Kit Guard

Kit Guard

Nacimiento : 1894-05-05,

Muerte : 1961-07-18


Kit Guard was born on May 5, 1894 in Hals, Denmark as Christen Klitgaard. He was an actor, known for The Fight That Failed (1926), The Midnight Son (1926) and Assorted Nuts (1926). He died on July 18, 1961 in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA.


Kit Guard


La máscara del dolor
Doorman at the Valencia (uncredited)
Joe E. Lewis, un prometedor cantante, pierde la voz a causa del ataque de unos gángsteres Al verse obligado a cambiar de profesión, decide trabajar como humorista.
Un sombrero lleno de lluvia
Barfly (uncredited)
Sombrío y duro retrato de un adicto a la heroína y de las repercusiones de su drogadicción en su ambiente familiar. Anthony Franciosa fue candidato al Óscar al mejor actor principal.
La vuelta al mundo en 80 días
Extra (uncredited)
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Julio Verne. Un ladrón ha robado 55.000 libras del banco de Inglaterra. Todos creen que ha sido Philleas Fogg, un auténtico caballero inglés, que ha hecho una apuesta con sus compañeros de club, asegurando que es capaz de dar la vuelta al mundo en 80 días.
Marcado por el odio
Fight Spectator (uncredited)
Biopic sobre el boxeador Rocky Graziano, un joven italoamericano que, después de su paso por distintos reformatorios, se convirtió en campeón de boxeo de los pesos medios. Acostumbrado a la violencia del East Side neoyorquino, Rocky encontró el éxito en el ring gracias a una combinación de talento, ambición y tenacidad.
La muchacha del trapecio rojo
Backstage Policeman (uncredited)
Nueva York, principios del siglo XX. Biografía sobre Evelyn Nesbit, una joven corista que realiza un número bastante popular en el trapecio. Transcurridos algunos años, es la mujer de un celoso millonario que no puede soportar los romances que tuvo su esposa en esa etapa disoluta de su vida.
Ambición maldita
Andy Martín llega a un pueblo del oeste para reclamar a su antiguo socio, Pete Menlo, un dinero que le debe. Después de una pelea olvidan los rencores y se asocian para explotar una mina de oro. Bannon, dueño de las minas restantes se las quiere comprar, pero no acepta. Andy gana en el juego la mina del padre de Nevada, una joven de la que se enamora. Bannon hace toda clase de trastadas para impedir la explotación de la mina que en definitiva resulta tener un gran filón de oro. Luego de una serie de peripecias, ambos amigos triunfan sobre Bannon quien, queriendo eliminar a Andy, es muerto por Menlo.
La rubia fenómeno
New Room 7 Tenant (uncredited)
Gladys es una joven modelo que se traslada desde su pueblo a Nueva York para conseguir fama y popularidad. No tiene dinero, pero sí mucha ambición. Cuando, por puro azar, consigue hacerse famosa, un ejecutivo del espectáculo se fijará en ella. Un director de documentales también se enamora de Gladys, pero no está de acuerdo en cómo vive su nueva e inmerecida fama.
Ola de crímenes
Barfly at Counter (uncredited)
Tres criminales atracan una gasolinera, pero uno de ellos resulta herido y es abandonado a su suerte. Perseguido por la policía, busca refugio en casa de un ex presidiario reformado, que se verá envuelto a su pesar en los planes del grupo.
Seedy Movie House Patron (uncredited)
A supermodel gets murdered. While investigating the case the story of a waitress turned glamor girl is revealed.
Glory Alley
Raffle Ticket Buyer (uncredited)
A New Orleans boxer backs out of a bout and leaves his girlfriend for Korea.
Fort Defiance
Tracy, Barfly
Es justo después de la Guerra Civil y Ben Shelby llega buscando a Johnny Tallon a quien planea matar. Shelby fue el único superviviente de una batalla debido a la cobardía de Tallon. Al pensar que Tallon murió, otro hombre que perdió a un hermano en la misma batalla llega para matar al hermano ciego de Tallon. Tallon llega para encontrar a Shelby y su hermano huyendo. Luego son atacados por los indios y Shelby y Tallon ahora deben luchar juntos posponiendo el inevitable enfrentamiento.
Townsman (uncredited)
Frenchie Fontaine pone a la venta su exitoso negocio en Nueva Orleans para dirigirse a la zona oeste de los Estados Unidos para encontrar al hombre que mató a su padre, Frank Dawson. Aunque sólo conoce a uno de los dos hombres que lo hicieron, está determinada a encontrar al otro.
Despacio, forastero
Worker (uncredited)
Chris Hale, un jugador sin escrúpulos, llega a un pequeño pueblo en el que supuestamente vivió cuando era niño. Pronto consigue encandilar a los vecinos, y utiliza su encanto personal para seducir a Elaine Corelli, una rica heredera postrada en una silla de ruedas, tras un accidente. Aunque intenta enderezar su vida, Chris tendrá que resolver asuntos turbios del pasado.
