Carroll Graham


Sweetheart of the Navy
Singer Joan Whitney, called the "Sweetheart of the Navy" by sailors, is struggling to re-open the Snug Harbor Cafe. After her partner, Richard, skips town with the money owed to their creditors, the club opens unceremoniously. Two of Joan's sailor friends, Andy and Pete, offer to help her raise money for the club by staging a fight with Bumper Martin, boxing champion of the fleet. At Andy's request, straight-laced yeoman Eddie Harris replaces him in the upcoming fight. Andy and Pete then intimidate or coerce the sailors into betting on the fight, promising to give Joan the profits. Navy Commander Lodge, who is grooming Eddie for the Naval Academy at Annapolis, is against the fight, however, and Joan decides to "vamp" Eddie to make him fight.
Girl Loves Boy
Bob Conrad is the playboy son of town squire Charles Conrad. Much against his dad's wishes, Bob falls in love with Dorothy McCarthy, the daughter of penniless widow Mrs. McCarthy. At the insistence of his dad, Bob weds Sally Lace. Dorothy's broken heart is mended however, when it turns out that Sally's divorce from her previous husband was never finalized.
Sky Devils
Dos amigos intentan desertar del ejército, pero suben a un barco que les conduce a la zona de guerra. Rivales por la misma chica, destruyen sin querer un depósito de municiones.