Director of Photography
A mysterious notebook and a phone conversation with his mom send a reclusive neuroscientist down a surreal path of discovery.
Director of Photography
Cuatro estrípers de un club al que acuden adinerados ejecutivos de Wall Street idean un plan para estafar a sus clientes. Aunque consiguen su objetivo, cuando una periodista empieza a investigarlas, la avaricia y la envidia ponen en riesgo su unión, su amistad y su libertad.
Director of Photography
Mientras aún velan a su recién fallecida madre, las hermanas Connolly se ven envueltas de lleno en un crimen que han de encubrir y que les lleva a descubrir las entrañas del pueblo pesquero de Maine en el que viven.
Director of Photography
Dos mujeres que huyen de la ley deciden robar a una adinerada y psicótica amiga, una mujer que parece seguir inmersa en el mundo de fantasía que ellas crearon cuando eran jóvenes. Sin embargo, cuando esta se da cuenta de lo que tratan sus amigas, decide someterlas a una prueba: les dará el dinero si participan en un juego mortal que lleva años ideando.
Director of Photography
The story of a young woman named Jane 57821, who is living in a totalitarian near-future society where citizens are referred to as 'computers.' 'Dirty Computer' explores humanity and what truly happens to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness when mind and machines merge, and when the government chooses fear over freedom.
Director of Photography
Sucesos misteriosos rodean a dos hermanos cuando viajan a través de un paraje americano. Lo que parece un simple viaje de vacaciones acaba revelando una verdad más complicada y oscura
Director of Photography
Krishna wakes up in a strange place, with a strange guy. As she pieces together how she got there, she realizes that the reasons may be bigger than just the night before.
Director of Photography
Una relación duradera está a punto de implosionar en el curso de una tumultuosa noche. Tras seis años juntos, la pareja de treinta y algo, Henry y Dianne, se encuentran atrapados entre sus miedos y la presión social que les empuja a asentarse como pareja y casarse. Una impulsiva decisión y una sorprendente revelación les lleva a un colapso emocional. Adentrándose en la noche de Los Ángeles, tanto Henry como Dianne encuentran extraños: él es un rockero de espíritu libre, ella una artista encantadora, y ambos les ofrecen la posibilidad de nuevas emociones románticas. Las elecciones que haga cada uno determinarán lo que queda de su relación (si algo quedaba) por la mañana.
Director of Photography
Swell is a smartphone app that changes your mood through sound. When a young couple tries to control each other’s settings, they find their relationship threatened by an unintended cacophony of emotions.
Director of Photography
For Raquel and Peter Jacobs, getting their little boy George into the prestigious Le Chance Academy is going to be a lot harder than they expected.
Director of Photography
Already branded an acting school drop-out, Oliver courts further indignation by serving as his aunt's live-in dog sitter and pool boy. Having reduced his (anti)social circle to his paranoid drug dealer and embittered best friend, Oliver is shaken from his stupor by the arrival of an alluring houseguest dealing with her own issues.
Director of Photography
An old, abandoned bicycle learns to love again.
Director of Photography
The story of a wilting young couple who begin to stage fake marriage proposals at fancy restaurants in a desperate gamble to score free meals and save their relationship, “Proposals” is an electric and self-reflexive look at a modern love that’s become more of a performance piece than an emotional imperative.
Best Boy Electric
Jamie's marriage depends on her birthday gift to her wife. But what if the handbag that Cherry covets is simply impossible to get?
Director of Photography
Delightfully hilarious, yet mixed with great tenderness and humanism, All About Dad addresses the familiar theme of old world father vs. new world kids with deftness and originality.