Always Leave Them Laughing
Canal Street Boys Club Heckler (uncredited)
La historia de Kip, un comediante que triunfa en televisión, contada en un largo flash-back desde que era un joven con gracia, pero a quien nadie conocía. En su trayectoria surge la tentación de robar chistes, aplastar a quien haga falta, y dejar de pasar de largo el amor. ¿Logrará nuestro hombre sobreponerse a todo esto? Film inspirado en un número de una revista musical, cuenta la típica historia del hombre al que los oropeles de la fama le hacen desviarse del buen camino, al menos por un tiempo. Milton Berle, él mismo un actor cómico que puede entender bien a su personaje, tuvo por una vez un papel protagonista.
Odio entre hermanos
A principios del siglo XX, oleadas de emigrantes procedentes de Europa llegaban a la populosa ciudad de Nueva York. Todos albergaban la esperanza de hacer realidad sus sueños de prosperidad. Muchos procedían de Italia, como la familia de Gino Monetti, un barbero ambicioso y autoritario, que emigró con su paciente mujer y sus cuatro hijos, todos muy distintos tanto psicológica como físicamente. Con los años, Monetti amasó una enorme fortuna; el sueño americano, en efecto, se había cumplido, pero los conflictos familiares se hicieron cada vez más graves.
Relato Criminal
El jefe de la organización criminal más importante de la ciudad es sospechoso de haber evadido impuestos. La operación para atraparle es asignada al agente del Tesoro Frank Warren. El y su compañero pretenden apoderarse de los libros de contabilidad del cabeza de la banda para poder acusarle de fraude fiscal. A pesar de todas las dificultades, entre las que se incluyen las amenazas de muerte a Judith, la mujer de Frank, los dos policías deciden seguir adelante con su trabajo.
Orden: caza sin cuartel
Suspect (uncredited)
Película rodada en estilo casi documental que relata la caza de un ladrón que asesina a sangre fría a un policía y que es perseguido por las calles de Los Ángeles. Los policías siguen su rastro hasta las mismas alcantarillas de la ciudad.
La calle sin nombre
Man at Arcade (Uncredited)
Stiles (Richard Widmark) es un jefe mafioso en alza que lucha por imponerse en el submundo criminal. Los archivos del FBI rebosan de historias sangrientas, pero hay un caso concreto que tiene desconcertado al inspector Briggs (Lloyd Nolan). Se trata de dos asesinatos: un ama de casa y el guardia de seguridad de un banco, abatidos ambos por el mismo arma, pero sin que exista ninguna otra conexión entre ellos. Decidido a llegar hasta el fondo del asunto, Briggs encarga a su mejor agente secreto que se infiltre en la cúpula de la tristemente famosa banda de Stiles...
Johnny O'Clock
When an employee at an illegal gambling den dies suspiciously, her sister, Nancy, looks into the situation and falls for Johnny O'Clock, a suave partner in the underground casino. Selfish and non-committal by nature, Johnny slowly begins to return Nancy's affection and decides to run away with her, but conflict within his business threatens their plans. As Johnny tries to distance himself from the casino, his shady past comes back to haunt him.
Dick Tracy vs. Cueball
Bar Customer (uncredited)
A police detective uses his girlfriend to track down a homicidal maniac.
Nadie vive para siempre
Sailor in Max's Cafe (uncredited)
Un estafador se enamora de una rica viuda a la que pretendía desplumar.
The Crime Doctor's Warning
Man in Street Corridor (uncredited)
A criminal psychologist treats an artist whose blackouts coincide with a series of murders.
The Monster and the Ape
Zoo Guard
A famous scientist invents a humanoid robot (the titular "monster"), so a greedy rival scientist plans to steal it for use in his criminal plans. His henchmen often kidnap a trained gorilla (the titular "ape") from the zoo, to aid in the schemes.
Dangerous Passage
Waiter (uncredited)
Joe Beck leaves Central America so that he can return to Texas and collect a large inheritance, but he picks a dangerous ship on which to travel.
Double Exposure
In New York City, a newly hired photographer becomes embroiled in a scandal when her photo is mistaken for evidence of a murder and she must try to prove her own innocence.
Call of the Rockies
Cowboy Sunset Carson teams up with Frog Millhouse on a routine supply trip to Placer City. Before long, the duo find themselves ambushed by a team of dastardly highwaymen embroiled in an extortion ring. Sunset and Frog must then go undercover to set things right for a mining town under siege. Galloping hooves, spittin' six shooters, and all manner of disreputable behavior ensue.
Batallón de construcción
Construction Worker in Shelter (uncredited)
Durante la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), el capitán Yarrow y el jefe de construcción Donovan consiguen un permiso para levantar una base de armamento que les permita enfrentarse con cierta ventaja contra los japoneses. Cuando llega el momento de luchar, ambos lo harán con gran valentía y audacia.
