Harry Cheshire

Harry Cheshire

Nacimiento : 1891-08-16, Emporia, Kansas, USA

Muerte : 1968-06-16


Harry Cheshire


Horizontes de grandeza
Party Guest (uncredited)
James McKay, un capitán naval retirado, llega, desde el Este, a las vastas llanuras de Texas para casarse con Pat Terrill, la hija de un rico ganadero. El choque entre McKay, hombre pacífico y educado, y los violentos y toscos rancheros es inevitable. No sólo tendrá que enfrentarse con el capataz Steve Leech, sino que, incluso su novia se sentirá decepcionada por su comportamiento. Mientras tanto, el padre de Pat y el clan de los Hannassey luchan encarnizadamente por el control del agua para abrevar el ganado.
Un mayordomo aristócrata
Irene Bullock (June Allyson) necesita un nuevo mayordomo, y su hija Irene encuentra a un camarero en el puerto llamado Godfrey Godfrey (David Niven). Empieza a trabajar al servicio de la excéntrica familia Bullock, resultando un hombre tan eficiente como elegante, pero muy reservado para hablar de sí mismo.
Casta indomable
Mayor Johnson
En una ciudad fronteriza del Oeste americano, dominada por la banda de los Newton, un agente secreto del gobierno es asesinado. Su hijo, un joven educado pero impulsivo, se traslada hasta allí para buscar a los autores del crimen y vengar la muerte de su padre. Para ello contará con la ayuda de un predicador.
The First Traveling Saleslady
Judge Benson
At the turn of the century Rose and ex-showbiz friend Molly get involved in selling steel. When they come unstuck with corsets they embark on the even more hazardous project of selling barbed wire to highly suspicious Texas cowboys.
Fireman Save My Child
Commissioner Spencer
Comedy about the members of an early 1900s fire company.
Pride of the Blue Grass
A girl owns a horse, and hires a boy as a trainer. The horse enters a race and is injured. The boy takes job at another stable and is semi-seduced by the stable siren. The girl finally rehabilitates the horse then enters it in a big race.
Nieves traidoras
Mr. Elster
Louise, vendedora de cigarrillos en un club nocturno de Nueva York, posee una información que puede ayudar al fiscal del distrito a encarcelar al gangster Johnny Yonkers. Temiendo por su vida, la chica va a refugiarse al Parque Nacional de Glacier. El fiscal le envía a Matt Hallett para convencerla de que vuelva y colabore con la justicia. Louise y Matt se enamoran, pero Yonkers también ha enviado a un hombre para matar a la chica y que no declare. (FILMAFFINITY)
Noche salvaje
Obligado a cumplir condena por matar a dos hombres en defensa propia, Billy Reynolds, antiguo ayudante del sheriff, es encarcelado en la prisión de máxima seguridad de la comarca. Allí se encontrará con Jessie Gormar, un hombre cruel y despiadado que prometió matarle cuando saliera de prisión.
El francotirador
En San Francisco, Eddie Miller, un modesto empleado, armado con un fusil de precisión mata desde un tejado a cuatro mujeres. A continuación se quema una mano para poder ingresar en un hospital y atraer la atención de los médicos sobre su estado mental.
Llama a un desconocido
Durante un vuelo con destino a Los Ángeles, traban amistad cuatro pasajeros que tienen problemas muy diferentes. A causa de una fuerte tormenta, el avión intenta aterrizar en Las Vegas, pero acaba estrellándose. El único superviviente del grupo decide visitar a las familias de los tres fallecidos. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Family Secret
Dr. Black
When his son accidentally kills someone, a lawyer must defend the man wrongly charged with the murder.
Mayor Ducat
A young crusading reporter in a small town tackles civic corruption.
Mr. Seegle - Board Member (uncredited)
Rich, eccentric T.J. Banner adopts a feral cat who becomes an affectionate pet he names Rhubarb. Then T.J. dies, leaving to Rhubarb most of his money and a pro baseball team, the Brooklyn Loons. When the team protests, publicist Eric Yeager convinces them Rhubarb is good luck. But Eric's fiancée Polly seems to be allergic to cats, and the team's success may mean new hazards for Rhubarb.
