In Memory Of
Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Iceland, July 9, 2016. The surprising discovery of a canister —containing four reels of The Village Detective (Деревенский детектив), a 1969 Soviet film—, caught in the nets of an Icelandic trawler, is the first step in a fascinating journey through the artistic life of film and stage actor Mikhail Ivanovich Zharov (1899-1981), icon and star of an entire era of Russian cinema.
On May 25th, 2020, Derek Chauvin, a Minneapolis police officer, murdered George Floyd, a black man, by driving his knee into George's neck for 8 minutes and 45 seconds until he died. This film chronicles New York City's overwhelming response.
A medida que el fin se acerca inexorablemente, los últimos humanos, que viven millones de años en el futuro, envían un mensaje a la humanidad del presente, un mensaje que es a la vez una petición de ayuda y una advertencia, pero también una narración épica sobre la evolución, la decadencia y la esperanza.
A medida que el fin se acerca inexorablemente, los últimos humanos, que viven millones de años en el futuro, envían un mensaje a la humanidad del presente, un mensaje que es a la vez una petición de ayuda y una advertencia, pero también una narración épica sobre la evolución, la decadencia y la esperanza.
Original Music Composer
A medida que el fin se acerca inexorablemente, los últimos humanos, que viven millones de años en el futuro, envían un mensaje a la humanidad del presente, un mensaje que es a la vez una petición de ayuda y una advertencia, pero también una narración épica sobre la evolución, la decadencia y la esperanza.
A medida que el fin se acerca inexorablemente, los últimos humanos, que viven millones de años en el futuro, envían un mensaje a la humanidad del presente, un mensaje que es a la vez una petición de ayuda y una advertencia, pero también una narración épica sobre la evolución, la decadencia y la esperanza.
Original Music Composer
Tang Yijie, the Construction Committee Director, falls off from rooftop and dies in a demolition riot. Yang Jiadong, a young police officer starts his investigation and finds that Tang's death is tied up with another case several years ago. Soon he is framed and suspended from duty, but he never gives up. The film unfolds how individuals and family make fortune in the past 30 years since the reform in China began.
In Memory Of
Red (Nicholas Cage) es un leñador que vive alejado del mundo junto al amor de su vida, Mandy (Andrea Riseborough). Un día, mientras da un paseo abstraída en una de las novelas de fantasía que suele leer a diario, Mandy se cruza sin saberlo con el líder de una secta que desarrolla una obsesión por ella. Decidido a poseerla a cualquier precio, él y su grupo de secuaces invocan a una banda de motoristas venidos del infierno que la raptan y, en el proceso, hacen añicos la vida de Red. Decidido a vengarse y equipado con toda clase de artilugios, pone en marcha una matanza que deja cuerpos, sangre y vísceras allá por donde pasa.
Original Music Composer
Red (Nicholas Cage) es un leñador que vive alejado del mundo junto al amor de su vida, Mandy (Andrea Riseborough). Un día, mientras da un paseo abstraída en una de las novelas de fantasía que suele leer a diario, Mandy se cruza sin saberlo con el líder de una secta que desarrolla una obsesión por ella. Decidido a poseerla a cualquier precio, él y su grupo de secuaces invocan a una banda de motoristas venidos del infierno que la raptan y, en el proceso, hacen añicos la vida de Red. Decidido a vengarse y equipado con toda clase de artilugios, pone en marcha una matanza que deja cuerpos, sangre y vísceras allá por donde pasa.
Original Music Composer
Película biográfica bíblica que cuenta la historia de María (Rooney Mara), una joven mujer en busca de una nueva forma de vida. Restringida por las jerarquías de la época; María desafía a su familia tradicional al unirse a un nuevo movimiento social dirigido por Jesús de Nazareth (Joaquin Phoenix). Pronto encuentra su lugar dentro del movimiento y en el corazón de un viaje que la conducirá a Jerusalén.
