Pina Cornel

Pina Cornel


Pina Cornel


The Secret of the Black Falcon
A secret document has fallen into the hands of pirates. Spain and England are both interested. The English commissioned a notorious pirate and the Spaniards procure their best officer, Carlos de Herrera, to retrieve the document for them.
Sword in the Shadows
Sword in the Shadows (Italian: Una spada nell'ombra) is a 1961 Italian swashbuckler film directed by Luigi Capuano and starring Tamara Lees and Livio Lorenzon.
Los piratas de la costa
Un capitán español derrotado por los piratas es condenado a trabajos forzados. Rumbo al lugar de castigo, se amotina con los demás y toma el mando del barco. Durante la guerra con Inglaterra desenmascara a un traidor, lo mata y consigue que le rehabiliten.