Thunder in God's Country
Mayor Larkin
Hidden Valley has managed to retain its Old Western atmosphere, free of modern-day corruption, until escaped convict Smitty arrives with plans of taking over and opening the town up as a gambling resort. It's up to Rex Allen and his pals to put a stop to it and sing a few songs along the way.
Blue Blood
An out of work racehorse trainer is adopted by the daughters of a wealthy breeder and trains a cast-off horse for the big race of the season.
Peligro en las nubes
First Senator
El oficial Talbot está decidido a usar misiles teledirigidos en su submarino. La marina todavía no ha dado el visto bueno, por lo que él decide saltarse a la torera las órdenes de sus superiores y comienza a probarlos. La iniciativa no puede resultar peor pues en las pruebas mueren varios de sus hombres, lo que le acaba provocando un colapso mental.
Again Pioneers
Col. Garnett
Citizens of Fairview are outraged when they learn children from the "Patch", a squalid migrant camp on the outskirts of town, will soon be attending Fairview's school.
Chain Gang
Editor Daniel "Pop" O'Donnell
Crusading newspaperman Cliff Roberts masquerades as a prison guard to document inhuman conditions.
Lonely Heart Bandits
Sheriff Polk
Two con artists join forces and pose as brother and sister. He then meets rich widows through the "personals" sections of newspapers, marries them, and both kill the widows for their money.
Casada con un comunista
J. Francis Cornwall
Originalmente titulada "I Married a Communist", fue renombrada como "The Woman on Pier 13" debido a la creencia general del público, convencido de que se trataba de material documental. Brad es el vicepresidente de una compañía naviera que acaba de casarse con Nan tras un noviazgo de tan sólo una semana. Pronto aparece una fotógrafa, Christine, antigua novia de Brad y camarada en su pasado como militante comunista. Brad sufre los chantajes del partido, que lo amenaza con desvelar su pasado si no colabora con sus planes de agitación propagandística. Nan descubre esta coacción y tratará de ayudar a su esposo mientras su hermano emprende una relación sentimental con Christine.
Lucky Losers
John Martin
Slip and Sach's boss, David J. Thurston, has allegedly committed suicide. Slip finds a book of matches with the name of a local nightclub on his boss' desk and finds out from Gabe that a gambling casino is being run out of it. Slip comes to the conclusion that the club had something to do with his boss' death and sets out to find his murderer. The boys get jobs at the club and Louie poses as a rich cattlemen as they gather the information to convict the murderers.
Amarga sombra
Mel Fenelly (uncredited)
Una mujer descubre que padece una enfermedad terminal y decide ocultárselo a su familia y hacer que los pocos meses que le quedan de vida sean los más felices para sus seres queridos.
The Arizona Cowboy
David Carson
A singing cowboy proves his father is not a thief.
Air Hostess
Dr. Lee
The Hansen School for Air Hostesses, operated by Celia Hansen, welcomes a new group of students; a librarian named Ruth Jackson; Lorraine Carter, a nurse; and Jennifer White, whose husband was an aviator killed in World War II. Ruth meets a smart-alec pilot, Dennis Hogan, but complications arise as Lorraine also has an interest in him. Jennifer meets a war-buddy of her husband, Fred MacCoy. All three women, with each other's help, makes it through to graduation day.
Llanura sin ley
Calvin Willis
Un mariscal se infiltra para detener a una banda de cuatreros, pero terminará siendo descubierto.
Sucede todas las primaveras
Team Doctor X-Raying King's Hand (uncredited)
A scientist discovers a formula that makes a baseball which is repelled by wood. He promptly sets out to exploit his discovery.
Irene's Attorney
Una mujer (Helen Walker) y su amante deciden matar al marido (Brian Donlevy) para quedarse con su dinero.