Jacques Mayano, un periodista francés que ha vivido una experiencia traumática, es reclutado por el Vaticano para formar parte de un grupo de trabajo que debe investigar la veracidad de una aparición sobrenatural supuestamente ocurrida en un pequeño pueblo francés.
Original Music Composer
Biopic sobre Donald Crowhurst, veterano de la Real Fuerza Aérea Británica y navegante aficionado, que decidió participar en 1968 en la Golden Globe Race, una competición que consistía en circunnavegar alrededor del mundo sin paradas, para obtener un suculento premio y sanear sus finanzas. Pero las cosas no le fueron bien y optó por engañar a los organizadores del evento sobre cuál era su verdadera posición.
A una mujer (Jennifer Lawrence) le pilla por sorpresa que su marido (Javier Bardem) deje entrar en casa a unas personas a las que no había invitado. Poco a poco el comportamiento de su marido va siendo más extraño, y ella empieza a estresarse y a intentar echar a todo el mundo.
Original Music Composer
Totalmente desatendida por su marido, Sarah se embarca en un improvisado viaje por carretera en compañía de su hija y su mejor amiga, Mindy. A lo largo del camino, la relación entre las dos amigas se intensifica antes de que las circunstancias las separaran. Años más tarde, Sarah intenta reconstruir su relación en los días previos a la boda de Mindy.
This piece offers a fascinating discussion of how the music was made and why it compliments the story and tone.
“A Song for Europa’ is one of the key tracks from Jóhann Jóhannsson’s release ‘Orphée’ on Deutsche Grammophon. Typically for Johann, the work is a beautifully atmospheric composition, one that immerses the listener into the strange recordings of the ‘Numbers Stations’: a category of shortwave radio station broadcasts characterized by readings of number lists, letters and coded messages from a forgotten era. It is to these lost, lonely voices that Johan has turned, capturing the enigmatic transmission of encoded information to persons elsewhere, and reflecting them back within a new context. In response, Studio AKA director Gergely Wootsch has created a considered and thoughtful animated film, which crosses literal boundaries and thresholds as it drifts along a desolate cold war landscape, following the haunting voice as it searches for a listener.
“A Song for Europa’ is one of the key tracks from Jóhann Jóhannsson’s release ‘Orphée’ on Deutsche Grammophon. Typically for Johann, the work is a beautifully atmospheric composition, one that immerses the listener into the strange recordings of the ‘Numbers Stations’: a category of shortwave radio station broadcasts characterized by readings of number lists, letters and coded messages from a forgotten era. It is to these lost, lonely voices that Johan has turned, capturing the enigmatic transmission of encoded information to persons elsewhere, and reflecting them back within a new context. In response, Studio AKA director Gergely Wootsch has created a considered and thoughtful animated film, which crosses literal boundaries and thresholds as it drifts along a desolate cold war landscape, following the haunting voice as it searches for a listener.
Music Producer
Unas misteriosas naves espaciales aterrizan por todo el mundo. Un equipo, liderado por la lingüista Louise Banks, intenta descifrar el motivo de su visita. A medida que la humanidad se tambalea al borde de la guerra, Louise y su equipo luchan contra el tiempo, llegando a poner en peligro su vida y, muy posiblemente, la del resto de la humanidad.
Music Arranger
Unas misteriosas naves espaciales aterrizan por todo el mundo. Un equipo, liderado por la lingüista Louise Banks, intenta descifrar el motivo de su visita. A medida que la humanidad se tambalea al borde de la guerra, Louise y su equipo luchan contra el tiempo, llegando a poner en peligro su vida y, muy posiblemente, la del resto de la humanidad.
Unas misteriosas naves espaciales aterrizan por todo el mundo. Un equipo, liderado por la lingüista Louise Banks, intenta descifrar el motivo de su visita. A medida que la humanidad se tambalea al borde de la guerra, Louise y su equipo luchan contra el tiempo, llegando a poner en peligro su vida y, muy posiblemente, la del resto de la humanidad.
