Sóley Elíasdóttir


Backyard Village
Unable to face the mother who left her at a young age, BRYNJA (40) takes shelter in a small guesthouse in a village outside Reykjavik. There she befriends MARK (50), a British tourist, who's dealing with his own personal tragedy.
Thicker Than Water
Pétur is an optometrist happily married to Ásta. They are expecting a child but already have a 10 year old boy named Örn. On coincidense Pétur finds out that he is not Örn's biological father.
And Björk of Course
A group of Icelanders attend a course to search for their inner self.
Anna Afastelpa
Remote Control
Como su madre quiere ver televisión, Axel, un joven mecánico, debe recuperar su control remoto, accidentalmente tomado por su hermana punk Maja. Durante su búsqueda, se involucra en el conflicto entre Moli, el contrabandista de licores y Aggi, el propietario de un club nocturno que quiere ser el primer jefe de la mafia de Islandia.