The Chance of a Lifetime
Wilfred Thompson (Uncredited)
A mad scramble for stolen loot ensues after Boston Blackie has prisoners released for work in a wartime defence plant.
Crime Doctor
Mac, Waiter at Frankie's Bar
Robert is found beside the highway with a head injury and amnesia. His amnesia motivates him to become a Physician and the country's leading criminal psychologist.
Acción en el Atlántico Norte
Unemployed Seaman (uncredited)
Mientras transporta mercancías para sus aliados rusos una nave de mercante americana capitaneada por Raymond Massey es torpedeada. El valor de Massey y su primer oficial Humphrey Bogart sirve como una inspiración a los sobrevivientes que llevan su diminuto bote salvavidas a América donde son recibidos como héroes. A la tripulación se le asigna un nuevo Liberty Ship. A pesar de los miedos de ser torpedeados de nuevo, Massey, Bogart, y los otros hombres llevan su carga con éxito a Rusia a pesar de ser atacados por varios aviones alemanes en el proceso.
Leather Burners
As rustled cattle have mysteriously disappeared, Johnny sends for his friend Hoppy, Hoppy arrives and immediately suspects Dan Slack. Realizing his telegram about Slack was intercepted, he locks up the operator Lafe knowing he can escape. Tailing Lafe he finds a secret entrance to a mine and inside finds the missing cattle. But Slack's men also find him just as the cattle are stampeded through the mine shaft.
Al filo de la oscuridad
Townsman in Church (uncredited)
Dos años después de la invasion de Noruega por los nazis, los habitantes de un pequeño pueblo pesquero esperan la llegada de armas para iniciar la revuelta contra los alemanes. Karen Stensgard, la hija del médico del pueblo, y Gunnar Brogge, un pescador que pensaba combatir a los nazis desde Inglaterra, serán los jefes de la sublevación.
Abbott y Costello: Dos peatones a caballo
Fighter (uncredited)
Grover y Wilbur deben encontrar un sustituto del caballo de O'Hara, muerto tras comer caramelos accidentalmente. El dúo encuentra a uno en un hipódromo y se lo llevan, ignorando que se trata de un campeón de carreras llamado "Galleta de Té".
The Devil with Hitler
Doorman in Hell (uncredited)
Adolf Hitler, Benito and Suki Yaki are placed in a series of Three-Stooges routines, with the premise that the Board of Directors of Hell has put the Devil on notice they intend to replace him with Adolf Hitler unless he can get Hitler to commit a good deed. The devil has his work cut out for him, and doesn't appear likely to escape being replaced by the German leader.
La llave de cristal
Basement Club Barfly (uncredited)
Durante la campaña para la reelección, el político corrupto Paul Madvig decide limpiar su pasado, rechazando el apoyo del gángster Nick Varna y asociándose con el respetable político reformista Ralph Henry. Cuando el hijo de Ralph, Taylor Henry, un jugador y el amante de la hermana de Pablo Opal, es asesinado, el brazo derecho de Paul, Ed Beaumont, encuentra su cuerpo en la calle. Nick utiliza la situación financiera de The Observer para forzar al editor Clyde Matthews a utilizar el periódico para sembrar la sospecha de que Paul Madvig podría haber matado a Taylor
The Secret Code
Henchman Corrick
A superhero known as The Black Commando battles Nazi agents who use explosive gases and artificial lightning to sabotage the war effort.
Parachute Nurse
Truck Driver
Nurses parachuting.
Mi espía favorita
Justo antes de embarcarse en su luna de miel, el soldado Kay Kyser recibe la orden de presentarse en el cuartel general para una peligrosa misión: actuar como espía en un club nocturno donde parece ser se ha localizado a un grupo de nazis. Su esposa Terry no parece conformarse con la soledad, así que parte en busca de su nuevo marido. Esto, unido a la torpeza de Kyser y la intervención de una rubia agente secreta dará lugar a todo tipo de situaciones cómicas.
Alias Boston Blackie
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
It is the Christmas Holidays and reformed thief, Boston Blackie goes to Castle Theater to pick up players who will perform for prisoners that are still in prison. He takes a girl with him who has a brother already in prison. She has visited the prison twice in the month, so is not suppose to visit again. However when the group is completed the girl is included as well as Inspector Farrady. One of the clowns in the show is kidnapped and replaced by a con who wants to get even with two ex-partners. Boston Blackie figures out that a con has replaced one of his clowns but is unable to stop him. Blackie's clothes are stolen and a murder is committed. Of course, the Inspector immediately suspects Blackie of being involved. Now it is Blackie's job to find the killer, exonerate himself and help the girl free her brother.
Honolulu Lu
While in Hawaii, Velez begins the film as a risque nightclub act and due to her involvement with a group of sailors becomes a beauty queen.