Original Music Composer
Unas misteriosas naves espaciales aterrizan por todo el mundo. Un equipo, liderado por la lingüista Louise Banks, intenta descifrar el motivo de su visita. A medida que la humanidad se tambalea al borde de la guerra, Louise y su equipo luchan contra el tiempo, llegando a poner en peligro su vida y, muy posiblemente, la del resto de la humanidad.
Original Music Composer
Para escapar de las malas condiciones en el campo de refugiados palestinos de Ain al-Hilweh, Reda vagó por Grecia durante tres años. Ahora regresa al campamento, que está sufriendo los efectos de la guerra en Siria, mientras intenta rehacer su vida.
Original Music Composer
En la zona fronteriza que se extiende entre Estados Unidos y México la joven Kate Macer, una idealista agente del FBI, es reclutada por una fuerza de élite del Gobierno para luchar contra el narcotráfico. Bajo el mando de Matt Graver, un frío miembro de las fuerzas gubernamentales, y de Alejandro, un enigmático asesor, el equipo emprende una misión que lleva a la mujer a cuestionarse sus convicciones sobre la guerra contra los narcos y los límites de la ley.
Maria es una mujer que tiene todo excepto lo que más desea: un hijo. Cuando le dicen que es estéril, consigue entrar en un circuito de prostitución infantil de la frontera de la República Checa. La intención de Maria es salvar a una niña y adoptarla, pero en cambio se verá catapultada a un oscuro mundo de violencia y brutalidad.
La película gira en torno a la vida de Stephen Hawking, el importante teórico y divulgador científico que cambió la historia de la ciencia y la tecnología moderna para siempre. La película se centrará en la relación que mantuvo el británico con Jane Wilde, su primera mujer, con quien contrajo matrimonio después de que le diagnosticaran una enfermedad por la que no le quedaban más de dos años de vida.
La película gira en torno a la vida de Stephen Hawking, el importante teórico y divulgador científico que cambió la historia de la ciencia y la tecnología moderna para siempre. La película se centrará en la relación que mantuvo el británico con Jane Wilde, su primera mujer, con quien contrajo matrimonio después de que le diagnosticaran una enfermedad por la que no le quedaban más de dos años de vida.
A story about a common man that arose to the level of a national treasure through his storytelling and other incredible endeavors. A man that did not compromise any of his dreams, hopes and visions in a rapidly changing world, but kept true to his ways and the philosophy that he received directly from past ages.
Sound Mixer
A hypnotic and slow-burning journey through the austere landscapes of the island of South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula. Shot on black and white super 8 film as a series of mostly static tableaux over a period of 20 days during the waning days of the Antarctic Summer, the film is a startling look at life at the edge of the world.
A hypnotic and slow-burning journey through the austere landscapes of the island of South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula. Shot on black and white super 8 film as a series of mostly static tableaux over a period of 20 days during the waning days of the Antarctic Summer, the film is a startling look at life at the edge of the world.
Director of Photography
A hypnotic and slow-burning journey through the austere landscapes of the island of South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula. Shot on black and white super 8 film as a series of mostly static tableaux over a period of 20 days during the waning days of the Antarctic Summer, the film is a startling look at life at the edge of the world.
Original Music Composer
A hypnotic and slow-burning journey through the austere landscapes of the island of South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula. Shot on black and white super 8 film as a series of mostly static tableaux over a period of 20 days during the waning days of the Antarctic Summer, the film is a startling look at life at the edge of the world.
A hypnotic and slow-burning journey through the austere landscapes of the island of South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula. Shot on black and white super 8 film as a series of mostly static tableaux over a period of 20 days during the waning days of the Antarctic Summer, the film is a startling look at life at the edge of the world.
A hypnotic and slow-burning journey through the austere landscapes of the island of South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula. Shot on black and white super 8 film as a series of mostly static tableaux over a period of 20 days during the waning days of the Antarctic Summer, the film is a startling look at life at the edge of the world.
