Edward Paul

Nacimiento : 1896-08-25, New York, USA

Muerte : 1983-12-24


Ovnis Sobre China
Original Music Composer
El Servicio Secreto Americano acude a una remota zona de China para investigar la aparición de un OVNI. Los rusos pretenden igualmente apoderarse del importante secreto, produciéndose una fuerte competencia entre ambos grupos. La pugna se complicará extraordinariamente al entrar en acción las fuerzas chinas, que igualmente buscan hacerse con algo tan extraño.
The Big Bounce
The story of the Echo communications satellite program, developed by Bell Laboratories, that eventually resulted in telephone calls being able to be made through satellites.
Tom, Dick and Harriet
Music Supervisor
Long distance telephone calls save the day when Aunt Emily tries to sell the farm, and when Harriet tries to decide whose proposal to accept, Tom's or Dick's.
Once Upon a Honeymoon
Thanks to the collaboration between American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T) and Angels from Heaven a song writing working on his latest musical can finally go on his delayed honeymoon. The Angel Chief sends down Wilbur the Angel along with a wireless phone, from the 1950s, to help Jeff's muse , his wife Mary, inspire Jeff to complete the needed song. This while at the same time displaying and utilizing the latest and greatest telephone equipment. This includes color phones to match every decor. Be sure to note the matching wall cords that connect the phone to the wall.
Mahatma Gandhi: 20th Century Prophet
Music Director
Funded by the American Academy for Asian Studies and assembled from more than 10,000 feet of newsreel and documentary footage spanning 37 years of Mahatma Gandhi's life from his early public years to his 1948 assassination. As the footage rolls on, the development of the Hindu leader's life views and philosophy is also presented.
Cheers for Chubby
Music Supervisor
A cartoon film on the danger, prevention and treatment of overweight.
The Fighting Stallion
Original Music Composer
Released from a navy hospital following WW II, Lon Evans learns that he faces eventual blindness and returns to his Wyoming ranch. He sees a beautiful white stallion named Starlight and his cowhands Lem and Yancy say he is a killer and cannot be trained. Lon disproves this by training the stallion to act as his guide in preparation for his future blindness.
Doctor Jim
Dr. Jim Gateson, a country doctor who has counselled and ministered to his community for 30 years, is being honored with a surprise testimonial dinner. The scenario then flashes back through three decades, commencing with the young GP first hanging up his shingle, serving at the front during WWI, home life being disrupted by telephone calls from those in need, and competition from a new medic in town who doesn't make country calls.
Al fin solos
Assistant Music Supervisor
Danny y Hank son dos estudiantes de trompeta que han estado siete años estudiando y tocando juntos en la banda de la universidad. Los dos compiten en el trabajo y en el amor para conseguir los favores de su mánager, la bella Ellen Miller.