Jesse James at Bay
Double Eagle Bartender
When Jesse learns that Krager is cheating settlers, he and his gang rob trains to obtain money for them to purchase their land. Krager, finding a Jesse look alike in Burns, hires him to wreck havoc on the ranchers. When Jesse kills Burns he switches clothes and goes after the culprits.
El Sargento York
Soldier on Rifle Range (uncredited)
Alvin C. York es un joven y trabajador campesino que vive en una de las numerosas granjas de los montes de Cumberland, en el estado de Tennessee. Sólo tiene un defecto: la bebida. Alvin está enamorado de una muchacha, cuya familia de clase alta impide el matrimonio. Basada en hechos reales.
Doctors Don't Tell
Dr. Ralph Snyder and Dr. Frank Blake open an office together but soon split over a rivalry for nightclub singer Diana Wayne and a difference over ethics.
La rueda de la fortuna
Henry Jones - Voter (uncredited)
Lynn Hollister es un letrado que trata de averiguar lo que se oculta tras el asesinato de un amigo. Su principal sospechoso es Tom Cameron, pero Hollister pronto se enamorará de Sabra, la hija de éste.
So Long Mr. Chumps
Gyp dePeople (uncredited)
The stooges are street cleaners who find some valuable bonds and return them to their owner. The man is so grateful that he offers them a big reward if they can find an honest man with executive ability. Their search leads them to a woman who's fiancée is honest, but he's in jail. The boys decide to commit a crime so they can go behind bars to find him. In prison the boys locate the man and help him escape, only to find out that their benefactor is a con man and on the way himself to the slammer.
Tin Pan Alley
Ringsider (uncredited)
Songwriters Calhoun and Harrigan get Katie and Lily Blane to introduce a new one. Lily goes to England, and Katy joins her after the boys give a new song to Nora Bayes. All are reunited when the boys, now in the army, show up in England.
The Green Archer
Dinky Stone
Columbia's 12th serial of 57 total (following 1940's "Deadwood Dick" and ahead of 1941's "White Eagle") is another of director's James Horne's "classics" where he evidently figured that the same reactions that served him well in Laurel and Hardy films would work well in action serials where he has all hands, heroes and villains alike, doing some kind of over-the top "take", no matter the situation. This loose adaptation of an Edgar Wallace story finds Michael Bellamy (Kenne Duncan in his Kenneth Duncan period) inheriting Garr Castle, but his brother, Abel Bellamy (James Craven, as usual making Oil-Can Harry look smooth), has him imprisoned unjustly and moves into the castle himself. When Michael's wife, Elaine Bellamy (Dorothy Fay), fails to return after visiting Abel, her sister Valerie Howett (Iris Meredith), accompanied by their father,
Ciudad de conquista
Mickey Miller (uncredited)
Nueva York. Un camionero (James Cagney) decide hacerse boxeador para ayudar a su hermano que se dedica a la música (Arthur Kennedy), pero a un gángster sin escrúpulos no le gustará la idea.
Deadwood Dick
Columbia's 11th serial and the first western serial that James W. Horne solo-directed.
Terry and the Pirates
Henchman Borden
Dr. Herbert Lee, an archaeologist seeking to decipher ancient Mara inscriptions, is aided by his son Terry, Terry's pal Pat Ryan, and Normandie Drake. Jungle pirate and warlord Fang (Dick Curtis) plots to kill The Dragon Lady, Queen of the Temple of Mara, and seize the treasures of her ancestors. Both Fang and The Dragon Lady have sworn death for any foreign intruders.
The House Across the Bay
Taresca's Gunman
Nightclub owner Steve Larwitt (George Raft) sees his empire of investments collapse as he faces tax evasion charges and attacks by rivals. Believing Steve will be safer in prison for one year, his wife, Brenda (Joan Bennett), testifies against him on advice from his lawyer, Slant Kolma (Lloyd Nolan), who is in love with her. After Steve receives 10 years in Alcatraz, Brenda moves to be near him and avoids advances of airplane builder Tim Nolan (Walter Pidgeon), who knows nothing about her past.
The Cheyenne Kid
Bartender Jim
A ranch owner gives the Cheyenne Kid $1000 and sends him off to buy cattle. At the same time he fires a ranch hand and that hand rides ahead and alerts Jeff Baker about the $1000. Bakers' henchman are too late to get the Kid but they kill the rancher paid by the Kid. The Sheriff then arrests the Kid claiming he murdered the rancher to get the money back and that Baker said he then lost it at his gambling table.
El hombre invisible vuelve
Miner at Colliery (uncredited)
Un hombre que va a ser ejecutado, acusado del asesinato de su hermano, recibe la visita del Dr. Griffin, hermano del científico que años atrás descubrió la fórmula de invisibilidad. El condenado huye gracias a que se hace invisible, y trata de demostrar su inocencia, pero la locura que va unida a los efectos secundarios de la fórmula para ser invisible harán acto de presencia...
La Sombra
La Sombra lucha contra un villano conocido como The Black Tiger, que tiene el poder de hacerse invisible y está tratando de conquistar el mundo con su rayo de la muerte.