Riders of the Whistling Pines
Dr. Daniel Chadwick
While trailing Forest Ranger Charles Carter, who is suspected of permitting lumber man Henry Mitchell to cut restricted timber, Gene fires at a dangerous mountain lion and apparently kills Carter. Actually, Bill Wright, Mitchell's associate, killed Carter because the ranger had discovered tussock moth infestation in the forest, and if the infestation was not reported, the trees would die and have to be cut, thereby profiting Mitchell and Wright. In order to compensate the best he can, Gene sells his sportsman's camp and gives the money to Carter's daughter Helen . En route to Texas, Gene discovers the infestation and is assigned by the Forest Department to supervise the program of spraying the area with DDT from the air. After the first day of spraying, the DDT is blamed by furious stock men for the many animals found dead of poisoning.
Smoky Mountain Melody
Doc Moffitt
Country-western favorite Roy Acuff and his Smoky Mountain Boys star in the Columbia musical western Smoky Mountain Melody. Not much happens plotwise: Acuff, playing "himself," is a tenderfoot who somehow manages to come out on top when he heads westward. The villains (who aren't all that villainous) try to promote a phony stock deal, but Roy and his pals foils their plans. The comedy honors go to Guinn "Big Boy" Williams as a blowhard sheriff. Smoky Mountain Melody was scripted by Barry Shipman, the son of pioneering female filmmaker Nell Shipman.
T.A. Hartley
An innocent man -- due to a case of mistaken identity -- is beaten. Once recovered, the stockbroker tries to find the actual intended target -- a gangster-- and warn him.
J.B. Sykes
Stigmatized from infancy by the fate of his criminal father, a man is bruised and bullied until one night, in a fit of rage, he kills his most persistent tormentor. As the police close in around him, he makes a desperate bid for the love of the dead man’s fiancée, a schoolteacher who sees the wounded soul behind his aggression.
Las aventuras de la valiente Bess
Edward "Doc" Gray
Ted Daniels (Cameron Mitchell) es una estrella del rodeo que consigue capturar un magnífico ejemplar de caballo salvaje, al cual decide domar y entrenar. Durante el desarrollo de un rodeo, Ted resulta herido de gravedad, situación que aprovecha el propietario del mismo, para apropiarse del hermoso caballo.
For the Love of Mary
Col. Hedley
Young girl gets a job at the White House as a switchboard operator and gets mixed up in politics.
Night Wind
Judge Thorgeson
A boy tries to protect his dog, a German shepherd that served with U.S. Army forces after it begins attacking strangers several years after the war.
16 Fathoms Deep
Uncle Mike
A bitterly jealous sponge fisherman tries to sabotage a fellow diver.
Lawyer Nevin (Uncredited)
Horace Vendig es, en apariencia, un generoso filántropo, pero en realidad se trata de un hombre obsesivo con una codicia sin límites y una afición desmedida a enamorar y abandonar mujeres.
Slippy McGee
Dr. Moore
A safecracker breaks his leg and reforms with a good girl and a priest.
The Tender Years
Fred Ackley
A progressive pastor takes on thoughtless brutality (and constitutional scruples against search and seizure) in order to promote animal cruelty protection laws.
The Flame
The Minister
George McAllister (John Carroll), the black sheep of a wealthy family who has squandered his share of the family inheritance, and lives in constant jealousy, hatred and resentment of his half-brother Barry (Robert Paige), who has been supporting him. George gets his girl friend, Carlotta Duval (Vera Ralston), a job as Barry's nurse with the plan of eventually marrying him. She does, but instead of going ahead with the original plan or getting rid of Barry, inheriting his money and marrying George, she finds that she is really in love with Barry.
The Invisible Wall
Eugene Hamilton
A former GI gets his old job back working for a bookie after returning from serving in the military. Unfortunately, he loses the $20,000 he was supposed to deliver to gambling and a con artist. His attempts to get the money back leads to bigger problems including a murder plot.
El callejón de las almas perdidas
Mr. Prescott (uncredited)
Un ambicioso aspirante a artista de circo (Tyrone Power) está dispuesto a todo con tal de alcanzar la cima del éxito. Cuando encuentra el secreto de un truco de feria, decide montar un próspero negocio con unas ayudantes...
