Kim Ja-young

Kim Ja-young

Nacimiento : 1960-12-23, South Korea


Korean actress.


Kim Ja-young


The Ripple
Still feeling guilty about her granddaughter′s death, Yebun spends her days in pain. Meanwhile, Okim, Yubun’s old friend in the village, passes away from an illness. Yebun briefly takes care of Jiyeoon, Okim’s granddaughter and her own deceased granddaughter’s friend.
Big Sleep
On a winter morning on the way to work, Kiyoung finds Gilho sleeping on the wooden bench in front of his house. Gilho is a teenager who has run away from home because he can no longer face the domestic violence he suffers there. Kiyoung lets Gilho stay in his house for a few days and Gilho comes to trust Kiyoung. However, as Gilho′s friends visit, conflicts happen between Kiyoung and Gilho.
Miracle: Letters to the President
Ms. Jjoman
Dreaming of making a way station for his sister and the villagers who have no choice but to commute along the dangerous train tracks every day, Joon-kyung sends many letters to the President, but with no reply. Ra-hee, who has a crush on Joon-kyung, does everything she can to help him meet the President.
En el silencio
Una pareja de amigos bien avenida que, de vez en cuando, se encarga de limpiar escenas de asesinatos cometidos por la mafia. Más allá de ese trabajo, que realizan con gran eficiencia, no tienen más relación con el mundo del crimen... hasta que reciben un insólito encargo: cuidar de una niña secuestrada.
Before The Summer Passes Away
Yu Jeong-yeon
Jeong-yeon decides to celebrate her 60th birthday by visiting her daughter who’s been married and living in Japan. At her arrival, Jeong-yeon is greeted not by her daughter but instead by her young granddaughter, Uekusa An.
Bori, an 11-year-old girl who lives in a sea village, is the only family member who can hear. Being an elementary school student, Bori gradually becomes more familiar with communicating with her friends at school by speaking and has a difficult time joining a sign language conversation at home. Why was I the only person born different from my family? The more she thinks about it, the more she feels alienated.
Rising Star
A middle-aged lady, Myung-ja becomes one of the candidates for an amateur swimming competition. Myung-ja doesn’t want to let a teenage girl, Ji-gyu get the chance.
Youngshin is sent to a weight loss camp by her mother, but has no interest in it. Yet her roommate Joohee, who dreams of becoming a Youtube influencer after ‘improving’ her appearance, makes a plan to complete weight loss and thus receive a full refund from the camp. The film captures the lives of two teenagers as they deal with the struggles of achieving dreams and the discrimination of others, while also expressing the swirling emotions of friendship and love.
To Each Your Sarah
The film portrays the anguish of an abandoned person and yet focuses on the process in which she grows more conscious of her true self. As she handles the foul giblets of slaughtered pigs, Sarah gets to realize that her real name is Jeong-ja. Every time she vomits, it seems as if the Jeong-ja inside her bursts forth. This short film shows what her real name is and who she really is. Her struggle ripens during the process of recovering her name.
In Between Seasons
Mi Kyung vive separada de su esposo con un hijo adolescente llamado Soo Hyun. No es muy cariñoso con ella, pero es un buen chico. Un día, Soo Hyun trae a un amigo llamado Yong Joon a su casa porque está pasando por algunas dificultades. Yong Joon no dice mucho y tiene una sombra sobre su rostro. Unos años más tarde, Soo Hyun y Yong Joon, que se reúnen en el ejército, salen de viaje pero se encuentran en estado crítico después de un accidente automovilístico. Mi Kyung tiene que encargarse de su hijo paralítico y se resiente de Yong Joon, que volvió bien y vivo. Mi Kyung más tarde descubre un secreto entre su hijo y su amigo y silenciosamente desaparece con él.
I Can Speak
Executive of Shopkeepers co-op
A grumpy old woman befriends a young civil servant and learns English from him. She then reveals to him her shocking past.