A hypnotic and slow-burning journey through the austere landscapes of the island of South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula. Shot on black and white super 8 film as a series of mostly static tableaux over a period of 20 days during the waning days of the Antarctic Summer, the film is a startling look at life at the edge of the world.
Original Music Composer
A drama centered on the employees of a Nanjing massage parlor who share a common trait: they are all blind.
Original Music Composer
Keller Dover se enfrenta a la peor de las pesadillas: Anna, su hija de seis años, ha desaparecido con su amiga Joy y, a medida que pasa el tiempo, el pánico lo va dominando. Desesperado, decide ocuparse personalmente del asunto. Pero, ¿hasta dónde está dispuesto a llegar para averiguar el paradero de su hija?
Original Music Composer
Shida is the new kid in class in a private boarding school in Tanzania. He is shy, he has no self-esteem, he does not speak one word of English - the primary language in the school, and he suffers from albinism. Like most children with albinism in the country Shida was taken away from his parents to be protected from the witchcraft related killings. The film follows Shida during his first year at the new school where the rules are strict and tolerance low. He is trying his best to meet the demands. The school is a chance of an education and to escape a life on the bottom of society. With the help from his new friend Allan he is struggling to become better in school and to be accepted by the teachers and pupils.
Original Music Composer
A car full of irresponsible youths hit a woman on a rainy freeway and think she is trying an insurance scam.
The Pitch tells the story of Melavöllurinn, Reykjavík’s main sports arena and meeting place until the 70’s. The Pitch served as a melting pot of ideas for Iceland’s newly acquired independence in 1944 that brought back hope and prosperity in the years to come.
Original Music Composer
Un músico en dificultades decide un día hacer un viaje de larga distancia en coche con el fin de luchar contra su esposa por la custodia de su hija pequeña. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Beckmanns used to have more money than they could spend. Now it's all gone. The mother now supports her daughter off a small pension as they share a small apartment in wealthy Cascais, Portugal. The daughter, now in her mid-50s, never needed a job until now; she assures herself that she deserves more from life. Filmmaker Eva Mulvad observes their attempts at making ends meet, their hopes for the future, their malicious confrontations.
Edwin the astronaut is alone on the SS Hamlet spacecraft when a leak suddenly threatens to suck out all the oxygen on board. Edwin insists he can fix the damage himself, but eventually everything looks pretty hopeless. Then suddenly ex-wife Sofia makes contact with him.
Una pareja vive románticas y peligrosas aventuras por todo el mundo: ella es una mujer normal que tiene que acudir a una boda, y él parece un agente secreto. Ambos se vuelven a ver una y otra vez en los lugares más diversos; parece que están condenados a encontrarse y verse implicados en una serie de persecuciones donde nadie es quien parece ser.
Original Music Composer
The ill-fated coal mining communities in North East England are the subject of this inspired documentary by multi-media artist Bill Morrison. Their story is told entirely without words, yet the film is far from silent: it features a remarkable original score by the Icelandic composer Jóhann Jóhannsson.
People in a room in an apartment in a house on a street in a city. "Dreams in Copenhagen" is Max Kestners's documentary film portrait of Denmark's capital. A film about the physical surroundings that are part of shaping our lives. About the buildings we wake up in, the front doors we walk out of, the streets we traverse. It is also a film about how the way we live our lives affect our physical surroundings. About places we dream of and the walls onto which we scratch the names our loved ones, before it is too late.
Original Music Composer
Tras perder a miembros de su familia, tanto Linda (Michelle Pfeiffer) como Walter (Ashton Kutcher) intentan seguir adelante con sus vidas. Por una lado Walter es un joven luchador profesional que regresa al hogar familiar después del brutal asesinato de su hermana, días antes de su boda. Por otro Linda es la madre de un niño sordomudo cuyo marido alcohólico ha muerto a manos de un amigo en un bar. Mientras tienen lugar los juicios por ambos crímenes, Walter y Linda tienen una aventura amorosa.
