Two teenage outcasts form an uncanny friendship in their remote village. As one discovers the other's dark secrets, she observes the changes in her new friend to the point of violence, monstrosity and affection.
"If It's Not Now, Then When?" sobre todo desarrolla en un apartamento habitado por tres miembros de una familia (aunque no al mismo tiempo): la madre, Pearlly Chua, la hija Bee Tan Hung y el joven hijo Kenny Gan. Su padre parece haber muerto recientemente. La madre se va temprano y regresa tarde, sale a dar largos paseos por el parque con un amante a quien la hija y su mejor amiga tratan de espiar. La hija trabaja lejos y tiene un romance inconexo con su jefe, que está casado, que se lleva a cabo entre su negocio y las llamadas telefónicas de la familia. Y el hijo se rompe en autos y "recicla" la electrónica que se encuentra.
Production Manager
Father and son wrestle with love in a small Malaysian fishing village. While father looks up an old lover he should have married years ago, his son faces a dilemma. Will he choose the girl he’s in love with, or the daughter of his boss?
Father and son wrestle with love in a small Malaysian fishing village. While father looks up an old lover he should have married years ago, his son faces a dilemma. Will he choose the girl he’s in love with, or the daughter of his boss?
Amy (in flashback)
Berg has just come to Kuala Lumpur and agrees to share a room with Andrew. He meets the other occupants of the house, including the ghost of a murdered girl and a struggling screenwriter whose wife works as a hooker. He also finds out about the mysterious disappearance of an artist who had been a previous tenant. Berg himself is plagued by inertia and the memory of a lost love, and needs to reconcile this with his new life in the city.
Heavily influenced by Jean-Luc Godard, this experimental piece of anti-cinema is about a group of Chinese Communist gangsters dealing with betrayal, disillusionment and the absence of love.