Joana Mariani


Meu Sangue Ferve por Você
Me Chama Que Eu Vou
El documental cuenta la historia de los 50 años de carrera de Sidney Magal. Los momentos más significativos en la vida del cantante, bailarín, actor y locutor que se ha convertido en un ícono de la música popular brasileña. El hombre detrás del ídolo, desde el punto de vista de los participantes de la historia.
Vou Nadar Até Você
Ophelia is a 20-year-old girl who lives with her mother and grew up without a father. She suspects that he is Tedesco, a German artist who has just returned to Brazil. Determined to find him, she sends a letter notifying him of her arrival and that she will swim to him from the Santos bridge. Upon learning of the imminent arrival, Tedesco asks Smutter, his great friend, to start following her closely.
All Love Songs
Chico y Ana se mudan a un departamento en São Paulo. Mientras desempacan, Ana encontró una cinta de cassette. Es una cinta mixta que Clarisse le hizo 20 años antes a su esposo Daniel. Aunque separados por el tiempo, ambas historias se cruzarán de una manera única.
All Love Songs
Chico y Ana se mudan a un departamento en São Paulo. Mientras desempacan, Ana encontró una cinta de cassette. Es una cinta mixta que Clarisse le hizo 20 años antes a su esposo Daniel. Aunque separados por el tiempo, ambas historias se cruzarán de una manera única.
Central Airport THF
A documentary about Berlin's former airport Tempelhof. A film about Departures and Arrivals. And about those Berliners who come here to escape from their daily lives and those refugees who came here to finally arrive somewhere.
A Imagem da Tolerância
While the differences in religious beliefs tend to separate and divide, the image of Nossa Senhora de Aparecida is like her cloak, covering and protecting the body of her followers. Aparecida has devout followers of all social classes, religions and regions of the country. Aparecida is a symbol of the maternal heart, kindness and tolerance. All people fit underneath the mother’s cloak. Aparecida goes beyond the church which she represents and transcends the differences so that all feel welcome in her home. The film is constructed by different characters that have emotional, relevant and particular stories about their faith in Aparecida.
A Imagem da Tolerância
While the differences in religious beliefs tend to separate and divide, the image of Nossa Senhora de Aparecida is like her cloak, covering and protecting the body of her followers. Aparecida has devout followers of all social classes, religions and regions of the country. Aparecida is a symbol of the maternal heart, kindness and tolerance. All people fit underneath the mother’s cloak. Aparecida goes beyond the church which she represents and transcends the differences so that all feel welcome in her home. The film is constructed by different characters that have emotional, relevant and particular stories about their faith in Aparecida.
Fé nas Marias
A homage to Virgin Mary by brazilian women.
Marias: Faith in Womanhood
Marias is a film about the feminine. Visiting the celebrations of the Virgin Mary's (Marias) from Brasil, Cuba, México, Peru and Nicarágua, the director Joana Mariani observes the similarities and disparities among their cultures, and listen to women who have their very particular stories about life, faith and devotion. The result is a very singular film that shows that the image of the Virgin Mary (Maria) is a lot more than a religious figure or the mother of Christ.
Marias: Faith in Womanhood
Marias is a film about the feminine. Visiting the celebrations of the Virgin Mary's (Marias) from Brasil, Cuba, México, Peru and Nicarágua, the director Joana Mariani observes the similarities and disparities among their cultures, and listen to women who have their very particular stories about life, faith and devotion. The result is a very singular film that shows that the image of the Virgin Mary (Maria) is a lot more than a religious figure or the mother of Christ.
Road 47
Basada en hechos reales sobre la participación de Brasil en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la película recrea el inusual encuentro entre desertores de tres nacionalidades (Brasil, Alemania e Italia) durante la guerra.
Biopic about the late Joãozinho Trinta, a self-taught classical dancer who turned Rio's Carnival into an international phenomenon in the 1970s and '80s by directing parades for samba schools and putting focus on costumes and decor.
She Dreamed That I Died
This delicate and impressive collection of life experiences centers on a group of foreigners -- Chinese, Peruvian, North American, Senegalese, Australians, French -- who are trapped in Brazilian jails.
O Cheiro do Ralo (Olor a caño)
Un propietario una casa de empeños compra bienes usados a los lugareños desesperados - tanto para jugar a juegos perversos de poder como para su propio sustento- pero cuando entran en su vida el trasero perfecto y un aseo estropeado, pierde el control.