Shot in back and white, the short film materializes in stark, melancholic images one of the key tracks from the album Fordlândia. "One of the two main threads running through it is this idea of failed utopia, as represented by the 'Fordlândia' title – the story of the rubber plantation Henry Ford established in the Amazon in 1920s, and his dreams of creating an idealized American town in the middle of the jungle complete with white picket fences, hamburgers and alcohol prohibition. The project – started because of the high price Ford had to pay for the rubber necessary for his cars' tyres – failed, of course, as the indigenous workers soon rioted against the alien conditions." - from the website of Jóhann Jóhannsson.
Adapted and directed by Marc Craste, Varmints is a 24-minute film based on the award-winning book of the same name by Helen Ward and illustrated by Craste, that tells the story of one small creature's struggle to preserve a world in danger of being lost forever through recklessness and indifference. A crew of 35 people worked in three countries over a two year period to make the film, and an original score by Icelandic composer Johann Johannsson and sound design by Adrian Rhodes complete the picture.
A love story about two gay wrestlers living in rural Iceland who must keep their relationship a secret from the inner world of Iceland's national and very macho sport.
Jakub and Vladimir, two brothers in their late teens, join in the Cossack army to flee poverty. Elias and Roman, two other brothers, on their own as well, steal horses to survive... When fate brings them together, the encounter proves lethal. Vladimir gets killed. Jakub now burning with anger, is obsessed with revenge. A wild track begins, no one will be left unharmed...
Sorrow does not come merely from contemplating death, which forces us to look into Eternity, but also from life, which compels us to confront Time", wrote Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyayev. Renowned Lithuanian documentarist Audrius Stonys took these words as a motto for his latest film, a meditative visual essay which portrays old people undertaking all kinds of activities, meditation and group laughter therapy. Without a single word of commentary, he creates from sophisticated, aesthetic images a compelling study of human corporeality which, in an ideal union with spiritual equilibrium, can sustain us with the pledge that old age doesn't have to be a painful wait for the last breath.
A Warren Comics style short portraying a stranded cosmonaut on Mars.
Original Music Composer
Pétur is an optometrist happily married to Ásta. They are expecting a child but already have a 10 year old boy named Örn. On coincidense Pétur finds out that he is not Örn's biological father.
A documentary about the bustling Icelandic musical scene. This documentary covers some of Iceland's most talented and well-known musicians.
Original Music Composer
A postal worker falls in love with the Chinese waitress at a Chinese restaurant. They start dating and quickly fall in and out of love, the waitress returning to China. The young man looks for comfort in his father but he's too preoccupied with winning the Eurovision song contest. After listening to loser friends talk about what Sylvester Stallone would do in his situation, the postal worker decides to buy a ticket to China and follow his love to her home.
A collage-like film that mixes interviews with painter Erró and his collaborators, family and friends with visuals of his paintings and extracts from experimental films made in the sixties with Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray, Carolee Scheemann, Christo, Matta and Adami. Also including many of the luminaries of twentieth century art, the film takes us from Paris and New York to the appropriately surrealistic landscapes of Erró's native Iceland.
An older couple, Sigga and Runni, reveal funeral photos of their long-dead son who died tragically young. After thirty years, the photos still elicit painful differences between a grieving mother and her stoic husband; Rúna a housewife living in the harsh and isolated west fjords keeps funeral photos of a terrible family tragedy. For Rúna, they mark a profound event which forever changed her and which belong side by side with photos of weddings, confirmations and baptisms; Erlendur and his stepdaughter Úlfhildur, after nursing his wife through a long battle with cancer, use photography to record her on her deathbed, in peace at last. And Sigrún, morbidly fascinated with funerals and wakes, compulsively videotapes acquaintances' family funerals as a bulwark against her own fear of death. When she experiences death first hand however, her attitudes change.