Ruggero Jacobbi


White Slave Ship
En un barco que viaja de Inglaterra al Nuevo Mundo, las mujeres cautivas se rebelan y toman el control, pero tras una tormenta el capitán se hace con el mando de nuevo. Los amotinados intentan cambiar la ruta, y uno de ellos propone arrojar a las mujeres por la borda, de modo que éstas liberan al capitán...
Esquina da Ilusão
This comedy tells the confusion created by Dante Rossi, owner of a pizza restaurant in Braz, namesake of a powerful industrial São Paulo. This coincidence, arranged by good luck, enabled him to lie for many years, writing letters to his brother in Italy in which he said that he had "made America". His brother, delighted with so many wonders, decides to visit the fake millionaire. But Dante can borrow with other immigrants without fortune, but attached to the idea of appearing great life.
Esquina da Ilusão
This comedy tells the confusion created by Dante Rossi, owner of a pizza restaurant in Braz, namesake of a powerful industrial São Paulo. This coincidence, arranged by good luck, enabled him to lie for many years, writing letters to his brother in Italy in which he said that he had "made America". His brother, delighted with so many wonders, decides to visit the fake millionaire. But Dante can borrow with other immigrants without fortune, but attached to the idea of appearing great life.
Suzana e o Presidente
Una muchacha de pueblo llega a una gran ciudad enamorada de su jefe, sin saber quién es.
Presença de Anita
In a hospital bed, Eduardo, a married man, remembers his involvement with the young Anita, until their downfall.