Sarah Houbolt


Tres mil años esperándote
Airport Djinn
La Dra. en literatura Alithea Binnie (Tilda Swinton) parece estar feliz con su vida aunque se enfrenta al mundo con cierto escepticismo. De repente, se encuentra con un genio (Idris Elba) que ofrece concederle tres deseos a cambio de su libertad. En un principio, Alithea se niega a aceptar la oferta ya que sabe que todos los cuentos sobre conceder deseos acaban mal. El genio defiende su posición contándole diversas historias fantásticas de su pasado. Finalmente, ella se deja persuadir y pedirá un deseo que sorprenderá a ambos.
Reflections in the Dust
“I don’t believe in love because I’ve never seen it,” responds a young woman to an unseen interviewer in the first few minutes of the movie. This bleak portrait of loneliness and social exclusion is set on the edge of a desolate swamp where an aging clown and his daughter are struggling to survive. The location could be the end of the world, a place where hope has vanished along with a belief in the afterlife and the existence of God. The two unfortunates live together without the likelihood of change, as fear, aggression, and anger take hold of them – but they also experience sudden moments of tenderness.
Schlitzie: One of Us
The rise and fall...and rise of Schlitzie, the lovable man-child performer from Tod Browning's cult film "Freaks." He lived to perform, until he was put in an institution and left to die. His persona earned him a place in Punk history when the Ramones recorded "Pinhead," dolls and jewelry were created in his image, and "American Horror Story: Freakshow" paid homage to him. According to sideshow lore, Schlitzie was one of the most beloved performers.
Romeo and Juliet: A Love Song
Friar Lawrence
Shakespeare’s tale of teen love reimagined as a rock opera set in a beachside caravan park. A triumphant blast of style and 21st-century Kiwi trailer trash pop. Classic tragedy probably shouldn’t be quite this much fun.