend himself, and the people he cares about, in this brutal and thrilling martial arts noir.
Crazy guy beaten up by kids
Iron Head Rat
Wong Fei Hung es hijo de un gran maestro de Kung Fu de la cuidad. Pero, aunque es bueno, en lugar de estudiar Kung Fu se pasa el día haciendo el payaso, hasta que por culpa de una gamberrada suya resulta herido el sobrino de un pez gordo de la zona. Entonces su padre decide recurrir a la ayuda de su tío para que le enseñe un poco de disciplina.
A Shaw Brothers production directed by Kuei Chih-hung.
One of Hao's men
Lotus never had a chance. Her mother seethed with anger at being unjustly imprisoned for turning her attemped rapist into a cyclops. Mother repeatedly asked her good friend and fellow prisoner, Pickpocket, to urge Lotus to take revenge for her as an adult. Lotus is given to a monastery and grows up there, but twenty years of peace and love make no impression on Lotus, who skips classes to practice pole and sword skills. Joining forces with Pickpocket and Big Rat, Lotus gets her chance at revenge.
1st Master Hung Lung
When the local thugs harass a restaurant owner's daughter, Shuang Shuang (Chu Chuan-sai), a mysterious stranger named Yung Feng (John Cheung) fends them off. While Yung Feng is off to the local brothel to find his long lost sister, Shuang Shuang gets sexually assaulted by the thugs, who are later killed by something hiding in the woods. The father of the thugs, Hung Chun Piao (Dean Shek), believes that Yung Feng committed the murders, and confronts him...
Revenger after Xiang Yaocha
A brother who loves books and a sister who loves swords must face a yellow-robed warrior, the Red Python, a sinuous snake-charmer, and a silk-masked beauty (who must kill or wed the first man to see her face) before they can bring peace to their battle-addled family.
Part 1 : 'Maniac' - A gang is kidnapping and raping young women. Part 2: 'Queen of Temple Street' - A gambling addict sells his wife to a brothel to pay off his debts.
Head thug
When a young man's village is destroyed by a band of thugs, he seeks help from a great kung-fu master, but his real lessons come from a drunk old man, he basically learns kung fu by accident and seeks his revenge.
San Guai
Liao Jiang is the lowest ranking member of a gang that holds up a jewelery store. Subsequently the three other gang members die, and their gold haul goes missing. Liao Jiang and his new gang member Huge Eyes are then forced to turn to a triad gang to help get back their gold from a rival group.
Shaw production
Zeng Sha-Lie
Classic punch & block era baddie, Fong Yeh, directs the action and stars in this movie about a Thai boxer struggling to fend off local gangsters who want him to take a dive in a rigged match. Tensions arise when he refuses to submit and the gangsters draft in some heavy muscle in the form of Bolo Yeung to take care of things.
Bandit top fighter (scarface)
A young police cadet graduates from the academy, and is sent to a small town run by gangsters - one of whom betrayed the hero's father and left him to die.
Ah Lung is a decent law abiding citizen armed with deadly martial arts skills. He soon discovers he has a brother who is a gangster, Man Ho. All martial hell breaks loose when he tries to meddle in the gangs affairs.
Li (Black Fan)
A man takes on a gang that has been terrorizing a small village.
Hapkido Master Kim Jin Pal takes on a mass of Japanese bushido experts in occupied China Bolo plays Zatoichi hired by the Japanese as a last resort to take on the might of Kim's boot.
Xiao Tian
Two brothers, one wrongly accused of a crime, go on a mission of vengeance to find the men who framed him.
An eastern by Joseph Velasco. Two undercover agents must smash a smuggling racket that is terrorizing a small port town. One of the agents, Chin Chang, has an evil grip that can crush a skull in seconds. The thugs are killers but this agent is a killer in kung fu!
Un grupo de luchadores japoneses, liderados por un enmascarado de pelo largo (Chen Kuan Tai), llegan a una remota villa para apoderarse de la "Hierba del Dragón". Allí, entran en conflicto con un grupo de luchadores chinos que intentan defender el pueblo. La tensión se eleva, y los chinos son vencidos por las fuerzas japonesas, claramente superiores. Afortunadamente, un solitario errante, fugitivo de la justicia, experto luchador de kung fu, Jang Wu-dip (Chen Sing) llega para ayudarlos y se enfrentara al líder de los japoneses en una feroz lucha en la playa.