Springtime in the Sierras
Cap Foster
Jean Loring has her men illegally killing and selling game. Roy suspects her and gets himself invited to stay at her ranch. Investigating he finds the freezer where the slaughtered game are kept. But he is caught, tied up, and left to freeze.
Sport of Kings
Theodore McKeogh
Two brothers from the North try to gain favor in the South after they inherit a horse farm in Kentucky.
Code of the West
Judge Culver (uncredited)
Knowing the railroad is coming, Carter is after the rancher's land. Bob and Chito return just in time to save Banker Stockton and his money from Carter's men. When Stockton then lends the ranchers money, Carter has them burned out. Bob knows Carter is responsible and when Carter's henchman Saunders is recognized, Bob goes into action.
The Luckiest Guy in the World
Mr. Mossley
In this MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short, a man destroys his life through gambling debts and stealing company funds.
The Pilgrim Lady
Dr. Bekins
Dennis Carter, the head of a detective agency, and his secretary, Henrietta Rankin, get involved in the murder of a scandal-peddling, blackmailing radio commentator, and evidence point toward Henrietta. Dennis sets out to clear her and also find the real culprits.
¡Qué bello es vivir!
Dr. Campbell (uncredited)
Es la vigilia de Navidad en Bedford falls, NY, y George Bailey está planeando suicidarse. Pero un ángel es enviado para detenerle en su intento. Él le enseñará a George las cosas maravillosas de su juventud, cómo salvó la vida de su hermano y la de otros que, gracias a haber conocido a George, son felices. Así, nuestro amigo descubrirá que... ¡La vida es realmente un tesoro maravilloso que debemos disfrutar!
Dick Tracy vs. Cueball
Jules Sparkle (uncredited)
A police detective uses his girlfriend to track down a homicidal maniac.
Dick Tracy vs. Cueball
Jules Sparkle
A police detective uses his girlfriend to track down a homicidal maniac.
Child of Divorce
An eight-year-old girl is an unwilling and disturbed witness of parental quarrels in her home, and when the parents finally secure a divorce, the judge decrees that the young girl live with her mother for eight months and her father the other four months. The divided life affects her both mentally and physically.
Traffic in Crime
Dan Marlowe
Police Chief Jim Murphy, in a crime-ridden city, deputizes newspaper-reporter Sam Wire, to work as an undercover operative to rid the town of the gangster element. Sam taunts and tricks the two leading gangsters, a mob girl, 'Silk" Cantrell, and a bribe-taking police official, into setting ambushes and death-traps for him, which backfire on them, and achieve his assignment directive.
Smooth as Silk
An attorney enraged over the prosecution of two innocent people goes on a killing spree.
Sing, Neighbor, Sing
Dean Cheshire
Country radio singers of the '40s appear in this tale about a lothario who poses as a professor to seduce coeds.
O, My Darling Clementine
'Pappy' Cheshire
"Dapper Dan" Franklin and his small troupe of actors become stranded in the small town of Harmony, Tennessee. The town is shackled by Blue Laws imposed upon it by a City Council under the influence of their domineering wives. Harry Cheshire is under the thumb of his sister Abigail Uppington. One look at "Pappy's" daughter Clementine, and Dan decides to stay in Harmony...Blue Laws or no.
Swing Your Partner
Harry 'Pappy' Cheshire
Caroline Bird, the crotchety and stingy owner of Bird Milk Products, is not amused when her employees at the Dairyville factory, the oldest plant in the company, broadcast a special radio program in honor of her birthday. Employees Lulubelle, Scotty and Vera Vague, fed up with the terrible working conditions at Dairyville, cut into the broadcast, and Lulubelle asserts that Caroline is a "big hunk of cheese." Lane, the factory manager, cannot find the culprit, and so Caroline goes with her secretary, Dale Evans, to Dairyville.
Barnyard Follies
Harry 'Pappy' Cheshire
A country orphanage puts on a show with some musicians to save their 4H club from being shut down by greedy politicians.