El Diablo Rides
Bob rides into a border town where he runs into trouble with Lambert and his gang. Herb arrests him claiming he is the outlaw El Diablo. But it was just to save him from Lambert's gang and the two now plan to trap the outlaws.
Locos del aire
Un hombre sufre un desengaño cuando descubre que la chica a la que quiere está casada con un soldado. Pretende suicidarse con la ayuda de un amigo, pero mientras lo intenta aparece un oficial de la Legión Extranjera que los anima a alistarse, asegurándoles que en pocos días olvidarán lo sucedido. Una vez allí, las aventuras se sucederán con cómicos resultados.
Heaven with a Barbed Wire Fence
Extra as Hobo
Un oficinista de Nueva York se une a un vagabundo y a un inmigrante ilegal que se dirigen a unas tierras de Arizona que acaban de comprar.
Mutiny in the Big House
Convict in Machine Shop
A young man forges a check in order to help his mother, but is caught and sentenced to 14 years in prison...
Sky Patrol
Thug Killed by Gunshot
"Tailspin Tommy" Tompkins and "Skeeter" Milligan are training young U. S. Army fliers for the newly-formed 'Sky Patrol,'a branch of the Army Reserves which operates along the borders and coast-lines, on the lookout for smugglers. Carter Meade, whose father is the Colonel in charge of the patrol, has a terror of firing guns and his father insists he conquer this fear. Tommy sends him out on patrol, on orders from Washington D. C., to stop any unfamiliar aircraft. Carter challenges an unmarked amphibian plane, which opens fire on him. Carter, afraid to shoot, bails out as his plane is shot down. Carter is missing, and Tommy and Skeeter are searching for him and the mysterious airplane.
Sueño dorado
Un joven con vocación de violinista entra en el mundo del boxeo para conseguir algo de dinero, y sin darse cuenta, empieza a alejarse de su verdadero sueño. El padre intenta recordarle que su pasión es la música, pero al hijo no le resulta fácil reemprender ese camino.
Torchy Runs for Mayor
Kidnap Henchman with Torchy (uncredited)
Torchy conducts a one woman campaign against a corrupt mayor and crime boss, and when the reform candidate is murdered, she takes up the banner.
Mandrake the Magician
Powerhouse Henchman
Mandrake and his team attempt to prevent "The Wasp" from stealing and using a new Radium invention.
Women in the Wind
Bartender / Mechanic (uncredited)
A famous aviator helps an amateur enter a cross-country air race for women.
Let Us Live
Death Row Inmate (uncredited)
Dos hombres inocentes son acusados injustamente de asesinato y condenados a muerte. La novia de uno de ellos convence a un detective de policía de su inocencia, y juntos tratan de encontrar al verdadero asesino antes de la fecha de ejecución de los hombres.
El chico de Oklahoma
Juror #8 (uncredited)
La banda de McCord (Bogart) roba el dinero que lleva la diligencia para pagar a los indios por la compra de sus tierras, pero el proscrito Jim Kincaid (Cagney), alias "el chico de Oklahoma", roba a su vez a McCord el dinero. Más tarde, McCord se hace con el control de los salones de juego en la nueva ciudad. Cuando el padre de Kincaid decide presentarse a la elecciones para la alcaldía de la nueva ciudad, McCord incita a multitud para lincharlo, ya que sabe que si gana su negocio se vendría abajo.
Star Reporter
Policeman Guarding Cell
An idealistic young newspaper reporter crusades against organized crime.
Tail Spin
Kansas City Mechanic (Uncredited)
Trixie is a female pilot looking to win a big race to advance her career. During one race, however, her plane becomes damaged, and she needs help to repair it. She meets a Navy pilot named "Tex" Price and tries to gain his aid. Tex soon meets another pilot, Gerry, a novice who seeks to win an important upcoming race. Tex, concerned for Gerry's safety, tries to convince her not to race. But Gerry, now a rival of Trixie's, is determined to fly.
Nancy Drew... Reporter
Man at Gym Counter (uncredited)
Mientras participa en un concurso del periódico local en el que se les pide a los escolares que envíen una noticia, la hija del abogado local Carson Drew, Nancy, intercepta una asignación de historia real. Ella "cubre" la investigación de la muerte de una mujer que fue envenenada. Nancy no cree que la joven acusada del crimen sea culpable y acorrala a su vecino Ted para que busque una evidencia vital y tropieza con la identidad del verdadero asesino.
Six-Gun Rhythm
Henchman Pat
Western - When football player Tex fletcher arives home he finds his father missing. Jim Davis has killed the father and learning of Tex's identity - Tex Fletcher, Joan Barclay, Ralph Peters
Homicide Bureau
Henchman at Pier
Un delincuente es detenido por presunto asesinato, pero es liberado poco después de una campaña periodística contra los métodos usados por la policía. Un agente sabe que es culpable, sin embargo, y continúa la investigación por su cuenta para tratar de descubrir la verdad.
