Gwenaëlle Simon

Gwenaëlle Simon


Gwenaëlle Simon
Gwenaëlle Simon
Gwenaëlle Simon
Gwenaëlle Simon
Gwenaëlle Simon


The Green Perfume
Mère Oscar Thalys
In the middle of a performance at la Comédie-Française, an actor dies on stage, poisoned. Martin, member of the troupe and friend of the victim, becomes the center of everyone’s attention. Suspected by the police, he’s also chased by a mysterious organization, the Green Perfume, that seems to have ordered the murder. While leading his own investigation, Martin receives the unexpected help of Claire, an eccentric cartoonist in need of adventure. This unlikely duo will live an adventure across Europe to foil the plans of the mysterious Green Perfume.
Los consejos de Alice
El acalde de la ciudad de Lyon (Francia), Paul Théraneau, se encuentro un punto decisivo y drástico en su carrera política. Tras 30 años de oficio, es incapaz de plantear una solución a los problemas de su comunidad y de atraer votos, causandole una gran frustración. Decide traer sangre joven al partido, Alice Heinmann, una brillante filósofa, que aconsejará a Théraneau. Entre ambos se forja una relación y un diálogo que hará que ambos se planteen su forma de entender el mundo.
La République
Dorothée Vermonte
François Darcy, a young MP, gets back to his hotel in the morning. A rumor starts spreading around town : the President may have incidentally died.
L'orizzonte degli eventi
The Making of A Summer's Tale
In 1995, producer Françoise Etchegaray recorded the production of A Summer's Tale. The footage remained on the shelf for years until director Jean-André Fieschi combined the images with bits of the finished film.
A la revolución en un dos caballos
Amanece en la mañana del 25 de Abril de 1974, cuando Marco, un joven italiano veinteañero y su amigo portugués, Víctor, dejan París en un Citröen de color amarillo. Su destino es Lisboa que, esa misma noche, se ha liberado de una de las dictaduras más duraderas. El deseo de tomar parte en un acontecimiento histórico, que ocurre una vez en la vida, más el entusiasmo de hacer un viaje juntos y la curiosidad de conocer diferentes lugares y gentes, arrastran a estos dos jóvenes a su nueva aventura. Pero la aventura no es está completa sin Claire, que fue la novia de Víctor en sus años estudiantiles de París. Claire está deseando tomar unas pequeñas vacaciones lejos de su rutina, de su marido y de su hijo. El trío compartirá experiencias inolvidables. El mítico Citröen, los maravillosos paisajes que atraviesan, las fronteras que cruzan, los numerosos encuentros que surgen en la carretera, la banda sonora que ofrece la radio: éstos son los ingredientes de un viaje que nunca olvidarán
Far from China
A young female writer whose father was a militant activist struggles to come to terms with this cumbersome legacy.
The Passengers
The new Saint Denis-Bobigny streetcar picks up and drops off commuters in an all-too-brief transit of their lives. Among the regular riders is a woman who is both spectator and guide – she introduces, comments on, ponders and catalyzes the sometimes vain, sometimes serious preoccupations of her fellow travelers, who, for the moment, are rushing headlong toward their destiny. The commuters and their observer have double lives. Once they step off this streetcar, the real-life dramas begin. Each has his or her style of living or dying…
White Lies
Believing she comes from a wealthy family, thugs kidnap a young woman hired as an au pair in Paris.
Sentimental Education
The story revolves around the lives of a group of international fashion models, focusing on the main character, Fabrice. The film examines the hollowness of his glamorous lifestyle, leading to self discovery and ultimately a personal catharsis (and his own death). The film is based on (really, inspired by) the French Book, L'Education Sentimentale, by Gustave Flaubert.
Love Reinvented
Different aspects of homosexual romance are explored in this compendium of ten short vignettes encompassing a broad look at AIDS and range for the tale of a lesbian teen trying to come out to her parents, to a gay man who shocks his lover by claiming to be pregnant, to another man's reminiscence of a brief affair with an HIV-positive man.
So What?
Lisa drives Marie home but Marie doesn't want to end the night. Lisa suggests they go for a drive. Lisa tries to keep her distance from Marie, because she has a secret. However, Marie wants to be close to Lisa.
Cuento de verano
Nuevo cuento de las "cuatro estaciones" de Rohmer. El joven Gaspard llega de vacaciones al balneario francés de Dinard. Su idea es encontrarse allí con Lena, la muchacha que lo tiene loco. Pero en esos días soleados y calmos conoce a otra chica, una morena atractiva y sensual que le sugiere nuevos rumbos a su corazón. Sin embargo, tal vez la respuesta no esté en ella, sino en Margot, la dulce camarera con la que Gaspard hace amistad sin darse cuenta.
Dark Desires: Thelma
In South Africa, Vincent has spent 5 years in jail for having unintentionally killed a man. Now, he just want to forget it. He found a job in a garage and seduces his boss's daughter Agnes. Not far away, his ex-girlfriend, now married to a rich man, try to seduce him again. As he resists, she murders her husband and try to put the blame on Vincent for this crime.