Se invita a un joven escritor a permanecer en un albergue religioso dirigido por una monja siniestra y manipuladora que juega juegos psicológicos mortales con los habitantes.
En Italia, Rosario, un vendedor de zapatos, corre el riesgo de ser asesinado por sus continuos romances con mujeres solteras y casadas. Así que cuando Rosario tiene la oportunidad de trabajar en Dinamarca, donde todo es legal, no lo duda. Allí se enamorará y casará con una danesa.
Tras la caída de la ciudad de Troya en manos de los ejércitos aqueos, las mujeres troyanas deberán afrontar el doloroso hecho de ser convertidas en esclavas y trasladadas a las cortes de los príncipes griegos.
Alex Bolt ha sido galardonado con el premio Nobel por haber creado el "unispeak", un idioma concebido para que sea adoptado a nivel internacional. El gobierno decide financiar una estatua de Bolt que esculpirá su esposa, escultora prestigiosa. Pero ésta se encuentra dolida porque su esposo la tiene abandonada, así que decide vengarse realizando una estatua de su marido desnudo.
Ambientada en la Cerdeña de mediados del siglo XX, se centra en los enfrentamientos de dos familias desde tiempos inmemoriables y refleja una sociedad arcaica en la que los crímenes suelen quedar impunes, al prevalecer la ley del silencio
Assistant Director
Against the backdrop of a cloudless summer, love's unforeseen complications will entwine an Athenian writer, a morosely beautiful daughter, and a scorned local suitor. And then, calamity strikes. Can love redeem the sad girl in black?
Production Director
Against the backdrop of a cloudless summer, love's unforeseen complications will entwine an Athenian writer, a morosely beautiful daughter, and a scorned local suitor. And then, calamity strikes. Can love redeem the sad girl in black?
Assistant Director
The story of a young,wild woman who doesn't want to compromise and settle down. Stella is a restless, rebellious Greek woman who plays with men and enjoys her life as much as she can. But when she meets a young football player, things get mixed up. She loves him but she loves her freedom too. So it's about time she made an important choice.
Production Manager
The story of a young,wild woman who doesn't want to compromise and settle down. Stella is a restless, rebellious Greek woman who plays with men and enjoys her life as much as she can. But when she meets a young football player, things get mixed up. She loves him but she loves her freedom too. So it's about time she made an important choice.
Assistant Director
Telemachus, an unhappy old man, still lives with his sister, whom he expects to restore so that he marries the woman he loves. In the end, he is persuaded by a friend to put an ad in the newspaper to find her bridegroom, without mentioning her real age and highlighting her dowry. Finally, two bridal candidates appear: A retired and a Greek-Argentine landowner...
Assistant Director
A poor man accepts the money someone offers him to marry a foreign woman so that she can stay in Greece.