Prison Train
Gangsters plan an assassination of a rival while he rides the train carrying him to prison.
Straight, Place and Show
Terrible Turk's Second
The Ritz Brothers go to the race track. They raise training end entrance money in a wrestling match and help a young man train the horse of his fiancée.
Frontier Scout
Henchman King
Gen. Ulysses S. Grant has a job for Wild Bill Hickok (George Houston) and his sidekick (Al St. John).
Vive como quieras
Inmate Wearing Black Cap (uncredited)
Alice Sycamore, la única persona con un poco de cordura en una familia llena de lunáticos, se enamora de su jefe, Tony Kirby, que pertenece a una familia muy rica y muy cursi. La diferencia entre el estilo de vida y la mentalidad de ambas familias se agudizan cuando los padres de él van a cenar a casa de ella, y la cena termina con la llegada de la policía y la detención de todos los presentes, acusados de anarquistas.
Professor Beware
Egyptologist, Dean Lambert, accused of car-theft, skips bail and begins a cross-country trek to join a group in New York headed for Egypt. With the police close on his trail he gets in and out of scrapes along the way.
Gunsmoke Trail
Bartender Clem
Learning of Walters' inheritance, Larson kills him and assumes his identity. When Larson's men try to kill Walter's niece Lola, Jack Lane breaks it up. This leads to a showdown with Jack outnumbered by Larson and his gang. Having saved Loma's life earlier, he has Fuzzy ride for him and his men.
Code of the Rangers
Henchman Red
A Texas Ranger is faced with the task of bringing his outlaw brother to justice.
Over the Wall
When a singing, song-writing prizefighter is framed for murder and sent to the state pen, his girlfriend sets out to prove his innocence.
Where the West Begins
Henchman Smiley
Lynne Reed, Jack Manning's fiancée, is stagestruck and wants to go to New York for a career. She is encouraged in this delusion that she is a great actress by Barnes, who offers to buy her ranch, cheaply of course, so she can have enough money to get to the Big City. Barnes has Jack thrown into jail on a trumped-up charge of cattle rustling, and organizes a lynching party to get Jack permanently out of the way. Things get more complicated when Buzz, Jack's pal, discovers the secret of Lynne's ranch. How he engineers Jack's escape, and how they save Lynne adds suspense to a surprise climax.
Shadows of the Orient
Spud Nolan
A classic "B" featurette about "smugglin' in Chinamen for $300 a load"
Anything for a Thrill
Motorcycle Cop
Despite his older brother's objections, a young man vows to become a newsreel cameraman.
Kid Galahad
Nick Donati, un mánager de boxeo, descubre en un hotel a Ward, un botones que logra noquear a un peso pesado que estaba molestando a Louise, la novia de Nick. Nick le ofrece al chico entrenarlo para hacer de él un boxeador profesional. Ward acepta y se hace llamar 'Kid Galahad'. Las cosas se complicarán porque un tipo sin escrúpulos se interpondrá en los planes de Nick. Además, Louise empieza a sentirse atraída por Ward, pero éste se enamora de Marie, la hermana de Nick.
The Calling of Dan Matthews
Ping Pong Playing Hood (uncredited)
Dan Matthews (Richard Arlen), a young parson, is in love with Hope Strong (Charlotte Wynters), the daughter of James B. Strong ('FRederick Burton'), a man who controls the town with his real estate and business interests. Strong is an upstanding citizen who has fallen into the hands of a clever racketeer, Jeff Hardy (Douglass Dumbrille), who acts as Strong's manager of some innocent-appearing amusement places that are really secret dens of vice.
Rip Roaring Riley
Bruno - Henchman
G-Man Ted Riley is ordered to investigate happenings at Diamond Island, where a bogus Major Gray is reported engaged in manufacturing a new brand of secret gas for his own purposes. Riley blows up his motor boat just off the island and is picked up by Gray's men. On the island he discovers chemist Professor Baker (John Cowell) and his daughter, Anne, are held captive by Major Gray.
The Daring Young Man
Dos reporteros planean casarse, pero la novia se queda esperando en el altar porque su novio se ha infiltrado para exponer la actividad de las pandillas.
Stolen Harmony
Convict in Orchestra (uncredited)
Band leader Jack Conrad is impressed by prison inmate Ray Ferrera on saxophone. Conrad hires Ray to join his band and tour upon his release. Ray hooks up with Jean, a dancer in the show, and the two become a successful dance act. However, when an ex-inmate buddy of Ray's robs the tour bus, Ray is suspected of wrongdoing by Jack and the others in the group. After a gang of thugs hijacks the tour bus, Ray tries to use his street smarts to redeem his reputation.
Marietta, la traviesa
Undetermined Secondary Role (uncredited)
Marie de Namours de la Bonfain es una atractiva, joven y sofisticada princesa francesa de 23 años, que encuentra más interesante el amor que los títulos aristocráticos.
