César Gutiérrez Miranda


No nos Moverán
Socorro is a lawyer obsessed with finding the soldier who killed her brother during the 1968 student massacre in Mexico. Fifty years later, she receives the clue that leads her to set up an absurd plan of revenge, putting her heritage, her family, and even her life at risk.
Cosas imposibles
La vida es tan curiosa e impredecible que, a veces, uno encuentra la felicidad donde menos lo espera. Matilde es una mujer que, tras la muerte de su esposo –un hombre que abusó de ella constantemente–, encuentra a su nuevo gran amigo en Miguel, su vecino joven, inseguro, desorientado y hasta dealer..
Todo en juego
Ismael, un niño de 12 años, sueña con convertirse en beisbolista profesional pero es asmático. Una noche, mientras se acerca a la chica que ama, es testigo de un crimen.
Director of Photography
Uzi is the name of a firearm, but also is the diminutive of Uziel, who used to be a hitman in his youth. Now he lives crushed by guilt. His crisis deepens when he helps in a childbirth: the force of life fascinates him, and he does not understand how he was able to destroy it in the past.
Laberinto Yo'eme
Millenary and figsty, the Yaqui tribe defends its existence. Since 2010, Sonora's government diverts illegally 75 million cubic meters of water from the Yaqui River each year. This situation has sparked struggles and resistances. In parallel, the Yaqui people have seen flooded their territory by methamphetamines. Now they search for answers to these external aggressions in the depths of their cultural identity.
La Negrada
Director of Photography
Entre la población negra de la costa oaxaqueña, el “queridato” es aceptado socialmente. Juana y Magdalena comparten su vida con Neri, aunque saben que eso les hace daño. La enfermedad de Juana le dará la claridad a Magdalena para retomar su vida sin él.
La Negrada
Entre la población negra de la costa oaxaqueña, el “queridato” es aceptado socialmente. Juana y Magdalena comparten su vida con Neri, aunque saben que eso les hace daño. La enfermedad de Juana le dará la claridad a Magdalena para retomar su vida sin él.
Boys on Film 14: Worlds Collide
Director of Photography
Worlds collide in more ways than one in this stunning collection. Confidence is violated, classes clash and desire is concealed, yet love still triumphs regardless of the consequences.Boys On Film 14: Worlds Collide features nine new, powerful, and dramatic short films: Lee Haven Jones's "Want It" starring Jamie Cutler and Alan Turkington; Sophy Holland and Alicya Eyo's "Brace" starring Jake Graf and Harry Rundle; Mauro Mueller's "A World For Raúl" starring Alexandré Barceló and Adrián Alonso; Dennis Shinners's "Barrio Boy" starring Dennis Garcia and Dan Leonard; Darwin Serink's "Aban + Khorshid" starring Mojean Aria and Bobby Naderi; Jan-Dirk Bouw's "I ♥ Hooligans"; Christopher Bradley's "The Violation" starring Slade Pearce, Elaine Hendrix, and Shayne Topp; Rafael Aidar's "The Package" starring Jefferson Brito and Victor Monteiro; and Søren Green's "An Afternoon" starring Ulrik Windfeldt-Schmidt and Jacob Ottensten.
Las Búsquedas
Post Production Supervisor
Revenge, redemption and chance are the topics that underpin José Luis Valle’s new film. A man runs his errands: cleans the house, picks up the dry cleaning, pays his debts and buys groceries. Then, inexplicably commits suicide. His death smites his wife, Elvira, who is unaware of the reasons for suicide. At another point, Ulises is assaulted and stripped of the portfolio that held the only photo he kept of her deceased daughter. He sets out to find the thief and kill him. The lives of Elvira and Ulises intersect unexpectedly.
Las Búsquedas
Revenge, redemption and chance are the topics that underpin José Luis Valle’s new film. A man runs his errands: cleans the house, picks up the dry cleaning, pays his debts and buys groceries. Then, inexplicably commits suicide. His death smites his wife, Elvira, who is unaware of the reasons for suicide. At another point, Ulises is assaulted and stripped of the portfolio that held the only photo he kept of her deceased daughter. He sets out to find the thief and kill him. The lives of Elvira and Ulises intersect unexpectedly.
Director of Photography
Lidia is a responsible and dedicated maid for a hugely wealthy, elderly Tijuana matron who loves only her pet whippet. Rafael is a quiet and dignified janitor who buys a new pair of shoes to celebrate his imminent retirement from the large corporate facility where he's worked for 30 years. When Lidia's boss dies, leaving everything to her dog, and Rafael's plans get derailed, they both turn to criminal subterfuge to get what their harsh lot in life has denied them.
A World for Raúl
Director of Photography
Un granjero va con su hijo Raúl, muy aficionado al fútbol, a la finca del señor Tamero, un potentado y dueño de las tierras que cultiva, para tratar de negocios. Allí está también Hernán, hijo del dueño, quien insiste en jugar al balón con Raúl y después en beber cerveza y bañarse en la piscina.
Mario, a young teenager, picks up his girlfriend Tere in his black truck. They cruise around for a little while before stopping in a park to talk. Suddenly, Sammy (Tere's father) stops right behind them. It doesn't take the teenagers long to decide to make a run for it making Sammy drive right behind them in car chase around town. The teenagers manage to loose not only the girl's father but the police as well, only to encounter a tragic end to their irresponsible actions.
40° a la sombra
Director of Photography
Un hombre perdido en el desierto, agobiado por la sed y el calor, lucha por distinguir la realidad de los espejismos con los que se va topando.
Hasta el final
Director of Photography
Las repercusiones psicológicas, físicas y emocionales que los suicidios causan al interior de las familias son devastadoras. Hasta el Final, trata de las vivencias y reflexiones de cuatro personas que han presenciado, vivenciado y padecido de manera por demás involuntaria el suicidio de un familiar cercano y por supuesto querido.