Coffee Noir: Black Brown
The law against coffee threatens to close down Ju-won’s coffee shop. Ju-won starts a movement against Kim’s family and big bro. The novel idea behind the plot along with its female hero stand out in this film.
Kissing Cousin
Ari ma
A love for a cousin, deeply engraved in childhood. Twelve years later, a stopped heart begins to beat again.
Snow Paths
Sister Anna
Jeong-Woo is sent to a sanitarium deep in the mountains to overcome his alcoholism. There he meets a young nun named Maria who has a special ability to see inside people. In this isolated sanitarium Maria is the only person who seems to care for him and soon he feels drawn to her. While struggling with his withdrawal symptoms, Jeong-woo has a vision where his reality is different from what he believes. The further he escapes from his alcoholism, the closer he gets to confronting the past that he has denied for years.
Red Carpet
Jung-woo's mother
Dreaming of a box-office hit, an adult-movie director teams up with his crew of three misfits to lure a top actress into starring in his new film.
Nonviolent Resistance : How to Shut Up Your Wife Peacefully
In the family dinner time, mercilessly following the mother-in-law and wife's chatter, the new groom becomes confused. How to deal with violence.
Bus Woman
Mija es una anciana que vive con su nieto en una pequeña ciudad coreana. Es una mujer excéntrica y llena de curiosidad, que disfruta cuidando su aspecto y exhibe sombreros con motivos florales y vestidos con vivos colores. El azar la lleva a asistir a cursos de poesía en la casa de la cultura de su barrio y a escribir su primer poema. Busca la belleza dentro de su ambiente habitual, al que no había prestado ninguna atención hasta ese momento. Sin embargo, un suceso inesperado hace que descubra que la vida no es tan hermosa como creía.
A Long Visit
Bean Sprouts Shop Owner
Daughter Ji-suk is now already a mother herself, but she'll always be a child in the eyes of her proud mom. The two decide to go on their first ever trip together. Over three days and two nights, their journey reveals the love and regrets, emotions and conflicts, that form a mother-daughter relationship.
Loses Property for Development 1
A young woman living in the South Korean town of Paju recalls the last 8 years of her life, since a young man on the lam escaped to it from Seoul and married her older sister.
Tazza: The High Rollers
Fruit Shop Middle-aged Woman
Go-ni tries his best to worship Pyung Gyung-jang as his teacher, and promises to stop gambling after winning his money back. But people's desires are endless.
Maundy Thursday
Yujeong is suicidal, yet she reluctantly goes to prison for volunteer work. There, she meets a prisoner who is waiting for death penalty. The two quickly fall in love despite their differences, yet they do not have much time.
Ice Bar
Suk-joon's Mother
In 1969, a 10-year old boy's life takes a major turn when he discovers the father he never met is alive. Selling candy bars left and right to save up for a trip to see his dad, the boy embarks on a journey that could change his life forever.
4 Horror Tales: Forbidden Floor
Min-young se muda, junto a su hija Joo-hee, a un nuevo apartamento en un quinto piso. Ella se preocupa cuando su vecino de abajo, Han Chang-soo, le dice que no puede tolerar el ruido de su vivenda, aun cuando las dos mujeres viven tranquilamente. Además, está inquieta por los extraños comportamientos de otros residentes. Min-young se endurece mentalmente después de la mudanza, en gran parte debido a la rara conducta y continua confrontación de su hija con una mujer extraña. Convencida que Joo-hee ha caído enferma y asustada por los misteriosos que rodean al apartamento, Min-young busca la verdad por sí misma.
Rules of Dating
Teacher (uncredited)
Lee Yoo-rim es un profesor de inglés de instituto. Choi Hong es una profesora en prácticas que siempre se hace la difícil cuando un hombre está interesado en ella. Cuando él le dice que quiere acostarse con ella, la mezcla de citas y deseo explota. ¿Qué sentido tiene su extraña relación?