Kid Courageous
Spike Grogan
The man Bannister has sent to investigate the trouble at his mine has disappeared. This time his son Bob goes, quickly learning that Kincade is the culprit. Kincade has been taking gold from the mine and now plans to kidnap Teresa and skip across the border.
The Cactus Kid
Smiley, the waiter
Perrin and his partner get paid a big sum of money at the end of their cattle drive. Shortly thereafter, the partner is found with a knife in his back and Perrin is blamed for the murder.
Blind Date
Una joven mujer se debate entre un pretendiente rico que solo quiere su cuerpo y un joven honesto que quiere lo mejor para ella.
Caballeros de capa y espada
Stable Boy
Bert Wheeler es un pobre cleptómano en la Inglaterra del siglo XVII, y esto provoca que la pareja viva todo tipo de situaciones disparatadas.
Sucedió una noche
Bus Passenger (uncredited)
Peter Warren, es un periodista desempleado que se topa con Ellie, la hija de un millonario que huyó del barco de Alexander Andrews, su padre, porque no acepta al hombre con el que ella se quiere casar. Peter ve la oportunidad de conseguir una buena historia, pero varios hechos acaban por crear un vínculo entre ellos.
Before Midnight
A detective tries to figure out who killed a man who predicted his own death.
Carnival Lady
Gorilla Watson
When his bank fails, a young man loses not only all his money but his fiancée, deserts him, too. Depressed, he joins a circus.
Mickey's Touchdown
Stinky Davis's Coach
Mickey and the gang get ready for a big game of football. But Stinky Davis has a few tricks up his sleeve to stop the gang from winning. Special guest star USC coach Howard Jones.
Ship of Wanted Men
A shipful of fugitives from justice pulls up on a Pacific Island where there are no extradition laws. The island is a magnet for the scum of the earth, as well as a few honest guys who were framed. Into this den of iniquity swims socialite Dorothy Sebastian, who jumped off a yacht after apparently murdering her lecherous host. To remain on the Island, Sebastian is told that she must pay $5,000 to head honcho Fred Kohler -- and if she hasn't got the money, it is implied, there are other methods of collection.
Police Call
A professional fighter decides to quit the sport and go to college, but he finds out that his sister has gotten mixed up with gangsters.
A young lawyer is elected mayor of the city and promises to rid it of the corruption it's famous for. The problem is that most of the corruption he's vowed to eliminate is caused by the crooked political machine that helped elect him.
Terror Aboard
An ocean liner is found at sea with everyone on board dead. An investigation is begun to find out what happened.
Alimony Madness
Man in Alimony Jail
A man's wife is put on trial for the murder of his first wife.
The Racing Strain
King's Mechanic
A race-car driver whose career is on the skids because of his drinking falls for a rich society girl. That motivates him to clean up his act and resume his career, but it may be too late for that.
The Fighting Champ
Spike Sullivan
Steele gets into a fight with a ranch foreman, knocking the foreman out. The foreman was supposed to represent the ranch in a prize fight with a middleweight champion. Now Steele finds himself in the fight of his life.
The Thirteenth Guest
Prisoner (Uncredited)
Thirteen years after a dinner party in which the thirteenth guest failed to arrive, the remaining guests are being murdered one by one, and their bodies being placed at the same dinner table in the appropriate seats they occupied thirteen years prior.
By Whose Hand?
Trainman (uncredited)
A man tries to hide aboard a moving train after murdering a jewelry magnate.
¿Héroe o cobarde?
K.O. Mooney
Tom es un joven que tiene una imagen idealizada de su padre, al que considera un héroe de guerra; pero debido a las burlas de sus compañeros de colegio, acaba descubriendo que en realidad su padre fue un desertor.
Radio Patrol
Henchman (uncredited)
A policeman in need of money is persuaded to take a $1000 bribe to stay away the night a packing house is to be robbed.
Brown is a confident young firefighter. He and his buddy become interested in two girls, after saving their cat. He then fights a fire in the apartment building next door to his new girlfriend.
The County Fair
A Kentucky horse owner hires an ex-jockey, who is now working as a waiter, to train his thoroughbred race horse for an upcoming race. However, a gambling ring that doesn't want the horse entering the race has other plans.
Running Hollywood
Scratchface Henchman
Running Hollywood is a comedy short.
Two Fisted Justice
Judge Dick Temple
It's good guy Carson and the Poncho Riders against bad guy Slavin and his gang.
El paraíso del mal
Kid Twist
En un hotel en medio del Sahara, un anciano y su hija intentan ocultar la ubicación de un tesoro escondido a un grupo de ladrones y delincuentes que se alojan en el hotel y que están decididos a conseguirlo. Un día llega al hotel un ladrón de refinados modales, con su propio plan para conseguir el botín, pero surgen complicaciones cuando comienza a enamorarse de la hija.
Catch-As Catch-Can
Zasu falls for a wrestler, drags Thelma to his next fight.
Big Money
A go-getting bank messenger falls in with unsuccessful gambler.
Night Work
Willie, as an assistant window-dresser, is the lowest man on the totem pole at a department store. To add insult-to-injury Willie is also the store's designated 'Fired Man."; when a disgruntled customer demands that somebody-must-be-fired, Willie is summoned and summarily fired, only to be rehired when the now-satisfied customer has departed. Willie inadvertently adopts a four-year-old orphan at a cost of ten-dollars a week, and things go from bad to worse since Willie doesn't make ten-dollars a week. But, with the help of Mary, a beautiful young nurse, Willie manages to turn some corners and improve his lot in life, albeit with some skids along the way.
The Racketeer
A dapper gangster sponsors an alcoholic violinist in order to win the love of a glamorous divorced socialite.
Casper's Week End
College Senior
Toots (Thelma Hill) and Casper (Bud Duncan) visit a college campus and get mistaken for freshmen.
Dead Man's Curve
Goof Goober
A grease monkey discovers a defect in an auto engine being turned out by his employer. But since our hero discovers this only after losing an important race, his boss chalks up the loss to Fairbanks' supposed cowardice.
Legionnaires in Paris
Kit Guard
Two American soldiers are on leave in Paris on Armistice Day and, due to a misunderstanding, believe that they've killed a man, although accidentally. When they discover that the police are looking for them, they're convinced that they're in big trouble and take off. Complications ensue.
One Minute to Play
"Red" Wade, a star high-school football player, has intentions of going to Claxton College, which has a powerhouse football team, but changes his mind when he meets the sister of the pitiful Paramlee team and goes to college there, just as his father, an alum of the school, had wished. But his father has ordered him not to play football. "Dad" Wade, has offered a $100,000 endowment to his old school, not knowing his son has joined the football team but is going to withdraw it if his son plays in the Big Game against Claxton. This puts "Red" between a rock and a hard place.
Faster Foster
Sherlock's Home
Jerry - hotel manager
Gladys falls for a prizefighter who has invited his entire hometown to watch his fight in New York City. However, he gets crazy jealous when he sees Gladys at the fight sitting next to Jimmy. After the bout is over, he sets out for the hotel to teach Jimmy a lesson.
Money to Burns
Jerry - hotel manager
After having difficulty coming up with a new story idea, a writer pays a fellow to allow him to follow him around in hopes it will encourage his literary juices to flow. Unfortunately, he gets more than he bargained for.
Fighting Blood
K.O. Kelly
Al Santell silent sports boxing comedy series starring George O'Hara, and all star cast: Kit Guard, Al Cooke, Clara Horton, Mabel Van Buren, and Clark Gable (in one of his 14 uncredited roles prior to making his real debut in 1931's "The Painted Desert"). Note that this was one of a series of boxing films with the same characters, and each new film in the series was called a "round" (appropriate for a series of boxing movies!), but these movies were not serials, just connected by having the same characters. This card is from the second series, 11th round, "Beauty and the Feast".
Fighting Blood
K. O. Kelly
Al Santell silent sports boxing comedy series starring George O'Hara, and all star cast: Kit Guard, Al Cooke, Clara Horton, Mabel Van Buren, and Clark Gable (in one of his 14 uncredited roles prior to making his real debut in 1931's "The Painted Desert"). Note that this was one of a series of boxing films with the same characters, and each new film in the series was called a "round" (appropriate for a series of boxing movies!), but these movies were not serials, just connected by having the same characters. This card is the 4th round, "Two Sones with One Bird".
Fighting Blood
K. O. Kelly
Al Santell silent sports boxing comedy series starring George O'Hara, and all star cast: Kit Guard, Al Cooke, Clara Horton, Mabel Van Buren, and Clark Gable (in one of his 14 uncredited roles prior to making his real debut in 1931's "The Painted Desert"). Note that this was one of a series of boxing films with the same characters, and each new film in the series was called a "round" (appropriate for a series of boxing movies!), but these movies were not serials, just connected by having the same characters. This card is the 3rd round, "Six Second Smith".
Captain Fly-by-Night
First one stranger, then another, arrive at the presidio, each with a government pass and each claiming to have been robbed by the notorious Captain Fly-by-Night and his highwaymen. The soldiers and Señorita Anita believe the first to be Fly-by-Night and the second to be Señor Rocha, Anita's fiancée and emissary of the governor. But the first stranger, to whom Anita is drawn, proves to be on a government mission and exposes the second stranger as Captain Fly-by-Night.
Sweet Daddy
Perez plays a henpecked husband who is chained at the neck by his wife in the kitchen and when he tries to stand up for himself, she throws him out of the window where he is dangling for dear life.Once she sends him to the store, Tweedy becomes smitten by a stage actress and tries to woo her with great success until his wife shows up on the scene and all hell breaks loose with cartoon gags.